
  • 网络Best Fit;best-fit;bestfit
  1. 最后给出了最佳拟合的光学模型参数。

    The best fit optical model parameters were determined .

  2. 最佳拟合存储器布局

    Best fit memory placement

  3. 莫尔圆求解c、φ值的最佳拟合

    The Optimal Fitting Method for Computing c 、φ Using Circle of Mohr

  4. 威布尔分布是描述管道焊缝金属断裂韧度指标δC的最佳拟合分布函数。

    But the optimum fitting distribution of the fracture toughness δ _C is weibull distribution .

  5. 阐述已知曲线和未知曲线测量原理,利用B样条拟合曲线,以及如何借助最小二乘对测量值(二维)进行最佳拟合和偏差处理。

    The principle is using spline B to fit the curve and having the aid of the least square method to do the best fitting and piation processing .

  6. 以抽样百分位点选择约翰逊分布函数来拟合非正态数据为基础,分析了许多最佳拟合Johnson曲线并转换为正态分布的方法。

    In this paper , the methods of fitting non-normal data by Johnson curve family are discussed .

  7. 在构造分类器过程中,运用BP神经网络技术,把贝叶斯过滤与语义过滤两者有机地结合起来,实现了参数的最佳拟合。

    The BP neural network is adopted during the process of constructing the categorization , integrating the bayes filtering and meaning filtering to draw the optimum parameters .

  8. 然后,提出了最佳拟合对应的最适宜z值的选择程序,以及在这种转换下的控制图技术。

    Then , in conjunction with the sample percentile , the procedure for selecting the most suitable z in best-fit distribution and the control chart based on this transformation are researched .

  9. 本文列举了求Logistic拟合函数的9种常用方法,并以模型预测值与实际观测值的误差均方最小为标准,设计出从中选择一个最佳拟合方法的计算机程序。

    In this paper nine commen methods for logistic fitting curve are listed an-d a computer program about looking for the method , which gives the least residuals for standard and fits to the data best , is designed .

  10. 利用月球重力场展开式中的Stokes系数,确定了月球的力学形状(月球水准面方程),然后计算了最佳拟合的月球椭球体的参数。

    Using the Stokes coefficients in gravitational field expansion of the Moon , we determined the lunar dynamical figure ( selenoid ), then calculated the parameters of triaxial best-fitting ellipsoid of the Moon .

  11. 传统的方法是以Arps递减模型为基础,依据无因次典型曲线图和诺模图,通过复杂的人工计算和反复观察得到最佳拟合。

    Traditional method may be used to get best match through complicated artificial calculation and repeated observation based on the Arps decline model , typical dimensionless curve and nomogram .

  12. 本文提出分布拟合法来估计金融市场风险的VaR,分布拟合法通过求取与样本数据最佳拟合的统计分布函数,克服了传统分析方法在估计VaR时所要求的正态分布假设的缺陷。

    In this paper , distribution fitting method is put forward to improve the estimation of value at risk . Distribution fitting method can find a statistical distribution function that best fits the sample data and overcome the shortcomings of normal distribution assumption in analytic method of VaR.

  13. 二维数值模拟是在一维形式化解释的基础上构制二维初始模型,然后计算各测点上的MT响应,与实测值拟合,以便求得最佳拟合结果。

    2-D numerical modeling is accomplished in two steps : ( 1 ) constructing the 2-D initial model on the basis of generalized 1-D interpretation ,( 2 ) computing the MT responses at all stations , which are then fitted to their real responses to get optimum fitting result .

  14. 系统采用可调谐光纤F-P滤波器作为波长扫描器件,分析和测试了该器件的工作特性,认为三次多项式拟合是该滤波器的扫描电压与透射波长曲线的最佳拟合。

    Fiber Fabry-Perot tunable filter ( FFP-TF ) is used as wavelength selection device in the system , and a cubic polynomial fitting is adopted as the best fitting algorithm to convert scan voltage to scan wavelength after analysis and test of the FFP-TF characters .

  15. 常规正焦CBED方法中,用优化算法使计算的高阶Laue带(HOLZ)线图与实验图达到最佳拟合,进而确定残余应变。

    One technique is conventional in focus CBED , in which the residual strains were determined by using optimization algorithms to fit the calculated higher order Laue zone ( HOLZ ) line patterns with experimental ones .

  16. 最佳拟合曲线在轮重测试仪中的应用

    Application of Optimal Curve Fitting Used in Wheel Test System of Ray

  17. 最佳拟合与神经网络相结合实现传感器特性线性化

    Sensor 's characteristics linearization using artificial neural networks and best-fitting

  18. 传感器静态校准数据最佳拟合直线的一种求取方法

    A Method in Getting Best-fitting Straight-line of Transducer 's Static Calibrating Data

  19. 最佳拟合直线的理论分析及快速逼近算法

    The Analysis and Fast Approximating Algorithm of Best Fitting Line

  20. 确定传感器特性最佳拟合直线的优化算法

    Optimization Algorithm for the Best Fitting of Straight Lines to Transducer Characteristics

  21. 非线性模型最佳拟合方法的研究

    A Study on Optimum Fitting Methods of Nonlinear Models

  22. 最佳拟合非正态过程的质量控制

    Estimating Best-Fit Distribution for Non-Normal Data in Quality Control

  23. 双变数资料的最佳拟合方程程序设计

    Design of Optimum Fitted Equation on Double Variables Data

  24. 压力传感器的最佳拟合直线

    Optimum fitting Straight Line for Pressure Sensors

  25. 最佳拟合求算表明,毛竹幼竹高生长用单分子生长式来拟合精度较高。

    The height growth of phyllostachys pubescens can be simulated by mono - molecule formula .

  26. 在构造解析中,对地质构造的面理和线理进行组构分析,往往要涉及到求解赤平图中的极密中心产状和最佳拟合π圆。

    In structural geology analysis , fabric analysis of foliation and lineation is commonly conducted .

  27. 数字化曲线的最佳拟合

    The Best Curve Fitting of Digitizing Map

  28. 最小二乘方最佳拟合

    Least-square best fit least squares collocation

  29. 用这种方法可以求得最佳拟合直线方程和最小的非线性误差。

    Using this method optimum imitative straight line equation and minimum non-linear error can be got .

  30. 另外为了自动寻找到股骨基轴线的最佳拟合直线,文中采用了遗传算法来寻找最优解。

    In finding the best - fit line , genetic algorithms are used in the paper .