
  • 网络Italian wine;Italy
  1. 她爱喝意大利葡萄酒。

    She 's get a fancy for italian wine .

  2. 我们已经有了一些意大利葡萄酒。

    We 've got some Italian wine .

  3. 这挑起了她的兴趣,她开始探索法国葡萄酒和意大利葡萄酒,然后,当她回到纽约,就参加了当时占据世贸中心顶楼两层的全球葡萄酒之窗学院(WindowsontheWorldWineSchool)。

    Her interest piqued , she began to explore the wines of France and Italy and , when she returned to New York , she attended the famous Windows on the World Wine School , then on the top two floors of the World Trade Center .

  4. 她甚至可以分出所有的意大利葡萄酒

    She can even differentiate all different kinds of Italian wines .

  5. 他起初更喜欢欧洲葡萄酒——主要是法国和意大利葡萄酒。

    At first , he favored European wines - mostly French and Italian .

  6. 走进意大利葡萄酒的世界&威尼托

    Enter the world of Italian Wine-Veneto

  7. 我喜欢意大利葡萄酒。

    I like Italian wine .

  8. 意大利葡萄酒是我们这里的特色,这些葡萄酒果味酸度适中。

    Our specialty here are Italian wines , and these tend to be fruity with medium acidity .

  9. 我相信奥运会是世界体育的盛事,也能成为意大利葡萄酒的盛事。

    I believe that the Olympic Games will be a spectacular event ; it can also become a spectacular event for the Italian wine .

  10. 我们相信中国的消费者有能力做出好的选择,享受意大利葡萄酒带给大家的丰富体验。

    We believe that Chinese consumers have the ability to make the best choice in enjoying the abundant experience brought by the Italian wine .

  11. 本公司拥有一批专业的运营团队,以及与意大利葡萄酒业界及知名酒庄建立了极其友好的战略合作伙伴关系。

    The company has a group of professional operation team and establish a very friendly strategic cooperative partnership with Italian wine industry and well-known wineries .

  12. 我们将致力于让更多的中国人享受到优质的意大利葡萄酒产品,感受不同文化,提升生活品质。

    We are dedicating to let more Chinesepeople enjoy a high quality product of the Italian wine in different cultures and promote the quality of life .

  13. 我的目标是找到意大利葡萄酒在中国市场的主要问题,我会努力去了解意大利公司进入这个市场所存在的误区,并提供一些建议以改造他们的出口排名。

    My goals is to find the main problem that the wine industry have here in China , I will try to understand the mistake and the wrong action that the Italian companies do entering in this market and I will give some advice to improve their ranking as exporter .

  14. 有三款意大利产葡萄酒特别出色,其中两款产自酒庄AbbaziadiNovacella:一款是爽口而轻盈的Sylvaner(售价22美元),另一款是矿物香更浓,并带有一点泥土芬芳的Praepositus(售价35美元)。

    Three of the Italian wines were particularly good , including two from the Abbazia di Novacella winery : a refreshing and light Sylvaner ( $ 22 ) and their Praepositus ( $ 35 ) that was more minerally , with a bit of an earthy note .

  15. 雪树伏特加,苹果汁,意大利白葡萄酒,鲜柠檬,葡萄。

    Belvedere vodka , apple juice , white wine fresh lemon and grapes .

  16. 巴罗洛是意大利红葡萄酒之王。

    Barolo is the king of Italian red wines .

  17. 最喜爱的酒:各种课程,享受所有用爱心和质量生产的葡萄酒,但意大利北部葡萄酒和白勃艮第尤其。

    Favorite wine : Varies of course , enjoy all wines produced with love and quality but week for northern Italian wines and white Burgundy 's.

  18. 我就就着蚕豆和意大利基安蒂红葡萄酒把他的肝吃了。

    I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti .

  19. 非常有特色的意大利微型起泡葡萄酒,来自优质法定产区的出品,入口甜美清新,富有苹果和水蜜桃的芳香。

    A traditional sparkling sweet white in Asti , with apple , juicy peach nose and fresh , good balance in mouth .

  20. 关税降低后,越来越多的进口葡萄酒涌入中国市场,您将如何看待这一现象,意大利食品包括葡萄酒在华将会有哪些策略和表现?

    After decrease of duty , more and more foreign wine enter in Chinese market , what do you think about this phenomena ? What 's the marketing strategy of Italian food and wine to Chinese market ?

  21. 他是史上第一位接受意大利最高荣誉的葡萄酒作家和评论家。

    He is the first wine writer or critic in history to receive Italy 's highest honor .