
cuī huǐ
  • destroy;destruction;devastate;demolish;wipe out;smash;wreck;knock out;annihilate;pull down;pulverize;be brought to its knees
摧毁 [cuī huǐ]
  • [demolish;annihilate] 用强力破坏;毁坏

  • 摧毁防御工事和港口

摧毁[cuī huǐ]
  1. 政府着手完全彻底地摧毁这个组织。

    The government set out to destroy the organization root and branch .

  2. 他说陆军军官们曾威胁要摧毁那座小镇。

    He said army officers had threatened to destroy the town

  3. 警方说他们摧毁了一个大贩毒集团。

    Police say they have smashed a major drugs ring .

  4. 在这次爆炸中,两座建筑物被摧毁,其他许多建筑物也被损坏。

    Two buildings were destroyed and many others damaged in the blast .

  5. 炸弹把那座建筑物彻底摧毁了。

    The building was completely obliterated by the bomb .

  6. 那事彻底摧毁了她的自尊心。

    It was a shattering blow to her pride .

  7. 他们新的宣言声称要摧毁整个资本主义大厦,这是不可能的。

    Their new manifesto hardly threatens to bring the whole edifice of capitalism crashing down .

  8. 雪崩冲下山来,摧毁了沿途的一切。

    The avalanche forced its way down the mountain , crushing everything in its path .

  9. 这场战争摧毁了大片村庄。

    The war has laid waste large regions of the countryside .

  10. 他采取了焦土政策,摧毁了村庄,烧掉了庄稼。

    He employed a scorched-earth policy , destroying villages and burning crops .

  11. 这次地震摧毁了许多偏远乡村的土坯房。

    The quake destroyed mud buildings in many remote villages .

  12. 他们并未停手,摧毁了一家又一家商店。

    They kept going , destroying one store after another .

  13. 数周的空中轰炸已经摧毁了许多工厂和公路。

    Weeks of aerial bombardment had destroyed factories and highways

  14. 1346年的飓风引起海啸并摧毁了城镇。

    In 1346 a hurricane whipped up the sea to destroy the town .

  15. 暴风雨径直席卷该岛,摧毁了建筑,淹没了街道。

    A storm moved directly over the island , demolishing buildings and flooding streets

  16. 即使是最有天赋的人也可能会被错误的导师摧毁自信。

    Even the most gifted can have confidence destroyed by the wrong instructor .

  17. 游击队突袭了银行,摧毁了一处警察驻地和一个变电站。

    The guerrillas raided banks and destroyed a police barracks and an electricity substation .

  18. 他毁了我,也摧毁了我对男人的信任。

    He destroyed me and my trust in men

  19. 我们的轰炸机摧毁了移动火箭发射台。

    Our bombers have knocked out the mobile launchers

  20. 暴风雨摧毁了所经之处的房屋。

    The storm wrecked homes in its path .

  21. 军队摧毁了这座都城,并把大量艺术品收缴为战利品。

    Troops destroyed the capital and confiscated many works of art as war booty .

  22. 他们的生活被战争摧毁了。

    Their lives have been warped by war .

  23. 他们力图重整政坛、摧毁现有的政党机器,却以失败收场。

    Their attempts to clean up politics and smash the power of party machines failed .

  24. 他决不会让监狱看守们摧毁他的意志。

    He never let his jailers break him

  25. 经年内战已破坏了国家的基础设施,摧毁了其社会结构。

    Years of civil war have wrecked the country 's infrastructure and destroyed its social fabric .

  26. 余震可能会摧毁更多的建筑物。

    Further tremors could level more buildings

  27. 人的精神实际上是不可摧毁的。

    The human spirit is virtually indestructible

  28. 突击队员继续执行着他们的任务——搜寻并摧毁美国空军、海军力量。

    The raiders continued on their mission — to seek out and destroy American air and sea forces .

  29. 该国首都在战争中被摧毁了。

    The capital of the country was destroyed in the war .

  30. 许多房屋被飓风摧毁。

    Many buildings were demolished by a hurricane .