
  • 网络topological linear space;topological vector space
  1. 与经典拓扑线性空间的理论相比,Fuzzy拓扑线性空间理论中的许多问题还有待进一步研究。

    Compared with classical topological vector space , many issues of Fuzzy topological vector space need to be further investigated .

  2. (X,T)是可分离的拓扑线性空间,B是X中的非空有界闭凸集,提出了B有T滴状性质和B有拟T滴状性质的概念。

    Let ( X , T ) be a separated topological vector space , B be a closed bounded convex set . T drop property and quasi T drop property of set B is introduced .

  3. Fuzzy拓扑线性空间的局部P凸性与赋拟P范

    Local P-Convexity of Fuzzy Topological Linear Space and Quasi P-Normed Fuzzy Topological Linear Space

  4. 局部凸T2型Fuzzy拓扑线性空间中Fuzzy凸集的分离定理

    Separation Theorems of Convex Fuzzy Sets in Locally Convex T2 & Fuzzy Topological Linear Spaces

  5. 关于Fuzzy拓扑线性空间的某些结果

    Some Results On Fuzzy Topological Linear Space

  6. Fuzzy拓扑线性空间的一点注记

    Note on Fuzzy Topological Linear Spaces

  7. (QL)型Fuzzy拓扑线性空间的乘积和商空间(英文)

    Product and Quotient Spaces of Fuzzy Topological Vector Spaces of Type ( QL )

  8. 拟Banach空间即是完备的赋拟范线性空间,一般的拟Banach空间,不是局部凸的拓扑线性空间。

    Quasi-Banach spaces are complete Quasi-normed linear spaces . These spaces are not locally convex linear topological spaces .

  9. Hausdorff拓扑线性空间内紧集与非紧集上的U.D.C.映射与不动点

    U.D.C.Mappings and Fixed Points on Compact and Non-Compact Subsets of Hausdorff Topological Vector Spaces

  10. 本文将[1]中给出的fuzzy线性算子的定义作了适当的修改,使之更适合于在fuzzy拓扑线性空间(简称FTL-空间)中研究。

    In this paper , we appropriately revise the definition of fuzzy linear operator given in [ 1 ] , so that it is more suitable to study in fuzzy topological linear space ( for short FTL-space ) .

  11. 研究了Fuzzy拟半范与均衡、Q-吸收、半凸Fuzzy集之间的关系,证明了局部半凸Fuzzy拓扑线性空间可借助于一族Fuzzy拟半范来表征。

    The relation between fuzzy pseudo semi-norm and balanced , Q-absorbing and semi-convex fuzzy set is investigated . A characterization of locally semi-convex fuzzy topological vector space in terms of a family of fuzzy pseudo semi-norms is proved .

  12. 本文采用〔1〕中给出的Fuzzy拓扑线性空间的定义,并利用Fuzzy拓扑线性空间的有关理论,时Fuzzy连续线性映象空间作了较深入的研究。

    In this paper , we apply the definition of fuzzy topological vector space in [ 1 ] , and use the connected theory of fuzzy topological vector space to make a deeper research on space of fuzzy continuous linear maps .

  13. 在Hausdorff局部凸拓扑线性空间中考虑约束集值优化问题(VP)的严有效性。

    The set-valued optimization problem with constraints ( VP ) is considered in the sense of strict efficiency in Hausdorff locally convex linear topological spaces .

  14. 局部凸拓扑线性空间中的广义Farkas引理

    Generalized Farkas Lemma in Locally Convex Topological Vector Spaces

  15. 本文讨论映Hausdorff拓扑线性空间到Riesz空间的算子变分问题。

    In the present paper we discuss the variational problem of operator which maps a Hausdorff topological linear space into a Riesz space [ 6 ] .

  16. 在可度量化拓扑线性空间中,讨论一些非线性映象的不动点与Mann迭代序列的收敛性问题。

    In this paper , we discuss some problems concerning the fixed points and convergence of Mann iterative sequences for nonlinear mapping in metrizable linear topological spaces .

  17. 局部紧拓扑线性空间多目标最优化问题的灵敏度分析

    Sensitivity analysis of multiobjective optimization in locally compact topological vector space

  18. 局部有界拓扑线性空间的一个局部凸条件

    A Local Convexity Condition in Locally Bounded Topological Linear Spaces

  19. 拓扑线性空间中存在非连续线性算子的充要条件

    Equivalent condition of existence of non-continuous linear operator in topological linear space

  20. 关于拓扑线性空间中两类非线性算子的共鸣定理

    Resonance Theorem of Two Types of Non-linear Operators in Topological Vector Spaces

  21. 一类拓扑线性空间的若干几何性质及抽象对偶不变性

    Some Geometric Properities and Duality Invariants in Topological Vector Space

  22. 拓扑线性空间中的一致连续性和紧性

    On uniform continuity and compactness in topological linear spaces

  23. 拓扑线性空间的矩阵基本定理及应用

    Matrix Basic Theorem and Its Application of Tvs

  24. 取值于可距离化拓扑线性空间的随机变量列部分和的收敛等价性

    Convergence Equivalence of Sequences of Random Variables Valued in a Metrizable Topological Vector Space

  25. 拓扑线性空间中的一个不动点定理

    A fixed point theorem in Topological Vector Spaces

  26. 拓扑线性空间上的广义集值平衡问题

    Generalized Set-valued Equilibrium Problems in Topological Vector Space

  27. 拓扑线性空间中的紧集

    On Compact Set of Linear Topological Spaces

  28. 灰拓扑线性空间的构造

    The Structure of Grey Topological Linear Space

  29. 拓扑线性空间的局部双序凸性,是该空间上连续线性泛函实现双序正分解的基础。

    The Local biorder-convexity is a base of the biordering positive decomposition of linear functionals .

  30. 拓扑线性空间中最佳逼近问题

    Best approximation problem in topological linear spaces