
tuō pán
  • tray;pallet;serving tray;waiter;shallow
托盘 [tuō pán]
  • [serving tray] 盛碗碟之盘子,多为长方形,木制或金属制

托盘[tuō pán]
  1. 基于ANSYS对木质托盘整体结构的静力分析

    ANSYS of Static Analysis for Wooden Pallet Based on the Structure

  2. 通过社会调查发现RFID托盘的应用走在了研究的前面。

    Through the social survey , we can find that the application of RFID pallet has walked in front of the study .

  3. 她端着装满食物的托盘走进了房间。

    She came into the room carrying a loaded tray .

  4. 他把早餐用托盘给她送到床上。

    He brought her breakfast in bed on a tray .

  5. 她一下子撞到侍者身上,弄得他托盘里的饮料四处飞溅。

    She crashed into a waiter and his tray of drinks went flying .

  6. 她端着一托盘饮料走进来。

    She came in with a tray of drinks .

  7. 我看着他拿了个托盘排起了队。

    I watched as he got a tray and joined the queue

  8. 一名男子端着一托盘巧克力走过来。

    A man came round with a tray of chocolates

  9. 用贝壳来装点盒子、托盘、镜子甚至是花盆。

    Use shells to decorate boxes , trays , mirrors or even pots .

  10. 起重机已经开始卸载木箱和托盘了。

    A crane was already unloading crates and pallets .

  11. 她把满满的托盘放下。

    She deposited the loaded tray .

  12. 过了一会儿他们的母亲回来了,用托盘端着一杯杯嘶嘶冒泡的饮料。

    After a while their mother was back , holding a tray of glasses that fizzed .

  13. 侍者端着托盘进来了。

    A waiter entered with a tray

  14. 烘烤过程中不要忘记转动托盘。

    Don 't forget to rotate the pan throughout the baking time .

  15. 他们想让经济舱的乘客看到托盘里的香槟酒被送进了头等舱。

    They like the economy passengers to see those trays of champagne being taken into club class .

  16. 托盘里有两杯香槟酒。

    There were two glasses of champagne on the tray .

  17. 请您将座椅靠背和桌面托盘调直以便起飞。

    We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off .

  18. PLC在玻璃瓶托盘包装控制系统中的应用

    Application of PLC to Control Systems in Stack Packing for Glass Bottles

  19. 把CD放入光碟托盘,然后关闭托盘。

    Put the CD into the disc tray , then close the tray .

  20. 重点研究了采用电压控制模式的两个通道(托盘进出伺服LoadingChannel和进给伺服SledChannel)。

    It includes two voltage-mode controlled channels ( loading channel and sled channel ) . Sled channel is capable of differential input .

  21. 当用户启动VisualStudio新的实例时,VisualStudio就会在系统托盘显示新的更新通知。

    Visual Studio displays the new update notification to all users in the system tray when they start a new instance of Visual Studio .

  22. 银托盘里夹着来自Wendy的汉堡。

    Silver trays held stacks of wrapped burgers from Wendy 's.

  23. 目的:观察托盘根乙醇提取物(ERC)对肿瘤生长的影响。

    OBJECTIVE : To observe the effect of ERC on tumor .

  24. 而RFID技术在托盘的电子信息化管理的应用更将大大提高物流的效率与准确性,托盘电子信息化管理将成为今后托盘管理的趋势。

    RFID application in the electronic information management will greatly improve the logistic efficiency and accuracy . Electronic information management is a trend in the future .

  25. 单碟VCD托盘运动过程中抖动问题的解决对策

    Prole and on-the-spot solvent to the vibration in the motion of mono-disc VCD tray

  26. 利用PLC发送脉冲,驱动步进电机,带动螺旋输送器的转动,使粉体物料落入电子天平的托盘中;

    The system sends out the pulse through PLC , drives the step-motor and making the screw-sending device rotary , and pushes the powder in the tray of the electronic scale .

  27. 本机可与刷胶通用,无须先在PVC上刷胶,此机可自动在设备的托盘上刷胶。

    The equipment can be used with cementing , without cementing on PVC in advance and the equipment do the cementing automatically on the tray of the equipment .

  28. 为了找到MAC地址,双击网络图标设在托盘酒吧,去支持标签,点击详细信息按钮。

    To find MAC address , double click on the network icon located at tray bar , go to Support tab and click on Details button .

  29. Delphi写的自动抓取当前活动窗体,其中涉及到自定义热键、托盘、限制程序运行个数等。

    Delphi written automatically grab the currently active form , which involves a custom hotkey , tray , and so limit the number of program runs .

  30. 本程序实现在程序运行过程中动态创建图标,并把这个图标设置成系统托盘图标,这样就可以实现像Windows中时间的托盘图标了。

    This procedure achieved in the program be dynamically created icon , and this icon is placed in a system tray icon , this can be achieved in time , like Windows tray icon .