
  1. 他们明白(或以为自己明白)对冲基金是什么东西。

    They understand , or think they do , what a hedge fund is .

  2. 初看或以为对象的统一性既然属于主体,这样一来,对象岂不失掉实在性了吗?

    It might perhaps at first sight be imagined , that objects would lose their reality when their unity was transferred to the subject .

  3. 女人因不了解他这种反应,而避免要求他支持,或以为他是针对你而发,因此也会以拒绝反击。

    Because most women misunderstand this reaction , they either avoid asking him for support or they take it personally and reject him in return .

  4. 它既包括有权迫使人们服从正式的制度和规则,也包括人们同意或以为符合其利益的正式制度安排。

    Governance has the right to force people to obey the formal system and rules , also includes all kinds of formal system and arrangement people comply with its interests .

  5. 你们或以为树好、果子也好。树坏、果子也坏。因为看果子、就可以知道树。

    Either make the tree good , and his fruit good ; or else make the tree corrupt , and his fruit corrupt : for the tree is known by his fruit .

  6. 关于南诏与唐朝关系的性质,近有争议,或以为南诏是与唐朝相鼎立的国家级政权。

    There have been different viewpoints about the nature of the interrelations between Nanzhao and the Tang dynasty , some of which hold that Nanzhao was a national regime parallel to Tang .

  7. 有些人竭尽全力减肥但最终失败了,其中最常见诱因是担心健康问题或以为他们的体重一直以来都这么高。

    Among this group most of whom had tried and failed to lose weight in the past the most common motivation was a health concern or the realization that their weight had reached an all-time high .

  8. 我们刚才已看到马吕斯是怎样发现,或自以为发现了她的名字叫玉秀儿。

    The reader has just seen how Marius discovered , or thought that he discovered , that She was named Ursule .

  9. 没有耐心和没经验的Web用户通常会不止一次地点击按钮或链接,以为可以帮助加快处理速度,从而引发多重表单提交。

    Impatient and inexperienced Web users often invoke multiple form submissions by clicking on the button or link more than once , expecting that this will help speed processing time .

  10. 可是,很多人却把嫉妒或占有误以为是爱。

    It should be , but so many people confuse love with things like jealousy or possessiveness .

  11. 在最近的一些案件中,警职人员将手机或发刷误以为是枪支并开枪打死了那些无辜者。

    In a few recent cases , officers mistook cell phones and hairbrushes for guns , and shot and killed the victims .

  12. 人们怀旧的主要场景一般都是那些发生或是我们以为发生在四五十年之前的情景。

    The prime site of nostalgia is always whatever happened , or is thought to have happened , in the decade between forty and fifty years past .

  13. 这里从俱乐部到餐厅到艺廊,应有尽有。大多数来这里逛的人都是当地人、泰国人,或是自以为对曼谷市相当熟悉的外国人。

    It 's got everything from clubs to restaurants to galleries.Most of the people that come hang out here are either locals , Thais orforeigners who " know " a lot about Bangkok .

  14. “心虫”指让你难以忘怀的一段爱情或友情,你以为这段情早就过去了,但却时常想起,难以释怀。就像弃置的露营地里残留的火星,仍然有可能引发一场森林大火。

    Heartworm refers to a relationship or friendship that you can 't get out of your head , which you thought had faded long ago but is still somehow alive and unfinished , like an abandoned campsite whose smoldering1 embers still have the power to start a forest fire .

  15. 单凭证实或证伪都不足以为科学划界。

    Verification or falsification alone is not enough to demarcate science .

  16. 包括他的酷爱,他的出众之处,他的兴趣爱好,或是他引以为豪的成就。

    What are his / her passions , qualities , interests and proudest achievements ?

  17. 他们惟一的共同点就是都倾向于激怒或威胁那些自以为比别人更有见识的人。

    They have in common only one thing that they tend to annoy or threaten those who regard themselves as more enlightened .

  18. 特洛伊木马(用以使敌方或对手上当误以为于己有益的破坏性的人或事物)。

    Trojan horse ( person or thing used to harm an enemy or opponent , who wrongly believes he is being helped )

  19. 即便你以自己的玩世不恭、损人幽默、或忧心忡忡而引以为豪,这些特点可以用温暖的方式来传达。

    Even if you pride yourself on your cynicism , biting humor , or general edginess , these qualities can be conveyed with warmth .

  20. 科克说:一些公司花费数百万购置监控软件,防止员工看视频、上社交网站或在线购物。以为这样可以弥补生产效率低下造成的巨大损失,但事实并非如此。

    Firms spend millions on software to block their employees from watching videos , using social networking sites or shopping online under the pretence that it costs millions in lost productivity , said Coker .

  21. 那个男人并没有叫警察或救护车,他以为米娜已经当场死亡,并匆匆在他的花园里挖了个浅浅的坟墓将她埋在了里面。

    Instead of calling the police or an ambulance , the man assumed Mina had died on the spot and made the hasty decision to bury her in a shallow grave in his garden .

  22. 抵押贷款贷给了无力还款的人,因为放贷机构(或是投资者)以为,如果贷款人违约了,房屋将总是比贷款更值钱。

    Mortgages were made to people who couldn 't afford the payments because the lender ( or investor ) figured that if the borrower defaulted , the house would always be worth more than the loan .

  23. 们若以为我是真信主的,(或作你们若以为我是忠心事奉主的)请到我家里来住。

    And when she was baptized , and her household , she besought us , saying , If ye have judged me to be faithful to the Lord , come into my house , and abide there .

  24. 他们都问到一个同样的问题:在商务晚宴上别人把酒单递给我时(或是因为他们以为我懂点葡萄酒或是因我担任的职务的缘故),我到底该怎么应付呢?

    What they all had in common was this question : When I 'm at a business dinner and they hand me the wine list ( either because they think I know something about wine or because of my position ), what the heck am I supposed to do ?

  25. 我们把学习倾听的技巧等同于学走路或学骑车:以为一旦学会,就可以牢固掌握,就可以开始做下一件事情了。

    We still tend to treat listening skills the way we treat learning to walk or learning to ride a bicycle : we think that once we 've acquired them , we 've got it ; we 're done , and ready to move on to the next thing .

  26. 这些都是违法行为,但这些人仍然铤而走险,或是出于无知,或是仅仅以为拥有一张豹皮彰显自己的威望。

    It 's illegal to do so , but people persist out of ignorance or because they think having a skin of a snow leopard , for example , gives them prestige .

  27. 不要仅仅由于家长,兄长,火伴,配头,密友或是你在twitter上看到或人以为某个专业是个极好选择的怂恿下而做出自己的选择。

    Never pick a major just because your parent , older sibling , partner , spouse , best friend , or person you 're following on Twitter thinks it 'd be a bang-up idea to major in that .