
hàn zuò
  • dry farming
旱作 [hàn zuò]
  • [dry farming] 不灌溉而进行的耕作

旱作[hàn zuò]
  1. 旱作条件下不同苜蓿品种光合作用的日变化

    Daily dynamics of photosynthesis in alfalfa varieties under dry farming conditions

  2. 有机培肥与以肥调水旱作农业技术

    The Organic Fertilizing and the Dry Farming Techniques of the Water-allocating with Fertilizing

  3. 旱作水稻生长期不同覆盖方式的农田N素平衡评估

    Evaluation of Nitrogen Balance for Different Mulching Methods in the Growth Stage of Dryland Rice

  4. 旱作条件下,随着施P量的增加,陆稻和水稻产量均随之增加;

    With the increase of P levels , grain yields of both upland and paddy rice were increased under DC .

  5. 东北典型旱作农田N2O和CH4排放通量研究

    N_2O and CH_4 fluxes from typical upland fields in northeast China

  6. 覆膜旱作稻田土壤有效N、P、K及盐分分层变化研究

    Study on Changes of Available N , P and K and Salt of Different Layers of Paddy Soils under Plastic Film Mulching Cultivation

  7. VA菌根真菌对旱作春小麦抗旱性的影响

    Effects of VA mycorrhizal fungi on Drought Resistance of spring wheat under non-irrigation

  8. PAM(聚丙烯酰胺)应用于西北黄土地区旱作农业的经济分析

    Economic feasibility of PAM application in rain-fed agriculture in the loess regions of Northwest China

  9. 一般情况下,水稻覆膜旱作有利于体内NO3~N和NH4~+-N含量的增加,尤其是NO3~N。

    In general , film mulching cultivation was helpful to increasing NOa ' - N and NH4 + - N content of rice , especially NOs ' - N.

  10. 分析认为,旱作处理中影响AMF侵染的关键因子是土壤水分。

    Soil water content was the important influence factor on infection of AMF in aerobic soil . 4 .

  11. 在旱作区可将1mm降水所能生产的粮食由0.3-0.5公斤提高到1公斤。

    The grain that can produce lmm precipitation in the doing area of the drought rises to 1 jin from 0.3-0.5 jin .

  12. 毕节地区地处黔西北,全区耕地面积101.2万hm2,其中旱地耕地92.36万hm2,占全区耕地面积的91.26%,是典型的雨养旱作农业山区。

    Bijie prefecture , with 0.9236 M hm ~ 2 of upland arable land occupied 91.26 % of total agricultural acreage , is the typical rain fed farming mountainous area .

  13. 水作稻田CH4排放总量比旱作稻田多5~6倍,而两旱作处理间差异不显著。

    Total CH4 flux in paddy cultivation was 5 ~ 6 times higher than in aerobic cultivation but there was no significant difference of CH4 flux between treatment ( I ) and ( II ) .

  14. 结果表明,淹水培养与旱作培养模式下,秸秆还田均提高了红壤和水稻土的土壤pH值、降低了土壤Eh值、提高了土壤DOC浓度。

    The results showed that , in submerged incubation mode and dry cultivation mode , straw returning significantly increased soil pH in both red soil and paddy soil , the Eh value of soil was reduced , but soil DOC concentration increased .

  15. 植株体内放射性活度随着时间延长而降低,从标记后1d到成熟期,常规水稻和旱作水稻体内放射性活度总量分别下降31.6%和31.3%。

    With time extending the radioactivity in rice plant declined . From the next day of labeling to harvest the total amount of radioactivity decreased by 31.56 % in normal paddy rice and 31.34 % in upland rice .

  16. 通过不同栽插密度试验研究,探讨中粳CY6覆膜旱作的适宜密度。

    Suitable density in Zhonggeng CY6 were studied under dry cultivation covered with plastics .

  17. 该虫在浙江省一年一代,以成虫在土下60~90cm处越冬。研究结果表明,改单一的旱作制为水旱轮作是防治该虫的根本办法。

    It has one generation per year and overwinters as adult in soil a depth from 60 to 90 cm in Zhejiang province .

  18. 水稻淹水、陆稻淹水和水稻旱作各处理糙米中的As浓度分别为0.51、0.33、0.16mgkg-1,这表明陆稻和水稻均为As低积累品种。

    The arsenic concentrations of brown rice from paddy rice flooded , dry rice flooded and paddy rice aerobic were 0.51 0.33 , 0.16 mg kg-1 , respectively , it was showed that dry rice and paddy rice both are arsenic low accumulation varieties .

  19. 与裸地旱作相比,覆膜旱作增加了稻田0-30cm土层中土壤有效锌、铁含量,降低了有效锰含量,有效铜含量变化不大。

    Compared with uncovered cultivation , film mulching cultivation increased available Zn , Fe in the 0-30 cm layer of soils and reduced available Mn in each soil layer , but available Cu was almost no difference .

  20. 本研究在典型的旱作农业区以长武农业生态试验站的长期定位试验为基础,研究了长期施肥对小麦产量、氮淋溶、N20排放、CO2排放以及土壤肥力的影响。

    Based on the long-term fertilization experiment at the Changwu Agro-ecological experimental station in the typical dry-farming area , the objective of this work was to study the effect of fertilization on wheat yield , nitrate leaching , N2O emission , CO2 emission and soil fertility . 1 .

  21. 在旱作条件下对不同生态类型春小麦品种在拔节孕穗期补充灌水40mm和120mm,研究了不同品种的光合速率、生物学产量、籽粒产量,分析了不同品种的水分敏感性。

    In the condition of the dry tillage , several spring wheats of different ecological types irrigated supplementarily 40 mm or 120 mm at jointing-booting stage . Studied on the photosynthetic rate , biomass , grain yield , and analyzed water sensitivity of different varieties .

  22. 彭阳县推广机械化旱作农业及节水灌溉技术的实践与探讨

    Practice and Discussion of Spreading Dry Farming and Water-Saving Irrigation Technology

  23. 旱作大豆高产综合技术的生理效应

    Physiological effect of comprehensive techniques of dry high-yield culture of soybean

  24. 陕西北部旱作区小麦区划

    Regionalization of wheat cultivation in dryland farming area in North Shaanxi

  25. 旱作玉米提高降水利用率的覆膜模式研究

    Film mulch modes for increasing rainfall use efficiency of dry-land corn

  26. 甘肃东部旱作区土壤水分补给量的研究

    Research on Soil Moisture Compensation in Rainfed Land in East Gansu

  27. 黄土高原旱作农区径流场修建与集水效率研究

    Study on Construction of Catchment Area and Runoff Efficiency in Loess Plateau

  28. 陕西旱作节水农业制约因素及对策研究

    Restrict Factors and Countermeasure for Dry land Water Saving Farming in Shaanxi

  29. 防治旱作农田土壤风蚀的研究

    Study on the prevention of wind erosion of soil from dry cropland

  30. 全生育期模拟覆盖旱作水稻的生理反应

    Physiological Responses to Rice Plant under Upland Farming with Mulching