
  1. 他反而在两个重点投资活动中获得了新崛起的机会:美国人寿保险公司S和全球财产保险公司C。

    He instead embarked on a revival centered around two core businesses : U.S.life insurer SunAmerica and global property insurer Chartis .

  2. 变压吸附(PSA)技术是近几十年来在工业上新崛起的气体分离技术,是物理化学渗流理论在工业上的具体应用。

    Pressure swing adsorption ( PSA ) technique is an application of physio-chemical percolation theory in industry .

  3. 基于案例的推理(case-BasedReasoning,简称CBR)是人工智能领域中较新崛起的一种重要的基于知识的问题求解和学习方法。

    Case-based reasoning ( CBR ) is a recent and important approach to problem solving and learning for knowledge-based systems in AI .

  4. adhoc网络作为移动通信新崛起的一个重要分支,从最初的军事应用逐渐渗透到民用领域,在最近十几年得到了快速发展。

    As a new branch of the wireless communication technologies , Ad Hoc network has been developed rapidly and widely used in both military and civil applications .

  5. 资产证券化(ABS)是金融创新浪潮中新崛起的一种主流融资技术,是近年来世界金融领域最重大和发展最快的金融创新工具。

    The securitization of the assets ( ABS ) is a kind of major financing technology emerging in the innovative tide of the finance .

  6. RFID作为无线领域新崛起的一项技术,已被广泛应用于工业自动化、商业自动化、交通运输管理等众多领域。

    As a newly emerging application technology in wireless communication field , RFID ( Radio Frequency Identification ) has been widely used in industrial automation , business automation , transportation management , and other fields .

  7. 约翰斯-霍普金斯大学(JohnsHopkinsUniversity)的戴维•卡莱奥(DavidCalleo)教授指出,我们应该从更早那场冲突中学到的主要教训,“不是必须警惕侵略者,而是拒绝合理包容新崛起者将带来破坏性后果”。

    David Calleo , a professor at Johns Hopkins , has observed that what we should learn from the earlier conflict " is not so much the need for vigilance against aggressors , but the ruinous consequences of refusing reasonable accommodation to upstarts . "

  8. 中国新崛起完全是通过和平方式来实现。

    China 's new rise is completely realized in peaceful ways .

  9. 而广州及其附近地区正逐渐成为金钟藤新崛起的一个分布中心。

    Guangzhou and its vicinity was gradually becoming a new distribution center .

  10. 他说自己周游世界,鼓励新崛起的画廊申请参展。

    He said he travels the world encouraging emerging galleries to apply .

  11. 这并不是一个新崛起的城市,它正处在衰退中。

    This is not a rising city . It is in decline .

  12. 最后,西方应如何对待新崛起的中国?

    Finally , how should the West treat the newly powerful China ?

  13. 纳米技术是近年来新崛起的高新技术。

    Nanometer science and technology is a high and new technology in recent years .

  14. 相似性思维是思维科学新崛起的一个分支。

    Similarity thinking is a newly growing up branch of the science of thinking .

  15. 圣克拉拉谷由于云集了许多新崛起的高科技产业而更广为人知的名字是硅谷

    It was becoming better known as Silicon Valley as hi-tech firms sprang up .

  16. 物业开发管理在我国是一个新崛起的事业。

    The property industry development and management is a new industry in our country .

  17. 新崛起的智能化建筑物&智能大厦

    A new intelligence building an intelligent building

  18. 无人机是一个新崛起的机种,目前是战争中一支重要的战术辅助力量。

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ( UAV ) is one of the most important tactics powers .

  19. 新崛起的一代政策精英们认为背负新保守主义之名等同于职业生涯的自杀。

    The rising generation of policy intellectuals regards a reputation for neoconservatism as professional death .

  20. “组织发展”在中国还是一门新崛起的学科。

    O.D.is a late comer to China .

  21. 这很正常,就像年纪大一点的人们通常不愿相信和接受年轻人及新崛起的事物。

    That 's natural , as older people often resist crediting the young and ascendant .

  22. 牛奶纤维的新崛起

    Recent development of milk casein fiber

  23. 阿德勒先生说,最近毕业的大学生,尤其是新崛起的工商管理硕士,或那些基础职位。

    Mr Adler says this is particularly true of newly minted MBAs , or entry-level positions for recent college graduates .

  24. 湖人队可以给他更多的休息时间以保持良好的状态因为他们还有新崛起的农夫。

    The Lakers have also been able to rest him for key stretches because of the emergence of Jordan Farmar .

  25. 本文指出工业生物技术的新崛起,并已成为发达国家的重要科技与产业发展战略。

    Studies of industrial biotechnology have emerged and have been the development strategy of science and industry in the developed country .

  26. 在所有这些国家,人们担心,新崛起的一代人的生活将不像他们的父母那样安稳。

    In all these countries , there is a fear that the rising generation will live less secure lives than their parents .

  27. 北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店将于今秋季在北京市中心最新崛起的金融区开业。

    The Ritz-Carlton Beijing , Financial Street will open this fall in the heart of the capital city 's newly emerging financial district .

  28. 颇能说明问题的舞台以外的行动是:近期,中国与东南亚以及巴西、非洲、印度这些新崛起经济体之间的贸易急剧增长。

    The telling off-stage action is the recent upsurge in trade with south-east Asia and the newly-rising economies of Brazil , Africa and India .

  29. 这个新崛起充满信心的强国领导人,在被视为美国后院的拉美待了12天。

    And here was the leader of a newly confident power spending 12 days in what was seen as the backyard of the US .

  30. 捷豹路虎在中国的销售增长跑赢德国竞争对手。近年来,中国新崛起的富裕群体推动着豪华汽车的需求。

    Sales growth at the group outstripped German rivals in China , where a newly affluent population has driven demand for luxury cars in recent years .