
  1. 接下来,在剩余寿命服从伽玛分布的假设下,用折现密度函数法计算或有期权的价值。

    It values the contingent options using the discounted density approach under the assumption that the time-until-death random variable follows Gamma distribution .

  2. 随着国内保险市场的进一步发展和完善,权益连结保险产品将会受到更多消费者的欢迎。实际上,很多权益连结保险产品的定价问题都可归结为相应的或有期权的定价问题。

    With the further development and maturity of insurance market , they will be popular with more and more consumers in China . Actually , a lot of problems about the pricing of equity-linked insurance products boil down to the valuation of the corresponding embedded contingent options .

  3. 在保证比例和限制比例相等状况下,政府或有支出(看跌期权价值)及或有收益(看涨期权价值)的总和为正。

    When the restrictions ratio the guarantee ratio equal , the sum of the government potential expenditures ( put option value ) and potential receipts ( call option value ) is positive .