
  1. 据医院骨科医生李莉介绍,医院对病患进行了优先处理,组织了输血科、骨科、急诊科、麻醉科等20多名医护人员。

    The hospital prioritized his case and organized more than 20 doctors and nurses from departments including blood transfusion , orthopedics , emergency and anesthesiology , according to Li Li , an orthopedist at the hospital .

  2. 能源咨询公司安迅思中国(ICISChina)研究总监李莉表示:亚洲市场已(为中国柴油和汽油出口)作好了准备。

    Asian markets have already braced themselves for an influx of Chinese diesel and gasoline , said Li Li , research director for energy consultancy ICIS China .

  3. 李莉是北京一家饭店的服务员。

    Li Li is a waitress in a Beijing restaurant .

  4. 在这两个女孩子,李莉是比较勤奋的。

    Lily is the more hard-working of the two girls .

  5. 李莉:不,它不是。滑雪是我最喜欢的运动。

    LILY : No , it isn ' t.Skiing is my favourite sport .

  6. 露西比李莉唱得好。

    Lucy sings better than Lily .

  7. 从景德镇民窑技艺到陕北窑洞民间艺术,方李莉博士关注的是艺术作为一种文化符号的价值取向。

    Whether the folk porcelain-firing techniques of Gingdezhen or the folk art of the cave dwellings in northern Shanxi Province , what attracts Dr.

  8. 李莉小姐,作为中国东方进出口公司的秘书,被安排去机场接一位来自美国加利福尼亚的客户史密斯先生。

    Lily , the secretary of the East Import & Export Corporation of China , was asked to go to the airport to meet their customer named Mr.

  9. 这对羊和鹿去年时便相爱了。动物园管理人员李莉(音译)在接受《中国日报》采访时表示。

    " The sheep and the deer have been in love with each other since last year ," Li Li , a staff member with the zoo , told China Daily .

  10. 高校图书馆非图情专业馆员继续教育的探索高校图书馆要因馆制宜加快学科馆员建设&兼与李莉同志商榷

    Exploration on the Further Education of Non-Library and Information Science Librarians in University The University Library Must Construct the Discipline Librarian System on the Basis of Local Conditions & Discuss with Li Li