
  • 网络Sheet pile wall
  1. 确定单锚板桩墙入土深度的概率极限状态设计法

    Probability Limit State Design Method for Determining the Depth of Single & anchored Sheet Pile Wall Penetrating into Earth

  2. 板桩墙混凝土的耐久性与拉杆的防腐蚀

    Concrete Durability of Sheet Pile Wall Aiti-corrosion of Rod

  3. 运用ANSYS对板桩墙支护模型的计算分析

    Numerical simulation for sheet pile walls using ANSYS software

  4. NL法在板桩墙计算中的应用

    Application of NL Method in Calculation of Sheet-piles

  5. 大变位板桩墙结构的数值模拟与结构特性分析

    Big Distort Sheet-pile Wall Structure Numerical Simulation and Structural Property Analysis

  6. 群锚支护板桩墙与墙后土体的整体稳定性

    Overall Stability Analysis of Multi - anchored Sheet Piling Wall

  7. 带有减载结构的板桩墙

    Sheet - Pile Retaining Wall with Load-Relieving Structures

  8. 土锚挡土板桩墙与土体系统的整体稳定性

    Overall Stability of Anchored Sheet Piling System

  9. 板桩墙明沟结构是海岸电厂取水工程的一种结构型式。

    Sheet pile wall is a potential structure for water-intake project of offshore power station .

  10. 南方某钢板桩码头板桩墙的设计探讨

    Investigation on the Design of a Sheet Pile Wall for a Wharf in the South of China

  11. 粘性土中锚杆板桩墙锚杆抗拉力的可靠度分析

    Reliability analysis of the anchor rod tension resistance of the anchored sheet - piling in cohesive soil

  12. 根据极限平衡条件可确定板桩墙的入土深度。

    Abstract The penetrating depth of sheet pile wall may be determined according to limit equilibrium condition .

  13. 板桩墙的入土深度和内力是否准确关系到整个码头结构的稳定性。

    Moreover , the overall stability of structure depends on the accuracy of penetration depth and internal stress .

  14. 主要分析带有减载结构的板桩墙的设计及结构内力计算。

    It mainly analyzes the design and internal structural force calculation for the sheet-pile retaining wall with load-relieving structures .

  15. 多层地基下板桩墙计算方法与有限元分析研究

    Axisymmetric Loaded Elastic Circular Plate on Multi-Layered Soil The Analysis Research on Computing Method and Finite Element of Sheet-pile Wall in Multi-layer

  16. 本文提出了一种板桩墙结构内力和变形计算的改进竖向地基梁法,该方法基于m法计算土抗力,但限制土抗力的极限值不能超出被动土压力。

    In this paper , a modified method of analyzing vertical beam on elastic foundation for the calculation of the quay wall of sheet pile is presented .

  17. 得到了板桩墙能够显著改善桩后岩土体桩轴法线方向应力矢量的方向和分布特征,使桩后岩土体的桩轴法线方向的应力矢量分异减小;

    The study results show that the sheet-pile can meliorate the direction of the stress vector and the distribution characteristics of the rock and soil behind the sheet-pile .

  18. 在多层地基下板桩墙的内力计算中,我国现行规范建议采用按地基系数面积换算法。

    The simplified calculation method specified by current Code about how to evaluate the loading condition of the laterally-loaded piles in multi-layered foundation is the transformed area of foundation coefficients .

  19. 根据试验结果得出高压定喷板桩墙垂直受压下荷载传递规律,并对板桩顶托加固技术提出建议。

    Based on results of test the law of load transference of sheet pile constructed by the high pressure directional jet grouting method is acquired , and some underpinning technique using sheet pile is also suggested .

  20. 采用竖向弹性地基梁法计算有锚板桩墙,首先要确定锚碇点位移或支承处刚度系数。

    In order to calculate the internal force of anchored sheet piling by the method of vertical beam on elastic foundation , the displacement of anchored points or the rigidity factor of supports should be determined first .

  21. 为保证板桩墙的踢脚稳定符合港口工程结构目标可靠指标β的要求,对现有典型工程(20座码头)进行计算。

    For ensuring the " skirt " stability of sheet & pile wall to accord with the requirement of objective reliability index β. of port engineering structure , calculation on existing typical projects ( 20 wharves ) was carried out .

  22. 在南通熔盛造船有限公司船坞工程中采用的是拉锚板桩墙结构形式的坞室墙,拉锚板桩墙结构形式是工程中应用比较广泛的一种挡土结构。

    The structural shapes of the dock chamber wall are up to different projects . The structure shap adopted in the Dock Project from Nantong-Rongsheng Shipbuilding Limit Company is the sheet-pile wall with anchor rod which is a widely used in practical engineerings .

  23. 介绍了板桩墙支护系统的设计和制作过程,特别是减摩装置和止砂措施,成功的解决了模型板自由位移和开挖过程中的漏砂问题。

    Introduce the design and manufacture process of sheet pile wall support system , especially the decrease friction device and obstruct sand way , it resolved the freedom displacement of sheet pile wall and problem of leak sand in the excavation process successfully .

  24. 简述某钢板桩码头工程施工中,板桩墙的板桩沉不到设计标高的原因及其解决途径。

    During construction of a certain steel sheet pile quay wall , a part of sheet piles for the wall can 't be piled down to the designed elevation . The reason for this and ways of solving this problem are briefly introduced .

  25. 在水平荷载作用下的板桩墙的计算中,应用非线性方法&NL法来考虑桩土的相互作用,利用相似原理求出桩的受力特性,并举出算例。

    In calculation of sheet-piles under horizontal load , non-linearity method ( NL method ) is applied to consider the interaction between pile and soil . Based on the similarity principle , the mechanical characteristics of piles are obtained . ( b ) sheet matal forming ;

  26. 有斜向支撑桩的板桩墙受力性状复杂,采用常用的计算方法难以求得这种结构的位移及内力,从而为工程设计和施工带来困难。

    Calculation and analysis of sheet pile wall with tilted strutting pile is very complex . It is hard to figure out displacement and internal forces of this kind structure by ordinary calculating method , so it is hard to design and build controlling of this similar type .

  27. 板桩码头板桩墙计算方法研究

    Research on Computing Method of Sheet-pile Wall in Sheet-pile Bulkhead

  28. 苏州河中游方桩+板桩的防汛墙维修加固新技术

    New strengthening technology with square pile-sheet pile for flood wall in the midstream of Suzhou River

  29. 当码头岸墙高度较大时,板桩的锚拉杆需在两根以上,才能减小板桩墙的水平位移。

    Also it is necessary to use two anchor ties to minimize horizontal displacement of sheet-pile wall while wharf bank wall with a large height .

  30. 板桩码头是一种主要的码头结构形式,其中板桩墙结构计算又是板桩码头的一个重要内容。

    Structure computation of sheet-pile wall is a major part in design of sheet pile bulkhead , which is a main form of quay .