
  1. 其次,“阿尔法Go”四比一打败李世石后,网友们开始向它发起另一个普通中国人都熟悉的游戏挑战。

    Then , as AlphaGo marked three victories in the five-game match , defiant web users began calling for a challenge in an arena average Chinese are more comfortable in .

  2. 李世石(LeeSe-Dol)是围棋世界冠军。围棋这种古老的中国棋盘游戏,被认为是世界上最复杂的棋类游戏。

    Lee Se-Dol is the world champion of Go , the ancient Chinese board game that is considered the world 's most complex .

  3. 韩国九段棋手李世石(LeeSe-Dol)表示,在周三举行的首场对弈中败在机器手下,使他处于震惊之中。

    Lee Se-Dol said he was in shock at losing to a machine after it beat him in the first game on Wednesday .

  4. 谷歌(Google)的人工智能程序AlphaGo刚刚在5局的围棋对弈中击败或许称得上目前最优秀的棋手李世石(LeeSe-dol)。

    Google 's AI , AlphaGo , has just finished a five-game series of Go against Lee Se-dol , perhaps the best player of the game alive .

  5. 周二,谷歌(Google)的AlphaGo计算机系统以4比1的总比分战胜了韩国围棋大师李世石(LeeSe-dol)。这是人工智能发展中的一个里程碑时刻。

    Google 's AlphaGo computer system sealed a 4-1 victory over a South Korean Go grandmaster on Tuesday , in a landmark moment for the development of artificial intelligence .

  6. 然而,AlphaGo在与李世石的5局交锋中,有4局获胜。

    Yet AlphaGo beat Mr Lee in four of the five games .

  7. 周二,哈萨比斯在Twitter上发帖称,系统日志显示,AlphaGo认为李世石走出那一步的可能性低于万分之一。

    The system 's log showed that it had assessed the likelihood of Mr Lee 's move at less than one in 10000 , Mr Hassabis tweeted on Tuesday .

  8. 例如,如果李世石的成绩提高,则AlphaGo的成绩也会随之提高。

    For example , AlphaGo will see its score going up if Lee Sedol 's score increases .

  9. 突破的时刻在上周三来临——在3个半小时的对弈之后,李世石向AlphaGo认输。

    That moment came on Wednesday when , after three-and-a-half hours play , Mr Lee conceded to AlphaGo .

  10. 李世石承认,此前他低估了AlphaGo的技能,但他表示,该软件并不完美。

    Mr Lee acknowledged he had underestimated AlphaGo 's skills , but said the software was not perfect .

  11. 上周四,谷歌(Google)旗下的DeepMind公司在对围棋世界冠军李世石(LeeSe-dol)的第二局比赛中取胜,这令它距离取得这场五局对战的胜利仅一步之遥。

    Yesterday , Google 's DeepMind subsidiary won its second game of Go against Lee Se-dol , world champion of the ancient board game , putting it on the brink of victory in a five-game series .

  12. 今年3月,AlphaGo与韩国职业围棋手李世石正面交锋,因此蜚声世界。

    The program gained worldwide fame when it went head-to-head with South Korean professional Go player Lee Se-dol in March .

  13. 参加此次考试的一名名叫佘雨佳的学生表示,自己仿佛是代表全人类与电脑程序进行PK,尤其是在去年谷歌的阿尔法狗打败专业棋手李世石之后。

    She Yujia , a student in the contest , said she felt like fighting the program on behalf of humans , especially after Google 's AlphaGo beat professional Go player Lee Sedol of South Korea last year .

  14. 10年来保持着世界排名第一的韩国棋手李世石(LeeSe-Dol)对自己的首场胜利感到高兴,尽管AlphaGo已经稳拿这轮五局对弈的100万美元奖金。

    Lee Se-dol , the South Korean who has been the top Go player for a decade , was delighted at his first victory , although AlphaGo had already clinched the $ 1m prize in the best-of-five series .

  15. 有传言称AlphaGo将迎战曾击败李世石的柯洁,但是该消息已经被DeepMind公司的联合创始人德米什·哈萨比斯否认。

    Rumors said AlphaGo would face off against Ke Jie after beating Lee , but this was denied by DeepMind co-founder Demis Hassabis .

