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  1. 尽管如此,李剑锋遭遇的情况还不算最糟。

    Nonetheless , it could have been worse for Mr Li .

  2. 在这第三次尝试中,监管机构说服了民营企业家李剑锋来重振中核钛白,并聘请周放生实事求是地记录这一过程。

    On their third try , regulators persuaded Li Jianfeng , a private entrepreneur , to revive the business and recruited Mr Zhou to document the process , warts and all .

  3. 在影片结尾,破产改革最终取得了成功,但这一过程并不容易——工厂的管理层不信任李剑锋,当地官员处心积虑破坏他的努力,在一次特别激烈的对峙中,李剑锋病倒了。

    In the end , it was a success , the film concludes , but it was not easy - the plant 's management mistrusted Mr Li , local officials tried to sabotage his efforts and he suffered a physical collapse during one particularly intense confrontation .