
  • 网络Lindbergh;Charles Lindbergh
  1. 目前的女性文学研究一般到陈染、林白等以私人小说出名的女作家就戛然而止。

    Firstly as far as the study of the woman 's literature is concerned , too much attention has been paid on the Private Novel , which was created by Chen Ran , Lin Bai and so forth .

  2. 我不确定是富兰克林的雕像或哪条以他名字命名的街道令我们谈起他,我告诉林白这位伟大先人在这里时对热气球很感兴趣。

    Something now brought up Franklin 's name & his statue , the street called after him , I forget what it was . I told Lindbergh about my great predecessor 's interest in balloons when he was here .