
  • 网络Muffin;Trifle;Sponge Cake;Songpyeon
松糕 [sōng gāo]
  • [sponge; spunge] 一种混入空气而变得松软的甜食,通常是通过加入打成胶质状的蛋白或果酱做成

  1. 最受欢迎的是抹茶绿茶球和蓝莓松糕。

    Scoops of matcha green tea and blueberry muffin , for the win .

  2. 这就是舔松糕的教训。

    That 'll teach you to lick my muffin .

  3. 这蛋糕是用松糕、奶油和水果制作的,又好吃,又好看。

    The cake was a delicious creation of sponge , cream and fruit .

  4. 汤姆和他的妈妈都非常喜欢吃松糕。

    Tom and his mom both like muffins very much .

  5. 松糕鞋在70年代风行一时,在90年代又再度流行。

    Platform shose were in mode in the70s and again in the90s .

  6. 他们有松糕、巧克力派和一些布丁。

    They supply muffins , chocolate pie and some pudding .

  7. 我在做果酱松糕。

    I am cooking a sponge cake with jam filling .

  8. 我要英国松糕和一杯咖啡。

    I 'd like to have English muffin and a cup of coffee .

  9. 用麦芽酒送早餐松糕

    Chasing down your morning muffin with malt liquor ,

  10. 我为我的聚餐会做了一块松糕。

    I made a sponge for my party .

  11. 松糕鞋又时髦起来了。

    Platform heels are back in vogue .

  12. 我们做了两种颜色的韩式松糕。

    We made songpyon with two colors .

  13. 厚底松糕鞋又流行起来了。

    Platform shoes are back in vogue .

  14. 奶油松糕-Twinkies:涂满了奶油的蛋糕,像海绵一般柔软。

    spongy cakes with creamy fillings ;

  15. 让法国总统萨科齐脚踏松糕鞋?

    Platform shoes for Nicolas Sarkozy ?

  16. 我要橙汁、香肠、鸡蛋、一小块松糕和咖啡。

    I 'd like to have orange juice , sausages and eggs , a muffin and coffee .

  17. 还记得几年前在年轻人之间流行的厚厚的松糕鞋吗?现在你还会穿吗?

    Remember the thick platforms popular among young people years ago ? Will you still wear them today ?

  18. 从白米到松糕面粉,美国人对精加工的谷类食品情有独钟;同时,他们又极易受中风的侵袭。

    From white rice to cake flour , Americans have a soft spot for highly processed cereal grains .

  19. 这位老人在这么冷的早上把自己拽出来竟然就为了一块廉价的松糕和一根香蕉。

    The old man had dragged himself into the Denver morning for a lousy muffin and a banana .

  20. 有些水果松糕含有一点点究竟,比如波提葡萄酒,最常见的是加一点甜雪利酒。

    Some trifles contain a small amount of alcohol such as port or , most commonly , sweet sherry .

  21. 本文就乌贡营养松糕粉的配方、工艺进行了初步探讨。

    In this paper , studies were made with regard to the recipe and processing of Wu Gong nutritious rice-cake mix .

  22. 水果松糕是由蛋奶沙司、水果、海绵蛋糕、果汁和搅打过的奶油特制而成。

    Trifle is a dish made from thick custard , fruit , sponge cake , fruit juice , and whipped cream .

  23. 可否不要烤面包而要一块英式小松糕?松饼罐中焙制的小蛋糕。

    Would it be possible to have an English muffin instead of toast ? small cake baked in a muffin tin .

  24. 现在就跟着松糕烘焙师萨拉·斯宾塞来学学如何这道精美的糕点吧。

    Sarah Spence , baker for Muffin Heaven , shows you how to make them in this quick and simple recipe .

  25. 现在用脱水蔬菜和燕麦做的松糕才是上选。它可以在让你大饱口福的同时保证让你整个上午都精力充沛。

    These muffins are packed full of dried fruits and oats to keep you going all morning , and are super tasty too .

  26. 小松糕一种甜的杯状速烤小面包,通常要在温热时食用常和咖啡一起吃的蛋糕或甜面包。

    A small , cup-shaped quick bread , often sweetened and usually served warm . a cake or sweet bread usually served with coffee .

  27. 这时候,她穿着一件几乎长至脚踝、紧身的雅各布斯连衣裙,脚上是一双厚4英寸的松糕鞋。

    Her hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail , and she was wearing a full-length , form-fitting Jacobs dress and four-inch platform shoes .

  28. 初学者应该避免10厘米细高跟鞋,坡跟鞋和松糕鞋可能更容易适应些。

    The novice heel wearer should avoid 10 centimetre stilettos . You may want to start by trying wedges or shoes with a thicker heel .

  29. 瘦人年纪轻轻就变得古怪、心地不善甚至狠毒,因为他们弄不明一杯热腾腾的松糕圣代对缓和紧张状况的价值。

    Thin people turn surly , mean and hard at a young age because they never learn the value of a hot-fudge sundae for easing tension .

  30. 观看活动的人将现场照片上传到推特上,照片中的男士穿着各式各样的鞋子蹒跚走过一英里,有的穿着亮粉色宫廷鞋,有的则是厚实的松糕鞋。

    Spectators uploaded photographs of the spectacle to Twitter , showing men wobbling along the mile-long course wearing everything from neon pink court shoes to chunky platforms .