- right of innocent passage

It has been widely recognized that merchant ship enjoys the right of innocent passage .
Chapter three is the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the right of innocent passage .
However , concerning applicable objects of this right , there always exists dispute .
As for whether warships also enjoy the innocent passage right , the Conventions do not give a clear statement .
As a result of its widely applicable in territorial waters , the right of innocent passage plays an important role around the world .
For centuries , the right of innocent passage develops to be an international practice gradually and gains recognition from a number of nations and scholars .
At the same time , the Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea have special provisions regarding the innocent passage , thus making this right codification .
The thoughts of international law embodied in his writings consist mainly of freedom of navigation on the seas , freedom of fishing , freedom of trade , innocent passage , common human property , ideas on peace and peaceful settlement of international disputes .
In this chapter , with the analysis of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other interrelated treaties , the author will expound whether warship has the right of innocent passage under the current international law .