
  1. 而第一次国共合作是杨匏安政治生涯闪光的年代,可以说,研究第一次国共合作这一重大历史事件,杨匏安是一个不可或缺的历史人物。

    The first Kuomintang-communist cooperation period is a political career flash of Yang pao-an . So we can say , when studied this major historical event , Yang pao-an is an indispensable historical figures .

  2. 二十世纪初,中国处于社会变革的动荡时期,人民生活在水深火热之中,十月革命的胜利使中国知识分子逐步认识到了只有马克思主义才能救中国,杨匏安就是其中之一。

    At the beginning of the Twentieth Century , China is in the social transformation period , people living in dire straits , the victory of The October Revolution that Chinese intellectuals gradually realized that only Marx can save China , Yang Pao-an is one of them .