
  • 网络jammu
  1. 克什米尔查谟市的首席部长OmarAbdullah,注视着右上方印度当局者联合进步联盟主席索尼娅.甘地和其他人挥手走下印度直航公司的一架飞机,这是到斯利那加的首次国际航班。

    Chief Minister of Jammu Kashmir state Omar Abdullah , top right , looks on as India 's ruling United Progressive Alliance Chairperson Sonia Gandhi and others wave from an Air India Express aircraft , the first international flight into Srinagar

  2. 印度一直对中国自1962年以来控制着同印度查谟-克什米尔邦(JammuandKashmir)接壤的数万平方公里土地的做法提出质疑。中印两国曾在1962年爆发边境战争,最后中国获胜。

    India has challenged China 's control of tens of thousands of square kilometers of land bordering its state of Jammu and Kashmir since 1962 , when the two countries fought a border war , which Beijing won .

  3. 在查谟的军方发言人阿查里雅说,激进分子的确切人数目前还不得而知。

    S.N.Acharya , an army spokesman in Jammu , said the exact number of militant was not known .

  4. 这场动乱的导火索是查谟邦政府6月决定捐出克什米尔谷地的土地修建印度教圣坛。

    The unrest was triggered by the state government 's decision in June to donate land to a Hindu shrine .

  5. 人们现在认为,印度或者查谟其它地区的原教旨主义者随时都可以在克什米尔发动经济封锁。

    Now people are saying that anytime fundamentalists in India or in other regions of Jammu can cause an economic blockade in Kashmir .

  6. 迟早,安理会会在查谟和喀什米尔再次投票,设立禁飞区,那时,印度要做出反应,已经太迟了!

    Sooner or later the UN Security Council will again vote for a NO-FLY ZONE over Jammu and Kashmir-well it will be too late for India to react !

  7. 可悲的是?印巴拼死争夺查谟-克什米尔邦?该邦的山川美丽?正是原因之一。

    Sadly , this physical beauty is one of the reasons why the state of Jammu and Kashmir is engulfed in a bitter territorial dispute between India and Pakistan .

  8. 阿齐兹和另外4个人星期一被警察开枪打死,当时他们正率领抗议队伍向巴基斯坦控制的克什米尔的穆扎法拉巴德前进,抗议查谟邦印度教右翼团体对以穆斯林为主的克什米尔谷地实行所谓的经济封锁。

    Aziz was killed on Monday along with four others in police firing while leading a march to Muzaffarabad in Pakistan administered Kashmir , to protest a so-called economic blockade of the Muslim-dominated Kashmir Valley by right wing Hindu groups of Jammu province .