
  • 网络Porphyritic;macular;patchy
  1. 侧组肾单位受累较中央组为重,而导致严重程度不等的斑状萎缩。

    Lateral group of nephro are affected more than central ones , leading to patchy atrophy with variable degrees of severity .

  2. 在滇东-川西地区的下二叠统中,白云岩发育,并可分两种类型:块状白云岩和斑状白云岩。

    In the East Yunnan & West Sichuan area , dolostones are well developed and can be divided into two types : massive dolostones and patchy dolostones .

  3. 地表油气化探指标酸解烃、ΔC、热释烃、微磁的异常形态主要为环状(或环斑状);

    The anomaly shape of acid hydrocarbon ,Δ C , heat-released hydrocarbon and micro magnetism is mainly annular or spotted .

  4. Pb同位素组成表明碎屑沉积岩和粗粒黑云母花岗岩和粗粒似斑状二长花岗岩属于同源产物,细粒碱长花岗岩则不同于前两者。

    The Pb isotope composition suggests that the clastic sedimentary rocks and coarse-grained granite are cognate products , but the fine-grained granite is different from either of them .

  5. 从a带到e带总的趋势是:(1)随着石英斑晶粒径渐大和晶形渐好,岩石结构从等粒状变为似斑状;

    General trends from zone a to zone e are : ( 1 ) With quartz phenocrysts progressively larger in size and better in crystal perfectness , the rock texture changes from equigranular to porphyroidal ;

  6. 典型的虎斑状改变是由于正常髓鞘形成的区域和髓鞘形成不良的区域交杂在一起所致,可以在MRI上看到,但是这种改变并不是PMD独有的。

    The classic " tigroid " appearance that is the result of heterogeneous areas of myelination and dysmyelination may be seen on MRI but this finding is not exclusive to PMD .

  7. 英云闪长岩岩性不均匀,而300m以下似斑状二长花岗岩的岩石均匀性较好,其单轴抗压强度和弹性模量较高。

    Rock near the ground and tonalite is not uniform , and the granite 300 meters below the ground is uniform with uniaxial compression strength and Young ′ s module .

  8. 通过K-Ar同位素年代学研究,将长江源区新生代的火山活动划分为3期:第Ⅰ期(40.1~35.1Ma)火山喷发较弱,形成小范围分布的细粒安粗岩和斑状粗面岩;

    Based on K-Ar isotope chronological research , Cenozoic volcanism in the source region of the Yangtze River is divided into three phases . In the first phase ( 40.1-35.1 Ma ) volcanism was weak , forming fine-grained latite and porphyritic trachyte of limited distribution .

  9. 其中斑状花岗闪长岩(TW1530)的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄为117.2±1.6Ma,黑云母花岗岩(TW1637)年龄为121.2±1.7Ma,表明桑巴区花岗岩体形成于早白垩世。

    The SHRIMP U-Pb dating results of zircons from porphyritic granodiorite ( TW1530 ) and granitite ( TW1637 ) are 117.2 ± 1.6 Ma and 121.2 ± 1.7 Ma , respectively , suggesting that Sangba granitoids were formed in early Cretaceous .

  10. 报道1例罕见的持久性发疹性斑状毛细血管扩张症。

    A rare case of telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans is reported .

  11. 皮肤痘疮样斑状萎缩:病例报道及家系调查

    Familial atrophia maculosa varioliformis cutis : Case report and pedigree analysis

  12. 青田石山炮绿主要以显微鳞片变晶结构出现,样品主要呈块状、斑状和条带状构造。

    The samples are mainly massive , porphyritic and banded structures .

  13. 花岗岩形成巨大的岩体。块体粗粒斑状花岗岩

    Granite comes in large masses . massive coarse grained porphyritic granite

  14. 斑状角膜营养不良的临床特征及手术治疗

    The clinical feature and surgical treatment for macular corneal dystrophy

  15. 斑状角膜营养不良和圆锥形角膜行穿透性角膜移植术后固定瞳孔散大

    Fixed dilated pupil after penetrating keratoplasty for macular corneal dystrophy and keratoconus

  16. 6063铝型材表面斑状缺陷综述

    The spot-like Surface Defects for Anodized 6063 Aluminium Alloys profile

  17. 斑状长石岩墙〔岩脉〕墙角是用石头砌成的。

    Feldspar porphyry dyke The walls are cornered with stone .

  18. 钢芯铝绞线表面斑状污黑现象分析

    Anlysis on the Flecked and Dark Surface of Steel Core Aluminum Twisted Wire

  19. 苔藓样型和斑状型原发性皮肤淀粉样变的病理改变

    Histopathological Findings of Primary Cutaneous Lichenoid and Macular Amyloidosis

  20. 白斑病皮肤色素的局部或全部缺乏,经常是斑状。

    Partial or total loss of skin pigmentation , often occurring in patches .

  21. 似斑状细粒石英正长岩。结构由细粒中粒似斑状。

    Porphyritic fine-grained quartz-syenite . the texture is fine-medium-porphyroid .

  22. 角膜格子、颗粒和斑状营养不良的特殊染色和超微结构研究

    Observation of special stain and ultrastructure of lattice , granular and macular corneal dystrophy

  23. 主要岩类是橄辉云煌岩和斑状云母橄榄岩;

    The major rock-species are prowersite and porphyrite-mica-peridotite .

  24. 斑状及长条状龛影;

    A spot or a line niche shadow ;

  25. 目的探讨角膜格子、颗粒和斑状营养不良的组织病理学改变。

    Objective To investigate the histopathological changes of lattice , granular and macular corneal dystrophy .

  26. 南梁岩体主要由斑状花岗岩、流纹斑岩、花斑岩及流纹质角砾熔岩组成。

    Nanliang complex is mainly composed of porphyritic granite , granophyre , rhyolite-porphyry and rhyolitic agmatite-lava .

  27. 岩石类型主要有斑状花岗闪长岩、巨斑黑云母花岗岩、黑云二长花岗岩、含石榴石花岗岩等。

    The main rock types include porphyritic granodiorite , porphyritic granite , biotite adamellite and garnet-granitite .

  28. 块体粗粒斑状花岗岩

    Massive coarse grained porphyritic granite

  29. 青斑状血管炎2例

    Two Cases of Livedo Vasculitis

  30. 月球花岗岩碎屑的主要矿物为石英、钾长石和钙质斜长石,具花斑状结构;

    Major minerals of lunar granitic clasts are quartz , K-feldspar and calcic plagioclase with granophyric intergrowths .