
Market Trend and Industry Countermeasure on Nursery Stock in Datong River Valley
Runoff Analysis and Water Resource Evaluation in Datong River Basin
The Water Resource Transfer of Datong River Valley and Its Effects on Ecological Environment
The top boundary of Jurassic is delimitated between the lower and middle part of Datonghe Formation .
The Flora of Datong River Valley in Qinghai , China Similar genetic diversity of resistant cultivars was detected between the cottons of Changjiang and Huanghe cotton-producing areas .
In terms of lithology , fossil records and sedimentary facies , the Cretaceous in the Bazhou depression , Minhe basin is subdivided into Datonghe , Hekou and Minhe Formation .
The basic thinking and studying method for analysis of water in Datong river capable to be transferred are decided on the basis of learning corresponding concepts of capable transferred water volume .
Based on the theories of ecological water demand , pollutant receiving capacity of rivers , and water environment capacity , the possible variation extent and scope of the factors related to ecological and water environments caused by water transfer were studied .