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  • 网络Songjiang;songjiang district
  1. 上海市松江区社区卫生服务机构的SWOT分析及对策建议

    SWOT Analysis and countermeasures for community-based health facilities in Songjiang District , Shanghai

  2. 应用GPS定位取样,ASI施肥推荐等方法,对上海松江区佘山镇将凤农场规模经营的耕地土壤养分精准管理对麦子的增产效益进行研究。

    Effects of soil nutrient precision management on yield of wheat and barely in Jiang-feng Farm , Songjiang District , Shanghai were studied by using GPS for site-specific management and ASI for fertilizer recommendation .

  3. 这名居住在松江区的患者之前已经接种了疫苗。

    The patient who lives in Songjiang District has been vaccinated .

  4. 上海市松江区古树名木景观评价研究

    Landscape Evaluation of Heritage Trees in Songjiang District , Shanghai

  5. 上海市松江区居民吸烟状况分析

    An analysis of tobacco use in Songjiang district in Shanghai

  6. 浅谈上海松江区农村水利现代化

    Study on Modernization of Rural Water Conservancy in Songjiang County of Shanghai

  7. 松江区区域性医疗信息资源共享体系的系统构架。

    Songjiang regional medical information resource sharing system framework .

  8. 松江区天然气转换简介及评述

    Briefing of NG Conversion in Songjiang District , Shanghai

  9. 松江区中心医院已暂停门诊服务,并为所有员工安排了核酸检测。

    The hospital has suspended outpatient services and arranged nuclear acid tests for all employees .

  10. 松江区中心医院已被关停,并在其入口处设置了格挡物。

    Songjiang Central Hospital has been locked down and barriers set up at its entrances .

  11. 应用趋势季节模型预测上海市松江区手足口病疫情

    Predict hand-foot-mouth disease condition in Songjiang District of Shanghai City based on seasonal trend model

  12. 上海市松江区中心医院儿科门诊抗菌药物应用分析

    Investigation of the use of antibacterials in pediatric outpatient department in Shanghai Songjiang Central Hospital

  13. 上海市松江区行政中心市政大厦结构设计及经济分析

    Design and Cost Analysis of Municipal Building of Administrative Center in Songjiang District of Shanghai

  14. 松江区中心医院表示,核酸检测是对其员工进行例行检测的一部分。

    The hospital said the test was done as part of routine testing of its employees .

  15. 上海市松江区健康检查中发现疑似职业病病例的情况

    Detection of Suspected Cases of Occupational Diseases in Health Examination in Songjiang District of Shanghai City

  16. 2006与2008年上海市松江区公共场所监管量化分级管理结果

    Results of Ranking Supervision for Public Places of Songjiang District , Shanghai in 2006 and 2008

  17. 上海市松江区21家医疗机构门诊处方合理用药国际指标调研

    International Indicators for Rational Drug Use in Outpatient Prescriptions of 21 Medical Institutions in Shanghai Songjiang District

  18. 松江区41名2岁以下婴幼儿营养与喂养状况调查

    Survey on Status about Nutrition and Feeding of 41 Infants and Children under 2 Years Old in Songjiang District

  19. 据媒体报道,类似的政策于2009年在上海松江区医疗急救中心试点。

    A similar policy was piloted in 2009 at Shanghai 's Songjiang District Medical Emergency Center , media reported .

  20. 患者在松江区中心医院工作,今早通过例行核酸检测确诊。

    the individual works at Songjiang Central Hospital and was diagnosed after a routine nucleic acid test this morning .

  21. 患者居住的松江区永丰街道仓丰路社区目前被列为中风险区。

    The patient lives at Yongfeng Community on Cangfeng Road , which is now listed as a medium risk area .

  22. 上海市松江区1953&2008年传染病疫情分析

    Analysis on epidemiological trend of class A and class B infectious diseases from 1953 to 2008 in Songjiang district Shanghai

  23. 上海市松江区大肠癌因症就诊早发现效果分析

    An Analysis on the Result of Early Detection on Colorectal Cancer in Symptomatic Clients in Songjiang District , Shanghai City

  24. 我们约好在上海西南郊区松江区会面。韩寒就住在那个灰蒙蒙的地区。

    We have arranged to meet in the grey south-western suburbs of Shanghai , in the Songjiang District where Han lives .

  25. 生产工厂设立于松江区佘山工业区,负责产品开发设计和实现。

    Our factory is located in Sheshan Industry Zone in Songjiang District and takes charge of the design and manufacture of products .

  26. 目的:了解上海市松江区21家医疗机构门诊合理用药状况。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the situation of rational use of drugs in the outpatient prescriptions in21 medical institutions in Shanghai Songjiang district .

  27. 目的了解上海市松江区公立医疗机构医生对收支两条线管理与绩效考核制度的认知与评价情况。

    OBJECTIVE To learn doctors'awareness and evaluation about the separation of revenue and expenditure and performance appraisal in public medical institutions in Songjiang District .

  28. 目的了解上海市松江区基层预防保健人力资源的发展现况。

    OBJECTIVE To understand the current status and development of human resources in preventive healthcare in primary health care institutions , Songjiang District , Shanghai .

  29. 目的了解上海市松江区医患双方对双向转诊的知晓度和患者的转诊意愿。

    Objective To investigate the knowledge of dual referral in hospital employees and patients as well as referral willingness in patients in Songjiang District of Shanghai .

  30. 吴女士展示了距离她的办公室车程很近、位于松江区的三层高的新工厂和仓库,面积达4000平方米。

    Ashort car journey from her offices , Ms Wu shows off the three floors of the new 4,000 sq m factory and warehouse in Songjiang District .