
mù ǒu
  • puppet;marionette;wooden image;carved figure
木偶 [mù ǒu]
  • (1) [puppet;carved figure;wooden image]

  • (2) 木头做的人像或形似其他生物的小东西

  • (3) 常用来形容痴呆的神情

  • 他像个木偶

  1. 学生们奉献了一台哑剧形式的木偶戏。

    Pupils presented a mime and puppet show .

  2. 中国木偶艺术,是中国艺苑中的一枝独秀的奇葩。

    Chinese puppet art is a special branch of Chinese art .

  3. 他们用木偶来启发小观众的想象力。

    They use puppets to capture the imagination of younger audiences .

  4. 利兹·沃克熟练地操纵着木偶。

    The puppets are expertly manipulated by Liz Walker

  5. 我们观看了一场演出,内容有木偶和杂技。

    We watched a performance which included a puppet show and acrobatics .

  6. 他猛一拉绳子,木偶就跳了起来。

    He jerked the string and the puppet jumped .

  7. 艺术家们控制屏幕后面的木偶(puppets)并伴随音乐讲述故事。

    The   artists control   puppets     behind   the   screen   and   tell   stories   to   the   music .

  8. 他创造了一个小玩具剧场,为他的木偶制作衣服。

    He created a small toy theatre and made clothes for his puppets .

  9. 我希望带着这个木偶周游世界。

    With this marionette I wish to travel through the world .

  10. 生还者认识到,他们不过是上帝的舞台上有知觉的木偶而已。

    The living knew themselves just sentient puppets on God 's stage .

  11. 没错,只有一个老鼠木偶打败过他们。

    Yes , only a rat puppet beat them out .

  12. 她的这段表演实在是木偶戏历史上难得一见的一幕

    This bit of her act is really a moment of puppeteering history .

  13. 一个表演者控制木偶的头部,面部和右手。

    One puppeteer controls the doll 's head , face , and right hand .

  14. 泥人回答木偶说:

    The man made of mud replied :

  15. 沙利文先生是一位专业的木偶戏表演者。

    Mr. Sullivan is a professional puppeteer .

  16. 他爱上了将军的侄女波琳娜——一个控制欲极强的年轻女子,她总像操纵木偶的大师一样操纵着他。

    He falls in love with the General 's niece , Polina — a manipulative young woman who pulls his strings .

  17. 有一次,我经过淄河的时候,梦里听见一个泥人和个木偶在河边谈话。

    Once when I was passing the Zi River , I heard in my dream a man made of mud talking with a wooden puppet by the river bank .

  18. 木偶对泥人说:“你原是一块泥土,现在做成泥人了。可是,如果天下起雨来,河里涨了水,那时候,你一定会给水冲坏的!”

    The wooden puppet said to the mud man : " You were formerly2 a lump of earth , now made into a man of mud . But if it rains and the water in the river rises , you will surely be damaged by the water . "

  19. TOUCH意纸·记事本,木偶系列,圣诞温情上市。

    The TOUCH intention paper · diary , puppet series , Christmas Day tender sentiments are listed .

  20. 木偶机器人没有AI程序所以不会自行运动。

    Puppet bots have no AI code and cannot move or act on their own .

  21. 今天,数百万爱好者在观看DVD和卫星转播木偶戏的演出。

    Today , millions of fans watch the latest puppet exploits on DVD and satellite TV .

  22. 在电影工业中这称为可视化,它可以用不同的技术来实现:传统的方式有演员扮演,木偶扮演,情节串连图板,甚至3D电脑图像。

    This is known in the film industry as visualization , and it can be achieved by various techniques : traditional actor acting , puppet acting , storyboarding , and even3D computer graphics .

  23. 美籍古巴艺术家ElsaMora创造了这个可爱的微型木偶屋,屋子有艺术家FridaKahlo的风格。

    Cuban-American artist Elsa Mora created this lovely miniature doll house featuring artist Frida Kahlo .

  24. 它与配置管理木偶结合起来,成为了伸缩Debian部署流程的通用方式,并可以管理大批量的安装。

    Combined with Puppet for configuration management , it 's a common approach to scaling the Debian deployment process and managing large installations .

  25. 以中国传统木偶为例,分析了传统木偶对BJD结构的影响。

    And manufacturer of the distribution of Chinese traditional puppet , for example , the analysis of the impact of the traditional puppet BJD structure .

  26. 阿贡·库尔尼亚万(AgungKurniawan)等本地画家、名为“独立游击队”(Indieguerillas)的二重唱,以及木偶制作者兼卡通师艾克·努格罗霍(EkoNugroho)都带来风格鲜明、异想天开而又严厉的风格,对政治与流行文化发表犀利的评论。

    Local painters such as Agung Kurniawan , the duo known as Indieguerillas , and the puppet maker and cartoonist Eko Nugroho offer an emphatic , whimsical yet brutal approach that can deliver scabrous commentary on politics and pop culture .

  27. 别逼我去找木偶公民自由联盟!

    Don 't make me call the puppet civil liberties union !

  28. 他在想方设法要弄一张木偶戏的票子。

    He was angling for a ticket to the puppet show .

  29. 我照看的那些孩子对木偶感兴趣。

    The children I was looking after are interested in puppets .

  30. 琼西:大家都准备好木偶剧没?

    Jossie : is everyone ready to practise the puppet show ?