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  • Du Mu
杜牧 [dù mù]
  • [Du Mu] 字牧之,唐代著名诗人,京兆万年(现陕西西安)人

  1. 论区域自然环境与杜牧的文学创作

    On the local natural environment and Du mu 's literary creation

  2. 浅论杜牧对词体的影响

    The Effect on the Style of Ci by Du Mu

  3. 娉娉袅袅十三余,豆蔻梢头二月初。(杜牧《赠别》)

    Slim and supple and not yet fourteen , | she is like the spring-tip of a cardamom spray .

  4. 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。(杜牧《清明》)

    The rain falls thick and fast on all souls'day , | the men and women sadly move along the way .

  5. 十年一觉扬州梦,赢得青楼薄幸名。(杜牧《遣怀》)

    Waking up from my ten-year dream in yangzhou ,| I 've won the name of a fickle man among the pleasure quarters .

  6. 停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。(杜牧《山行》)

    I stop my carriage to admire the Maple Grove at nightfall , | whose frosty leaves are redder than the flowers of early spring .

  7. 杜牧诗歌中数字入诗的艺术

    The art of using numbers in Du Mu 's poems

  8. 杜牧卒年辩证

    Discrimination of Versions of Du Mu 's Death Year

  9. 杜牧的樊川情结

    Du mu 's affective knot in fan - Chuan

  10. 有关杜牧已有十余种专著和四百多篇研究论文。

    There are morethan ten monographs and four hundred papers concerned with Du Mu .

  11. 第三章主要论述杜牧女性题材作品的文化意义。

    The third chapter discusses the cultural significance of Du Mu female theme works .

  12. 杜牧思想框架论

    On Discussion of Du Mu 's Thought Framework

  13. 试论杜牧、李商隐诗序的差异及其原因

    The Differences and Reasons of the Poem Preface between DU Mu and LI Shangyin

  14. 杜牧是晚唐时期著名的诗人与散文家。

    Du Mu is a famous poet and poser in the late Tang Dynasty .

  15. 论杜牧的女性题材诗

    On Female Theme Poems of DU Mu

  16. 重意立言追求高绝&谈杜牧的文学思想

    Putting Emphasis on the Ideas and Pursuing the Excellence : on Du Mu 's Literature Thoughts

  17. 杜牧散文研究

    Research on Du Mu 's Prose

  18. 杜牧《泊秦淮》五种英译文的逻辑功能分析

    Logical Meta-function Analysis of Five English Versions of A Mooring on River Qinhuai by Du Mu

  19. 杜牧的色彩世界

    Du Mu 's Colourful World

  20. 李商隐、杜牧对李贺白玉楼传说不同接受缘由探析

    Exploration on Different Reasons of Li Shang yin and Du mus Accepting Li He White Jade Building Legend

  21. 杜牧诗文在朝鲜半岛的流传及其影响&以李奎报为例

    The Spreading and Influence of Du Mu 's Poems on Korean Peninsula & A Case Study of Lee Gyu-Bo

  22. 杜牧借李戡之口对元稹诗章的指责源于杜牧与元稹的私恨及党派争斗,是不公正的评价。

    The blame of Du mu to Yuan zhen is the pour of hate and the effect of political struggle .

  23. 另,咏清明诗极多,杜牧《清明》诗最为著名。

    The other , Yong Ching Ming poetry very much , Du Mu ," Qingming " the most famous poems .

  24. 刘禹锡和杜牧是中晚唐诗坛两位杰出的诗人,也是个性非常鲜明的诗人。

    Liu Yuxi and Du Mu are two distinguished poets in the late Tang Dynasty , and they are also poets with distinctive personality .

  25. 本文从杜牧六百多篇作品中梳理出七十六篇女性题材作品。

    This essay has sorting out 76 " Female Theme Works " from more than 600 works of the famous poet Mr. Du Mu .

  26. 论杜牧出守湖州风情诗中的政治寓意&以《叹花》为例

    Defining the Political Theme : The Implication in Du Mu 's Love Poem in Huzhou & take " To sigh Flowers " as example

  27. 通过对这一语象的解读,可以更好地把握杜牧在追求自我实现过程中面临的人生困境,以及自我消解的心理。

    After understanding the language sign , we can master his aspiration of seeking self-realization and his psychology of self-extrication from the life embarrassment .

  28. 杜牧(803&852)是唐朝著名诗人,他的抒情与浪漫绝句诗最为人所称道。

    Du Mu ( 803 & 852 ) was a famous poet of the Tang dynasty and is best remembered for his lyrical and romantic quatrains .

  29. 或许是对于杜牧这样的使用的认同及赞赏,之后的诗文当中大量的使用到这一典故,其所包含的意义还有了扩大。

    Perhaps it is approval and the appreciation to such use , there were many poems also using the proverb after that , some even meaning more .

  30. 樊川诗集注》是清人冯集梧对唐代著名诗人杜牧《樊川诗》所作的注本。

    Connotations on Poetry Anthology of Fan Chuan was annotated version of Feng Ji-wu which is about the poems written by Tang Dynasty 's renowned poet Du Mu .