
  • 网络Liniment;embrocation
  1. HPLC法测定维生素E搽剂中维生素E的含量

    Determination of Vitamin E in Vitamin E Liniment by HPLC

  2. HPLC法测定薄荷麝香草酚搽剂中3种主药的含量

    Simultaneous Determination of Three Ingredients in Menthol and Thymol Liniment by HPLC

  3. HPLC法同时测定头皮搽剂中氯霉素和盐酸达克罗宁的含量

    Determination of Two Contents in Scalp Liniments by HPLC

  4. HPLC法同时测定丙酸氯倍他索硝酸咪康唑搽剂中两组分的含量

    Simultaneous determination of two components in clobetasol propionate / miconazole nitrate for liniment by HPLC

  5. HPLC测定克林霉素搽剂的含量

    Determination of Clindamycin liniment by HPLC

  6. HPLC法测定维甲酸搽剂中维甲酸的含量

    Determination of Tretinoin Liniment by HPLC

  7. HPLC法测定复方酞丁安/达克罗宁搽剂中主药及有关物质的含量

    Determination of Principal Agents and the Related Substances of Compound Ftibamzone / Dyclonine Liniment by HPLC

  8. 报告了应用类风搽剂治疗类风湿性关节炎(RA)的临床疗效。

    The thesis reported the clinical curative effect on rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) terated with Leifeng Linimentum .

  9. 目的:制备抗敏搽剂,研究主药扑尔敏、维生素C的含量测定方法,以便于质量控制。

    Objective : To prepare anti-allergy Liniment , and study the determination method of the principal components contents of Chlorpheniramine maleate and Vitamin C , in order to control its quality .

  10. 描述了一种用于研究药物由搽剂经角质层转运至受体过程的直接MonteCarlo模拟方法。

    A Monte Carlo simulation method is described for the study of a drug delivery through the stratum corneum from a topical application to a receptor .

  11. 提示儿肤康搽剂有抑制小鼠DTH的作用,能抑制巴豆油致敏、磷酸组织胺的产生。

    It is indicated that this Liniment can inhibit the production of phosphate histamine eventually to suppress DTH .

  12. 洛美沙星(Lomefloxacin)透皮吸收搽剂中氮酮的最佳浓度

    Determination of the Best Concentration of Azone in the Lomefloxacin Liniment of Transdermal Absorbent Preparation

  13. 方法75例骨性关节炎患者随机分为三组:治疗组(酮洛芬贴膜)、对照组(酮洛芬搽剂)和扩大组(酮洛芬贴膜),每组各25例,均使用7d。

    Methods 75 patients with osteoarthritis were divided into therapeutic group ( Ketoprofen film ), contrast group ( Ketoprofen ointment ) and enlargement group ( Ketoprofen film ) respectively . There are 25 patients in each group and each patient use the Ketoprofen film or Ketoprofen ointment for 7 days .

  14. 结果:复方克林霉素搽剂治疗寻常痤疮,4wk总显效率达83.0%,对脓疱和丘疹的总有效率分别为96.1%和80.7%,不良反应率为1.9%。

    RESULTS : The total excellent response rate was 83.0 % . The total effect rate on pustule and papule was 96.1 % and 80.7 % respectively . The adverse reaction rate was 1.9 % .

  15. 方法:采用开放、多中心临床试验方法以复方克林霉素搽剂治疗153例寻常痤疮病人(男性53例,女性100例,年龄22a±s6a),每日3次涂于面部,连续4wk,每2wk随访。

    METHODS : A multi centre , open label trial of compound clindamycin liniment in treating acne vulgaris . One hundred and fifty three patients used compound clindamycin liniment on face three times per day for 4 wk .

  16. 气相色谱法同时测定复方盐酸苯海拉明搽剂中2组分的含量

    Simultaneous Determination of 2 Ingredients in Compound Diphenhydramine Liniment by GC

  17. 酞丁安搽剂稳定性分析方法的建立及其稳定性研究

    Establishment of analytical method for the stability studies of ftibamzone liniment

  18. 吲哚拉新搽剂的抗炎镇痛作用研究

    Studies on the anti-inflammatory and analgesia effects of the indolacin liniment

  19. 目的:建立丹重搽剂的质量标准。

    OBJECTIVE : To establish the quality standard of Danchong liniment .

  20. 结论吲哚拉新搽剂具有较强的抗炎镇痛作用。

    Conclusion Indolacin liniment has stronger anti inflammatory and analgesia effects .

  21. 紫冰油搽剂质量标准修订与临床应用

    The clinical application and standard quality revision of Zi-Bing oil liniment

  22. 应用芳香止痛搽剂联合神经阻滞治疗带状疱疹后神经痛

    Aromatic Fingerprinted Agent Combination with Nerve Block for Treatment of Post-herpetic Neuralgia

  23. 双波长一元线性回归分光光度法测定复方氢化可的松搽剂的含量

    Quantitative analysis of compound hydrocortisone liniment by dual-wavelength linear regression

  24. 用一点搽剂可使你那青肿的膝部消肿。

    A bit of embrocation will soothe your bruised knee .

  25. 洛美沙星透皮吸收搽剂的稳定性研究

    Study on Stability of Lomefloxacin Liniment of Transdermal Absorbent Preparation

  26. 青蒿油搽剂抗真菌作用实验及疗效观察

    Antifungal effect of qinghao-oil liniment in vitro and clinical efficacy

  27. 结论:骨肌康搽剂有明显的抗炎、消肿作用。

    Conclusion : Gujikang liniment has obvious effects of antiinflammatory and detumescence .

  28. 类风搽剂治疗类风湿性关节炎临床观察附:160例临床报告

    Clinical Observation on 160 Cases of Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated With Leifeng Linimentum

  29. 目的观察自制芦荟搽剂治疗静脉炎的疗效。

    Objective To investigate the clinical effects of aloe pigmentum on phlebitis .

  30. 发复生搽剂的制备及临床应用弹指间毛飞毛灭

    Preparation and Clinical Application of Hair - resuscitation Lotion
