
  1. 欧洲航天局(ESA)的负责人约翰-迪特里希·韦尔纳已经公布了国际“月球村”的想法,这个计划将联合全世界航天水平先进的国家的力量。

    Head of the European Space Agency , Johann-Dietrich Woerner has revealed ideas for an international ' Moon Village ' that combines the capabilities of space-faring nations around the world .

  2. 韦尔纳在欧洲航天局最近发布的一段视频中描述了这个提议中的“月球村”。

    Woerner describes the proposed Moon Village in a recent video released by the Esa .

  3. 这位专家建议将“月球村”建设在月球两极,或建设在月球远端能够长期暴露于日光下的区域。

    The expert recommends settlement at the poles or in areas of constant daylight on the far side of the moon .

  4. 虽然很多国家--尤其是美国--把目标定在火星之旅上,但韦尔纳称,“月球村”是一种更加贴近现实的做法。

    While many nations - in particular the US - have their sights set on the journey to Mars , Woerner says a Moon Village is a closer reality .

  5. “月球村”的目的是建立一个多种用途的设施,为进行更深入的太空探索创造条件,同时还能用作一个商业或采矿的中心。

    The Moon Village idea aims to be a versatile facility that opens the door for deeper space exploration , while also acting as a hub for business or mining .

  6. 这位欧洲航天局负责人称,“月球村”将联合美国、俄罗斯、中国、印度和日本的航空机构,其他一些国家也将贡献自己的微薄之力。

    The ESA Director General says the Moon Village would join American , Russian , Chinese , Indian , and Japanese space agencies , along with smaller contributions from other countries .