
zǎo shuāi
  • senilism;premature senility;early aging;progeria;presenility;premature decrepitude
早衰 [zǎo shuāi]
  • [presenility; early aging; premature deceptitude] 未老先衰;生物体提前衰老

  • 早衰多病

早衰[zǎo shuāi]
  1. 或许那些患早衰症的患者只是因为端粒过短

    that maybe progeria patients just have very short telomeres .

  2. 乔舒亚今年5岁他生来患有早衰症

    Josiah is five . He was born with progeria .

  3. 卵巢早衰患者血清抑制素B水平的改变

    Serum levels of inhibin B are altered in premature ovarian failure

  4. X染色体异常及其基因缺陷在卵巢早衰发病机制中的研究

    The abnormality and genetic disorders of X chromosome involved in premature ovarian failure

  5. p53相关的细胞周期调控在UVB诱导的皮肤成纤维细胞早衰中的作用

    P53-related Cell Cycle Regulation in UVB-induced Premature Senescent Human Skin Fibroblasts

  6. 小麦早衰及其相关生理性状的QTL分析

    QTL Mapping for Premature Senescence and Related Physiological Traits in Wheat

  7. 目的:探讨卵巢早衰(Prematureovarianfailure,POF)的病因及诊断和治疗的方法。

    Objective : To discuss the etiology , diagnosis and treatment of premature ovarian failure ( POF ) .

  8. 用~(14)CO2示踪研究小麦叶片早衰对籽粒产量的影响

    Studies of the influence of the early-senescence of wheat leaves on the grain yield with ~ ( 14 ) co_2 as a tracer

  9. 结论:本文的研究结果提示X染色体长臂末端可能是卵巢早衰的特异性基因区段并与X染色体末端端粒的缺失有关。

    Conclusion : The result showed that terminal deletion of Xq and telomeric deletion of X chromosome were important factors of premature ovarian failure .

  10. 一旦原始卵泡闭锁或消耗过快,便会引发卵巢早衰(Prematureovarianfailure,POF),导致内分泌失调和不孕症等。

    Once the depletion and atresia of primordial follicles is too fast to cause premature ovarian failure , endocrine dyscrasia and infertility .

  11. 目的了解卵巢早衰(Prematureovarianfailure,POF)患者的临床特征及治疗现状,以指导临床对POF的诊治。

    Objective To explore clinical features and current treatment status in Chinese women with premature ovarian failure ( POF ) .

  12. 结论某些卵巢早衰患者的致病机理可能与45,X/46,XX嵌合核型比例增高,X染色体数量不足有关。

    Conclusions This study indicated that some POF patients may attribute to low level 45 , X / 46 , XX mosaicism .

  13. 电动自行车用VRLA电池容量早衰的原因浅析

    The analysis of reasons for premature capacity loss in VRLA batteries used for electric bikes

  14. 早衰型小麦品种旗叶可溶性蛋白质含量、DNA和RNA含量下降快,蛋白酶和核酸酶活性上升快;

    Soluble protein , DNA , and RNA contents in flag leaf of cultivar senescence at early stage rapidly reduced and the activities of protease and nuclease rapidly raised .

  15. 结果早衰细胞较年轻细胞不易被H2O2诱导凋亡。

    Results The results showed that senilism cells are more resistant to apoptosis by H 2O 2 than young ones .

  16. 端粒缩短会导致早衰、疾病甚至早逝,因此减少坐在沙发上的时间可以帮助防止DNA衰老,延长寿命。

    Short telomeres have been linked to premature ageing , disease and early death . So spending less time on the sofa could help people live longer by preventing their DNA from ageing .

  17. 结果:单因素条件Logistic回归分析显示婚姻状况、人工流产次数等14个变量与卵巢早衰的发生有关;

    Results : The single-factor conditional logistic regression analysis indicated that marriage condition , the times of induced abortion and another 12 factors were related to POF .

  18. 应用体外受精与胚胎移植(IVF-ET)技术为卵巢早衰患者及遗传病夫妇提供赠卵、赠胚胎治疗的方法;

    By IVF ET technique oocyte / embryo donation therapy for the patients who are suffering from premature ovarian failure and genetic diseases .

  19. 学者congcao说中国面临着一个“早衰”的未来。

    One scholar , Cong Cao , argues that the country faces a future of " premature senility " .

  20. Werner综合征小鼠模型在早衰与肿瘤研究中的应用

    Utilization of Werner syndrome mouse model in studying premature aging and tumor

  21. 目的探讨性激素替代疗法(HRT)在治疗卵巢早衰(Prematureovarianfailure,POF)中的作用以及POF的促排卵方案。

    Objective To evaluate hormone replacement treatment ( HRT ) in patients with premature ovarian failure ( POF ) and explore the effective inducing ovulation protocol .

  22. 结论卵巢早衰是一种多因素引起的疾病,治疗较困难,性激素替代治疗可使临床症状缓解,血清FSH、LH明显降低。

    Conclusion Premature ovarian failure is a disease of multifactors , HRT can improve symptoms and decrease the level of serum FSH and LH .

  23. 卵巢老化(POA)的病因是否与那些卵巢早衰(POF)的病因相似?

    Do etiologies of premature ovarian aging ( POA ) mimic those of premature ovarian failure ( POF )?

  24. 卵巢早衰GDF-9B基因结构的PCR-SSCP分析

    PCR-SSCP analysis of GDF-9B gene in premature ovarian failure

  25. 本试验利用基因枪法和花粉管通道法两种植物遗传转化技术,将叶片衰老抑制基因P(SAG12)-IPT导入有早衰现象的小麦品系9848,获得转基因植株。

    In this study , transgenic wheat plants of 9848 with P_ ( SAG12 ) - IPT gene were obtained by micro-projectile bombardment and pollen tube pathway .

  26. 他的父母Sharron和John知道他患了早衰症而不能活长久。

    His parents Sharron and John know his life will be cut short by the incurable Atypical Progeria Syndrome ( APS ) .

  27. 结论:赠卵IVF-ET是一种妊娠率较高的助孕技术,适用于卵巢早衰,常规IVF-ET失败者。

    Conclusion : Ooocyte donation IVF-ET is an effective treatment option for the infertile couples with ovarian failure or repeated unsuccessful trial of assisted reproductive technology .

  28. 糖皮质激素治疗不同时期实验性自身免疫性卵巢早衰T淋巴细胞亚群与MIF在自身免疫性卵巢早衰中的临床意义

    Treat the Experimental Autoimmune Premature Ovarian Failure in Different Timing with Glucocorticoids The Clinical Significance of T Lymphocyte Subset and MIF in the Auto-immunity of POF

  29. 目的探讨化疗药顺铂(CDDP)致卵巢功能早衰(POF)肝肾阴虚证的机制。

    Objective To investigate the mechanism of cisplatin ( CDDP ) inducing premature ovarian failure ( POF , deficiency syndrome of both liver and kidney yin ) .

  30. 卵巢早衰组在A型行为的各项积分(TH、CH、TH+CH)得分,均较正常对照组高,两组之间的差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The premature ovarian failure in type A behavior of the integral ( TH , CH , TH + CH ) score , were compared to normal controls , the difference between the two groups was statistically significant ( P0.05 ) .