
  • 网络Topological space;X,T
  1. Fuzzy拓扑空间中的强聚点与强导集

    Strong accumulation point and strong derived sets in a fuzzy topological space

  2. Fuzzy拓扑空间的一种紧性

    A Kind of Compactness of Fuzzy Topological Space

  3. Fuzzy拓扑空间正则性的几种定义及其关系

    The relations of several regularities of fuzzy topological spaces

  4. 诱导Fuzzy拓扑空间中闭包与内部的分解定理

    The Decomposition Theorem of Interior and Closure in the Induced Fuzzy Topological Spaces

  5. FUZZY拓扑空间中杨忠道定理的一个较简洁证明

    A Simpler Proof C 、 T 、 Yang 's Theorem in Fuzzy Topology Space

  6. α-F格与Fuzzy拓扑空间的模糊化

    α - F lattices and fuzzification of fuzzy topological spaces

  7. 关于Fuzzy拓扑空间的可数性

    On Enumeration of Fuzzy Topological Spaces

  8. 右闭拓扑空间G结构和左闭拓扑空间E相同。

    The right shut topology has the same topological structure .

  9. 基于蚁群算法的GIS数据拓扑空间关系描述

    Description of Topological Spatial Relationship on GIS Data Based on Ant Colony Algorithms

  10. 引入了一类新的拓扑空间,称为B闭空间。

    In this paper , the new concept of so-called B-closed space in topological spaces is introduced .

  11. Domain上的测度及拓扑空间的Domain环境相关问题研究

    Studies of the Relative Questions about Measurement on a Domain and Domain Environments of Topological Spaces

  12. 在拓扑空间T上一致空间X的广义Stone-Cech纤维紧致化

    Fibre improper stone ECH compactification of uniform space X over topology space t

  13. 设X为拓扑空间。

    Let X be a topological space .

  14. LF拓扑空间的F紧性

    The F compactness of LF topological space

  15. 拓扑空间X称为s连通,若X不能表示为两个非空的不相交的序列开集之并。

    A space is called s-connected if it cannot be represented as the union of two non-empty disjoint sequentially closed subsets .

  16. 引进拓扑空间X的可序列收敛性质,证明了这一性质是可商的性质。

    This article has introduced topological space X 's property of sequencable convergence and proved that this property is quotient property .

  17. L-fuzzy拓扑空间中近良紧集的刻画

    Some Characterizations of Near N-compact Sets inL-fuzzy Topological Spaces

  18. LF拓扑空间中的S&集及其性质(Ⅱ)

    S-set and the Lebesque in LF topological space (ⅱ)

  19. LF拓扑空间的S-序同态和S-连续性

    S-Order Homomorphic Mapping and S-Continuity in LF Topological Space

  20. LF拓扑空间中正则的新定义

    New definition of regular in LF topological space

  21. Hausdorff局部凸线性拓扑空间集值系统的解

    Solutions for Set-valued System in Local Convex Hausdorff Topological Vector Space

  22. LF线性序网拓扑空间

    LF linearly Ordered Net Topology Space

  23. LF拓扑空间中LF-r开集与r连通性

    On LF-r Open Set , r Connectivity in LF Topological Space

  24. LF和拓扑空间的Stone-cech紧化

    Stone-cech compactification in lf-sum topological space

  25. 模糊拓扑空间的最小Hausdorff拓扑

    The Minimal Hausdorff Topology in Fuzzy Topological Space

  26. 设X是紧致空间,Y是拓扑空间,f:X→y,g:y→X均为连续映射。

    Let X is a compact space . Y is a topological space . Let / : X → Y , g : Y → X be continuous mappings .

  27. 首先引入了无凸性结构的有限连续拓扑空间(简称FC空间)新概念。

    A new notion of finite continuous topological space ( in short , FC-space ) without convexity structure was introduced .

  28. 对Fuzzy拓扑空间与经典拓扑空间的分离公理作了比较,讨论了Fuzzy拓扑空间的分离公理的一些基本性质;

    In this paper , the author compares the fuzzy topology interspace with the classic topology interspace separating axiom , discusses some basic kinds about the fuzzy topology interspace separating axiom and define its Sober character .

  29. 设(X,τ)是一个拓扑空间。在本文中,我们证明了在超空间2~X上局部有限拓扑e~τ与局部有限覆盖拟一致(?)

    In this paper , it is shown that the locally finite topology e on the hypers-pace 2X coincides with the topology transmitted by the locally finite covering quasiuniformity on X.

  30. 在这个拓扑空间上,有两种作用,一个是复形的同构群的作用G,另一个是可缩复形引起的平移作用T。

    There are two actions on this topological space , one is the group G of isomorphisms between complexes , the other is the translation action T induced by contractible complexes .