
  • 网络radius;Radius of curvature;curvature radius;curvature;ROC
  1. 曲率半径(ROC)是光纤连接器端面三个最重要的控制参数之一。

    Radius of curvature ( ROC ) is one of the three most important geometric parameters for a fiber optic connector end face .

  2. 结果表明:随着药型罩曲率半径、装药长径比、壳体厚度的增大以及药型罩壁厚减少,EFP的速度增大。

    It shows that with the increasing of curvature radius , liner thickness , the length-to-diameter ratio of the charge , and decreasing of shell thickness , the velocity of EFP increase .

  3. 矩形型钢弯曲回弹曲率半径r值的确定

    Determination of the Curvature Radius of Bending Resilience of Rectangular Shape Steel

  4. 直动从动件凸轮廓线曲率半径的CAD动画计算

    CAD Animation Method for Computing the Radius of Curvature of Disk-cam with Straight Moving Follower

  5. 本文对岩石三点弯曲试样的切口曲率半径与其断裂韧度K(Ic)值间的关系进行了详细的实验研究及理论分析。

    The relation between rock fracture toughness K_ ( Ic ) and notch root radius in studied experimentally .

  6. 球面位置C和曲率半径R是两个重要的检测参数,需要研究一种比较精确的测定方法。

    The spherical surface position C & curvature radius R are two important inspection parameters and a more precision measuring method is required .

  7. 进一步讨论了采用CAD动画的方法,高速高精度地计算凸轮廓线曲率半径的过程。

    Then the process for computing the radius of curvature of planar cam profile is introduced by means of CAD animation .

  8. CCD检测激光束折散宽度及在柱面镜曲率半径测量中的应用

    Measurement of divergent angle width of laser beam with CCD for determination of radius of curvature of cylindrical lens

  9. 结合计算机辅助设计(CAD)系统确定髓内钉的轴向定位和曲率半径的方案,以适应股骨的生物力学特性;

    The axial direction and curvature were fixed on by means of CAD system in order to adapt to biomechanical characteristics of bone .

  10. 在UG平台上进行多曲面连接系统的二次开发过程中,需要由最小曲率半径值反求出桥接曲线(BridgeCurve)的两个参数。

    For the development of UG , the two parameters of bridge curve for a given minimum curvature radius should be determined .

  11. 针对滚轮修整轨迹进行推导和分析,得出了修整轨迹在某点的曲率半径ρ与修整速比q的变化关系;

    A conclusion has been reached between p and q through inference and analysis of dressing track of rotary roller .

  12. 凹槽拐角的曲率半径是凹槽MOSFET一个重要的结构参数。

    The radius of the concave corner is a very important structural parameter .

  13. 曲率半径偏差对轴上MTF的影响

    Influence of the Curvature Radius Deviation on the MTF on Axis

  14. 在临床运用中,应根据临床方案优化设计适合临床应用的一定频率(f)和曲率半径(R)的聚焦超声换能器。

    According to treatment planning in clinic , so it is necessary to select HIFU transducer with suitable frequency ( f ) and curvature radius ( R ) of lens .

  15. 在基于GO和GTD的射线法中,镜面和反射波面的曲率半径是重要的几何参数。

    In ray techniques based on GO and GTD , the radii of the curvatures of the reflec-tors and reflected wavefronts are important geometrical parameters .

  16. 曲率半径和壁厚对EFP成形性能的影响

    Effects of Curvature Radius and Thickness on the Forming Capability of EFP

  17. 采用在一个玻璃衬底上,具有两个不同曲率半径的双曲面透镜实现LD与多模光纤的耦合。

    A double-curved lens with two crossed cylindrical lenses structured on both sides of the glass substrate is used in the coupling system .

  18. 结果表明,对于一定的传输距离,随着发散光束初始曲率半径的减小,小尺度扰动的最大增长频率减小,相应的最大增益减小,即B积分值也减小。

    It is found that for a given propagation distance , the fastest growing frequency , the maximum perturbation growth , and thus the B integral decrease with the decrease of the initial radius of divergent beams .

