
  • 网络diffusion effect;Spread Effect;ripple effect
  1. 随着反应的进行,PbTe晶体的生长由扩散效应控制,从而形成了PbTe树枝状结构。

    With increasing reaction time , the growth of PbTe crystals are determined by diffusion effect , thus dendritic structures are formed .

  2. 实验确证了氢在六角密堆结构(hcp)和高位错密度(10~(12)/cm~2)材料塑性形变过程中的可动位错输运行为,并揭示了氢在位错芯部的隧道扩散效应;

    Experimental results confirmed that the mobile dislocations in hcp structure and high dislocation density materials also play an important role in hydrogen migratory during plastic deformation , and the Tunnel Diffusion Effect of hydrogen in dislocation cores is also proved .

  3. Ar在玻璃微球中的辐照增强扩散效应研究

    Radiation enhancing diffusion of Ar into hollow glass microsphere

  4. 二硫苏糖醇和β-巯基乙醇在SDS-PAGE电泳过程中的扩散效应

    Diffusing effect of DTT and 2-ME during SDS-PAGE electrophoresis

  5. TBT产生的特殊背景决定了其具有双重性、广泛性、影响和扩散效应大以及易产生争议且难于调解等主要特征。

    It is the specific background that determines the characteristics of TBT .

  6. HL-1M低混杂波电流驱动中的径向扩散效应

    Radial Diffusion Effects on LHCD in the HL-1M Tokamak

  7. 剪应力、对流和扩散效应、ATP的水解作用共同决定了细胞外表面附近ATP的浓度。

    Shear stress , convection and diffusion , ATP hydrolysis synergistically determine the ATP concentration at the endothelial surface .

  8. 世界银行(worldbank)将向发展中国家提供1000亿美元新援助,因世行担心,此次金融危机的扩散效应,可能会沉重打击较贫穷和中等收入的国家。

    The World Bank is set to provide up to $ 100bn in new aid to developing countries , amid fears that the spreading effects of the financial crisis could devastate poorer and middle-income states .

  9. 文章在区别外资技术扩散效应与溢出效应概念的基础上,通过构建衡量外资技术扩散计量模型,从时间和空间的角度检验了以FDI为载体的技术扩散对中国区域经济增长的影响。

    Through the spatial and temporal viewpoints , by econometrics model , the effects of the technological diffusion via FDI on regional economic growth across China are tested .

  10. 对上游产业的提升效应和对关联产业的扩散效应形成了FDI对相关和支持性产业的影响;

    The pulling-up effects on the supporting industries and the diffusion effects on the related industries are the two main influences of FDI on the related and supporting industries ;

  11. 通过与常用的分组加密算法和序列加密算法相比较,MATLAB仿真结果和数据统计分析表明本算法有较好的数据扩散效应和抗统计分析特性。

    Through the group with common encryption algorithm and sequence encryption algorithm , MATLAB simulation results and statistical analysis show that the algorithm has good statistical data and anti-proliferation effect of characteristics .

  12. 新经济增长理论认为,受自身创新能力的限制,FDI的技术扩散效应是发展中国家技术进步的重要来源。

    As neo-growth theory puts it , given the limits of their own capability of innovation , one of the significant sources of technological advance for developing economies is the spillover effect of FDI .

  13. 结果表明:当样品管容积小于15cm~3时,在BET相对压力范围内热扩散效应可以忽略;

    The results showed that : when the volume of the sample tube is less than 15cm ~ 3 , the effect of thermal diffusion can be neglected in the range of BET relative pressure .

  14. 目前,对于我国FDI扩散效应的研究比较多,但是由于我国经济发展存在地区不平衡性,各省的FDI扩散效应往往会因为经济发展水平的差距而不同。

    At present , there are many researches on spillover effect of FDI . However , due to the unbalance of economic growth in different regions in China , the spillover effects of FDI in different provinces are unbalanced .

  15. 这是由于Pd层极化效应、Co-Nb层维度效应及界面原子扩散效应的影响。

    This is contributed to the effects of polarization of Pd layers , dimension of Co-Nb magnetic layers and interdiffusion of atoms in the interfaces .

  16. 集群区域MNE技术外溢能够通过竞争激励效应、产业关联效应、网络扩散效应等途径得以实现;

    Technology spillover of MNE can be realized by competition and inspiration , relationship of industries , diffusion of internet and so on .

  17. 研究中采用了Bohm模式的热传导率,考虑了α粒子的反常扩散效应,电子和离子有不同的温度。

    The Bohm type thermal conductivity , the α particle anomalous diffusion and the different temperatures of electron and ion are considered in this paper .

  18. 考虑了重元素(包括氦元素和金属元素)扩散效应之后来构造εEridani恒星的平衡结构模型。

    Considering the heavy element ( including helium and metal element ) diffusion , we construct the stellar structure models of ε Eridani .

  19. 以多孔氧化铝(porousalumina,p-Al2O3)为模型多孔电极衬底材料,利用对流-扩散效应成功制备得到了具有梯度结构的8%(以摩尔计)钇稳定氧化锆(yttria-stabilizedzirconia,YSZ)电解质薄膜。

    8 % ( in mole ) yttria-stabilized zirconia ( 8-YSZ ) electrolyte thin films with gradient microstructures were successfully fabricated on porous alumina ( p-Al2O3 ) substrates as a model porous electrode for solid oxide fuel cells ( SOFCs ) via a constituent species convection-diffusion route .

  20. 主要的工作与创新成果如下:(1)基于地基中圆形竖向荷载下的Mindlin附加应力,提出了考虑应力扩散效应的虚土桩法。

    The main finished work and innovative achievements of this article are listed as following : ( 1 ) A fictitious soil pile method was proposed to consider the effect of stress dispersion based on the Mindlin additional stress distribution under the circular vertical loading on the foundation .

  21. 该程序把钢安全壳内部的工质分为水蒸汽、不可凝干空气、连续相水和非连续相水,对气相引入e-k湍流计算模型并考虑由于气体浓度差引起的扩散效应。

    The code classifies the working fluid in the containment into steam , uncondensable air , continuous liquid state water and discontinuous water and includes k-e turbulence model and diffusion model for main gas flow .

  22. 基于对外贸易结构的技术扩散效应比较研究

    A Comparative Research on Technology Diffusion Effect through Foreign Trade Structure

  23. 企业资源在母子公司网络系统中的扩散效应分析

    Diffusing Effect Analysis of Business Resources in Parent-subsidiary Company Network System

  24. 深圳总部经济的发展选择与扩散效应

    Development Options and Proliferation Effect of the Headquarters Economy in Shenzhen

  25. 基于中心城市经济扩散效应的卫星城市规划

    Planning of satellite cities based on economic spread of central city

  26. 氟化钡晶体退火时的杂质扩散效应

    Diffusion Effect of Foreign Substance iu Annealing Proeess of BaF_2 Crystal

  27. 近代云南的矿业工业化与社会扩散效应

    The Industrialization of Mining Industry and Spreading Effect in Modern Yunnan

  28. 复合双层地基应力扩散效应研究

    Research on The Effect of Stress Dispersion in Compound Two-Layer Foundation

  29. 多孔催化剂颗粒的内扩散效应对伴有失活的二级反应动力学的影响

    Effect of Intraparticle Diffusion on Catalyst Deactivation Kinetics for Second Order Reactions

  30. 第五章购并中的技术扩散效应。

    The fifth chapter aims to analyze the effectiveness of technical spread .