
  • 网络Sugar free gum;Sugar-free chewing gum;Ccrefree Sugarless aum;Dirol;sugar less gum;sugar less chewing gum
  1. 确保自己远离巧克力或饼干,可以在嘴里嚼无糖口香糖。

    To ensure that you stay away from the urge to bite into a chocolate or cookie , keep your mouth busy with sugar-free chewing gum .

  2. 结论受到蔗糖攻击后,咀嚼无糖口香糖可迅速缓冲菌斑的酸性产物,升高菌斑pH值。

    Conclusions Chewing sugar-free gum after sucrose challenge can neutralize organic acid produced by bacteria in dental plaque and rapidly rise plaque pH.

  3. 在批准生产无糖口香糖之前,Wrigley提供资金支持在牙齿杂志上公开发表了6篇文章,ADA验收了无糖口香糖。

    Before endorsing sugarless gum , the ADA examined six studies that were funded by Wrigley and published in dental journals .

  4. NTC组于伤后4~12小时[(8.22±1.75)小时]开始无糖口香糖咀嚼,每次10~15分钟,每日4~6次。NNTC组患者不作任何咀嚼动作。

    Patients in NTC group chewed glucose-free gums 4-12 hours ( mean : 8.22 ± 1.75 hours ) after burn injury , 4-6 times a day , 10-15 minutes each time .

  5. 在美国箭牌公司(Wrigley)的游说之后,口香糖禁令在2004年有所放宽,允许用于医疗用途的无糖口香糖的有限销售。

    The ban was relaxed in 2004 after lobbying by Wrigley , the US gum maker , to allow the limited sale of sugar-free gum for medicinal purposes .

  6. 无糖口香糖里含有人工合成的制糖剂木糖醇或山梨糖醇,有助预防蛀牙。

    It contains artificial sweeteners called xylitol or sorbitol that help prevents cavities .

  7. 为了缓解口干症状,应多饮水或咀嚼无糖口香糖。

    To relieve dry-mouth symptoms , drink more water or chew sugar-free gum .

  8. 无糖口香糖和干果可以让蟹子远离含糖食物。

    Sugar-free gum or dried fruit provides a healthy distraction from candy crunching .

  9. 美国加州圣芭芭拉医疗站的罗布·舒斯特是此项研究的负责人。他在研究报告中写道,此项研究的参与者每天3次嚼无糖口香糖。

    Study participants had no problem chewing sugarless gum three times a day .

  10. 无糖口香糖并不是不含热量的:一片口香糖含有5到10卡的热量。

    Sugar-free gum isn 't calorie-free : One stick has 5 to 10 calories .

  11. 只是必然要选择无糖口香糖哦。

    Just be sure to choose sugar-free gum .

  12. 你也可以嚼无糖口香糖或含无糖硬糖来促进唾液分泌。

    You can also chew sugarless gum or suck on sugarless hard candy to help stimulate saliva production .

  13. 尽管一些口腔医生提出无糖口香糖能够减少患蛀牙的可能性,有些医生却不这样认为。

    Although some dentists claim that sugar-free gum decreases the possibility of tooth decay , others are not convinced .

  14. 我们的身体并没有完全消化低卡的甜味剂,如无糖口香糖中的山梨醇。

    Our bodies don 't completely digest the low-cal sweeteners , such as sorbitol , found in sugar-free gum .

  15. 记住,咀嚼无糖口香糖的时间不建议超过15至20分钟,否则可能会伤害到下巴。

    Remember that chewing sugar-free gum is not recommended for more than 15-20 minutes or it can harm the jaw .

  16. 无糖口香糖刺激唾液的分泌,就像无糖糖果一样,为牙齿提供了一次天然但不完全的清洁。

    Sugar-free gum stimulates saliva flow and , like sugar-free candies , offers a good but not complete cleaning of teeth .

  17. 吃完后漱口或者嚼无糖口香糖促进唾液分泌,以助中和酸性。

    After food , rinse your mouth out with water or chew sugar-free gum to encourage saliva , which neutralises the acid .

  18. 在国内,木糖醇作为无糖口香糖和各种无糖食品配料有较快发展。

    In China , Xylitol , as the ingredient in sugar_free chewing gum and other sugar_free food ingredient , also developed rapidly .

  19. 根据一些医生的建议,嚼无糖口香糖能够帮助这些人解决这一令人难堪的问题。

    According to some doctors , if these people were to chew sugar-free gum , it would help fight this embarrassing condition .

  20. 阿利森·奥布里:如果你碰巧看过无糖口香糖的包装,你会看到各种各样的健康宣言。

    Allison Aubrey : If you happen to check out the packaging of sugarless gum , you notice all kinds of health claims .

  21. 因此,他们提出饭后嚼无糖口香糖有助于防止牙齿问题。

    Therefore , they say , if people were to chew sugar-free gum after a meal , it would help prevent tooth trouble .

  22. 包含了木糖醇的无糖口香糖和无糖糖果甚至会更好,因为这种人工糖分减慢了会导致蛀牙的细菌的代谢。

    Sugar-free gum and sugar-free candy that contain xylitol GetWord (" xylitol "); are even better because this artificial sugar slows down the metabolism of cavity-causing bacteria .

  23. 如果你一直担心万圣节的糖果会危害到孩子的健康和牙齿的话,那么,你就可以选择牙医的最爱,无糖口香糖给孩子们吃。

    If the thought of what all that Halloween candy can do to your kids'health and teeth scares you , give them sugarless gum , a dentist favorite .

  24. 美国加州圣芭芭拉医疗站的罗布·舒斯特是这项研究报告的撰写人。他在报告中写道,此项研究的参与者每天嚼3次无糖口香糖。嚼口香糖将刺激人体内某些释放激素的神经,而这些激素有助于促进肠胃系统活动。

    Study participants had no problem chewing sugarless gum three times a day . Chewing stimulates nerves that promote the release of hormones responsible for activating thegastrointestinal system , wrote study author Rob Schuster of Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital in California .

  25. 一位来自箭牌口香糖公司的发言人说,包括英国牙科杂志在内的所有的科学研究都证明,嚼无糖口香糖由于刺激唾液分泌会对口腔及牙齿健康有所帮助。

    A spokesperson for the chewing gum company Wrigley , said : ' Scientific studies , including the report in the British Dental Journal , are all clear that chewing sugar free gum provides many oral health and dental benefits by stimulating the production of saliva .

  26. 无糖立方体口香糖的麦芽糖醇硬包衣工艺研究

    Research on maltitol sugarless hard coating with cube chewing gum center

  27. 咀嚼无糖型口香糖也促进唾液分泌,这有助于消除牙斑。

    Chewing sugarless gum also triggers saliva , which help eliminate teeth stains .

  28. 国家最大的牙科小组说在每顿饭后咀嚼无糖的口香糖20分钟可以减少牙齿腐蚀。

    The nation 's largest dental group said chewing sugarless gum for20 minutes after each meal can reduce tooth decay .

  29. 三氯蔗糖在无糖巧克力和口香糖中的应用

    Application of sucralose in sugar free chocolate and chewing gums