
yì sǔn jiàn
  • Vulnerable parts;quick-wear part
易损件[yì sǔn jiàn]
  1. 制粒机、膨化机、粉碎机、微粉碎机、破碎机、分级筛等设备配件、易损件

    For pellet mill , extruder , hammer mill , pulverizer , crumbler , rotary screener .

  2. CO2气体保护焊焊枪易损件的配置

    The Repair Renovation for the Easily-worn Parts of the Import CO_2 Gas Shield Welding Torch

  3. STM立磨易损件使用寿命长,维修量少。

    Long service life of easy worn parts and little maintenance .

  4. 浮动油封是TBM刀具的主要易损件之一,本文主要针对其工作面形状、材料、工艺、性能进行了国产化研究。

    Floating seal is one of main spare parts of TBM cutters . According to its working surface shape , material , technology and performance , this paper makes Chinese built study .

  5. 本文通过分析易损件滚动轴承失效的原因,先在UG软件中建立了比较精确的CT□-110型弹簧操动机构中凸轮、滚动轴承的三维实体模型,并成功地导入有限元分析软件ANSYS中。

    Based on the broken reasons of rolling contact bearing , accurate 3D-solid model of disc cam and rolling contact bearing in the spring operating mechanism was built via the software of UG and successfully imported to the finite element software of ANSYS .

  6. 首先对SK公司的汽车备件按照使用特性分成常用备件类、定期保养类、易损件类、非易损件类和关键备件类五个大类,然后对它们使用层次分析法。

    First , according to use characteristics to divide the automotive spare parts into five major categories , as common spare parts of classes , regular maintenance type , the vulnerability of class , non-consumable categories and key spare parts . Then use the analytic hierarchy process .

  7. 介绍了SGW-40(80)T型刮板输送机机尾架存在的问题,通过分析,决定采用活板机尾,同时指出活板机尾具有防止机尾轴转动,易损件容易更换等特点。

    This paper introduces the existing problems of SGW-40 ( 80 ) T scraper conveyor drive end unit , by analysis to decide adopting looes-plate end , it has to prevent drive end axle turning and quick-wear parts change easy .

  8. 大幅度提高易损件寿命的喷焊自熔性合金

    Sprayed-on Self-Fusible Alloys Assure Much Longer Service Life of Expendable Parts

  9. 进口气动夯管锤易损件的改进

    Improvement on Wear Parts of Exported Pneumatic Pipe Driving Hammer

  10. 公司可提供进口同类设备的配件和易损件。

    Companies can provide similar import equipment and consumable accessories .

  11. 提高设备易损件使用寿命的理论探讨

    Theoretical Probe into Improving the Service Life of Vulnerable Parts of Equipment

  12. 反击式破碎机易损件材料的研究

    Research in the Wear Materials for Counteracting Impact Crusher

  13. 面向轿车系列易损件的销售与采购。

    Car series for consumable sales and procurement .

  14. 机组易损件、日常使用配件、人为错误操作均不在此质量保证范围内。

    The quality guarantee excludes wearing parts of sets , regular fittings or miss-operating .

  15. 具有三状态反馈机制和易损件分离结构的数字可寻址照明控制系统

    Digital Addressable Lighting System with Three-state Feedback Mechanism and Separate Pattern of Vulnerable Accessory

  16. 钻机易损件配置标准化、系列化程度高、互换性好。

    Wearing parts rig configuration standardization and serialization of a high degree of interchangeability .

  17. 浅谈磨料磨损易损件的选材与应用

    Brief Discussion on Material Selection and Application of Vulnerable Components due to Abrasive Wear

  18. 汽车制动鼓是汽车制动系的基础件和易损件。

    Brake drum is a key component and damageable part in motor vehicle brake system .

  19. 磨盘是高浓磨机中易损件,其使用寿命直接影响着纸浆质量和生产效率。

    This paper studied the new precision form technology of long life pulp refiner plate .

  20. 这家公司不必承担更换易损件费用和修理费。

    The consortium does not have to bear the costs of worn parts and repairs .

  21. 泵阀是钻井工作过程的直接组成件,也是钻井泵中最重要的易损件之一。

    Drilling pump valve is one of the most important wearing parts of drilling pump .

  22. 这一优点对更换大功率泵的轴承和机械密封等易损件尤为明显。

    This seems more advantageous in replacing the bearing and mechanical seal of high-powered pumps .

  23. 本机完全做到了一机多用,节约电力、易损件低廉。

    This machine really has multiple purposes , which is power-saving and low cost wearing parts .

  24. 结晶器的体积较小,无易损件,运行成本低。

    The volume of the crystallizer is smaller , has no wearing part and low operating cost .

  25. 工件间没有碰撞,对易损件、壁件也可放心地清理。

    Because there is no component compact , fragile and thin walled parts can be confidently cleaned .

  26. 这为进一步提高分丸轮、定向套等抛丸器易损件的寿命提供了重要的理论依据。

    These provided an important theoretical base for lengthening the life of the impeller and the control cage .

  27. 矿物加工的非标易损件可制作成耐磨件

    How to Make " Non-standard Wearing Parts " into " Wear-resistant Parts " in Respect of Mineral Processing

  28. 运用先进技术提高关键部件、易损件的可靠性和使用寿命;

    Improving the reliability and service life of key component parts and quick-wear parts by means of advanced technique ;

  29. 向客户推荐易损件和易耗件,提前为客户做好备件计划,准备备件。

    Recommend quick-wear parts to customers in order to help customers make good spare parts plan and prepare these parts .

  30. 本厂产品随配备易损件、工具,并可提供安装调试、操作相关视频光盘。

    Our products equip with wearing parts and tools , and related DVD about the installation , adjustment and operation .