  19. 目的:研究激光角膜原位磨镶术(LASIK)前后,角膜后表面屈光度及曲率半径的改变以及影响因素。

    Objective : To investigate the changes in the posterior corneal surface topography after LASIK and the factors that influence the results .

  20. 应用x射线衍射技术,发展了一种自动测定晶体曲率半径的方法,通过测量两种不同工艺制备的非晶硅膜,比较其内应力。

    X-ray diffraction technology has been used to develop a method which can measure carvature radius automatically . The strains of two series of amorphous silicon thin film prepared under different processing conditions were measured and compared .

  21. 分析了该极限随LD光束的线度、透镜的折射率和凹凸透镜镜面曲率半径的函数关系,并作出了函数关系图。

    We analyzed and plotted the limitation as a function of LD 's beam dimension , the index of lenses and the radii of the curvature of the meniscus .

  22. 利用无应变剥层技术逐层剥离薄膜,同时测量基片曲率半径的变化,由此测得了一种厚度为2.3μm的TiN膜的残余应力沿层深分布。

    By stepwise removal of a TiN film having a thickness of 2.3 μ m and measuring the variation in substrate curvature , the depth distribution of the residual stress in the film were acquired .

  23. 通过分析可知,理论廓线曲率半径ρ、实际廓线曲率半径ρC和滚子半径r满足这样条件:ρ>ρC≥r>0。

    Through analysis , we know that the condition among the curvature radius ρ of theoretical outline and the curvature radius ρ c of actual outline and the radius r of the roller must be met : ρ > ρ C ≥ r > 0 .

  24. 由电极电压V、曲率半径r0、极径r1、针状电极根数n以及电极环中心距地面垂直距离H等参数决定。

    By voltage , the radius of curvature , a trail , and the numbers of needle electrodes electrodes Center , the vertical distance from the ground , and other parameters of decision .

  25. 系统分析了边界条件、荷载类型、悬臂翼板长度和曲率半径R等因素对直线和曲线矩形截面箱梁剪力滞后效应的影响,明确了上、下翼板的应力变化规律。

    The variation in the shear lag effects on straight and curved rectangle box girders , caused by the changes of factors such as natural boundary conditions , types of loading , lengths of cantilever flanges and curvature radius R , is discussed systematically .

  26. 利用CCD采集牛顿环干涉图样数据,使用自编软件对数据进行处理,根据干涉图样中心坐标计算出了透镜曲率半径。

    This paper introduces a self designed software , which can be used in the data processing of interference pattern of Newton rings , and proposes a method of calculating radius of curvature according to the center of round spot .

  27. 此外,相对等效曲率半径Rr随传输距离的变化为非单调的,存在一个最小值,在该位置处R受湍流的影响最大。

    In particular , the relative effective radius Rr of curvature is non-monotonic versus the propagation distance , and there exists a minimum at a propagation distance where the influence of turbulence on the R is largest .

  28. 优化后晶体因压弯产生的鞍形曲率半径约为弧矢曲率半径的1700倍,造成的入射角误差为2.2μrad;

    The anticlastic curvature caused by bending is 1 700 times as long as the sagittal curvature , and the incident angle error is only 2.2 μ rad .

  29. 应用所建立的模型,采用等误差直线逼近法加工一段曲率半径较小的曲线轮廓,对CNC软件中各个任务的时序逻辑进行了分析,并给出了时序分析结果。

    According to the control requirement for the process , a curve contour whose curvature radius is relatively small with equal error line approximation was formed by the model . Time sequences of every task in the CNC software were analyzed .

  30. 本课题首先采用MAGIC软件对三极管结构的尖锥场发射阴极进行了模拟计算,分别改变尖锥高度,锥尖位置,尖锥曲率半径,栅极孔径及栅极电压,观察阳极收集电流及电子束的会聚情况。

    The structure of field emission triode is first simulated by MAGIC . The tip height , tip position , tip curvature , gate aperture , and gate voltage are changed , to observe the emission current and the electron congregation .