  16. 在3月份的一场挑战赛中,AlphaGo以4比1击败韩国围棋大师李世石,震惊世界。

    It beat South Korean Go master Lee Sedol by 4 to 1 in a challenge match in March , causing a sensation around the world .

  17. 他把李世石形容为“围棋界的罗杰•费德勒(RogerFederer)”,因此对一些人来说,AlphaGo的成就类似于一台机器人站上了温布尔登的草坪并战胜了这位网球传奇冠军。

    He describes Mr Lee as the " Roger Federer of Go , " and for some the computer program 's achievement is akin to a robot taking to the lawns of Wimbledon and beating the legendary tennis champion .

  18. 李世石可以说是过去10年最棒的围棋手,他曾预计自己会取得压倒性胜利。他认为,AlphaGo缺少击败他所需的“直觉”。

    Lee Se-dol , arguably the best player of the past decade , had expected to win a crushing victory , arguing that AlphaGo lacked the " intuition " needed to beat him .

  19. 由于本月初谷歌人工智能程序AlphaGo对弈韩国围棋大师李世石取得历史性的胜利,互联网巨头们就人工智能的前景展开了热烈讨论。

    Internet tycoons had heated discussions on the promise of artificial intelligence ( AI ) following the historic victory earlier this month for Google Inc 's AI-powered AlphaGo over South Korean Go master Lee Se-dol .

  20. 周二的最后一局是双方拼杀得最难解难分的一局:AlphaGo起先出现了一次失误,但后来挽回了局面,把李世石拖入读秒,李世石在读秒阶段投子认输。双方都用尽了分配给自己的两小时。

    Tuesday 's final game was one of the closest : AlphaGo recovered from an early error to force Mr Lee into resignation in overtime , with each player having used up the allotted two hours .

  21. 即便如此,AlphaGo电脑在古老的中国棋盘游戏——围棋的对垒中击败韩国九段棋手李世石(LeeSedol),在五局“人机对战”中首战告捷,不仅标志着电脑荣誉板上的一个新档次。

    Even so , the triumph of the AlphaGo computer over the South Korean world champion Lee Se-dol in the first of a five-match series in the ancient Chinese board game of Go marks more than just a new notch on the computerised honours board .

  22. 它没有李世石的天赋或战略眼光;

    It did not have his genius or strategic insight ;

  23. 不过,李世石显然遭遇了一次活生生的展示。

    But Mr Lee has clearly been on the receiving end of a highly visible demonstration .

  24. 赛前对胜利信心满满的李世石,在落败后坦承“震惊”。

    Mr Lee had been confident of victory and proclaimed himself " shocked " by his defeat .

  25. 李世石拒绝承认人类统治围棋的时代已经终结。

    Mr Lee , meanwhile , refused to concede that the era of human supremacy in Go was at an end .

  26. 看来,李世石我行我素的性格不仅在棋盘上体现得淋漓尽致,生活中也是名不虚传。

    It seems that Li Shishi its own character not only reflected on the board in the head , life is a well-deserved reputation .

  27. 2016年3月,谷歌的人工智能程序阿尔法狗在五轮对决中以4:1的比分战胜韩国棋王李世石。

    In March 2016 , Google 's artificial intelligence program AlphaGo scored a 4-1 victory over South Korean Go master Lee Se-dol in a five-round showdown .

  28. 但在上周三开始这场对决中,计算机程序赢了前三局,而后李世石在上周日扳回一局。

    But the program won the first three games in the series , which began last Wednesday , before Mr Lee clawed back a victory on Sunday .

  29. 在大胜李世石之后,“阿尔法狗”和柯洁成为最为热门的对手。最近,柯洁曾在几场非官方的网上游戏中败给了“阿尔法狗”。

    After its comprehensive victory over Lee , AlphaGo will be the favorite for the match with Ke , who recently lost a few unofficial online games against the AI .

  30. 丰田杯八分之一赛之后,我曾说过,虽然李世石如日中天,但八强战对大李并没有成算。

    After Toyota cup1 / 8 matches , I once had said that although Li Shishi at the height of power , but eight strong wars have not become to big Li Bing calculated .