
huáng huò
  • perplexed and alarmed;apprehensive;perplexed;pucker
惶惑 [huáng huò]
  • [perplexed] 惶恐疑惑

  • 惶惑不解

惶惑[huáng huò]
  1. 国际空间站的辉煌与惶惑

    The brilliant and apprehensive international space station

  2. 他的表情在一本正经和茫然惶惑之间变幻不定。

    His expressions varied from poker-faced to blank

  3. 我还在人间惶惑和游移。

    I 'm still perplexed , wandering in the mortal world .

  4. 那个穷人面对这番财富的炫耀,感到惶惑不知所措。

    The poor man felt abashed at the display of wealth .

  5. 耶尔带着惶惑不解的神情,摇了摇头。

    Yale shook his head in a gesture of perplexity .

  6. 但是盖茨比身上却发生了一种令人惶惑的变化。

    But there was a change in Gatsby that was simply confounding .

  7. 与任何核辐射相比,恐惧与惶惑的传播速度更快,范围更远。

    Fear and uncertainty spread faster and farther than any nuclear fallout .

  8. 他似乎被那个可怕的消息搞得惶惑不安。

    He seemed bewildered and stricken by the dreadful news .

  9. 这个令人惶惑不安的现象,扰乱了他的旷达宁静的心境。

    The phenomenon was so striking and disturbing that his philosophical tranquillity vanished .

  10. 她选举失败后非常惶惑。

    She was punch-drunk after she lost the vote .

  11. 她丈夫的残忍让她既惊愕又惶惑。

    Her husband 's cruelty amazed and confounded her .

  12. 惶惑地凝视着这种奇怪的景象。

    Gazing in confusion at the strange sight .

  13. 那家伙惶惑地低下头。

    The fellow hung his head in confusion .

  14. 孩子注视着她,眼里露出惶惑的神色。

    The boy watched her with unsure eyes .

  15. 这信只会使妈妈惶惑不解。

    The letter would only bewilder the mother .

  16. 他显得惶惑,绞着双手。

    He looked dazed and wrung his hands .

  17. 文学转型时期的矛盾与惶惑&林纾试论

    The Contradiction and Apprehension in the Period of the Literature Transformation-a Discussion on Linshu

  18. 这些问题并非为了使你惶惑,也不是让你感觉不舒服。

    These questions aren 't meant to stump you or make you feel bad .

  19. 帕特里奇夫人显得有点惶惑。

    Mrs partridge looked a little flummoxed .

  20. 身在他乡为异客,估计会是一种惶惑,甚至需要摸索的生活体验。

    Moving to a new country can be a confusing , even trying , experience .

  21. 尤有甚者,酒神祭音乐激起人们的惶惑和恐惧。

    their Dionysian music , in especial , spread abroad terror and a deep shudder .

  22. 她的脸红证明她惶惑不安。

    Her blush witnessed her confusion .

  23. 我惶惑地发现整个世界竟然没有因为我儿子的死停下半分。

    I was surprise to see the world didn 't stop just cause my boy did .

  24. 我打量着她的眼睛,寻找某种泄露她内心隐秘的闪光,表示惶惑或者痛苦的眼神;

    I watched her eyes for some tell-tale flash , some hint of dismay or bitterness ;

  25. 你们内中看上去最孱弱和最惶惑的,正是最强劲和最坚执的。

    That which seems most feeble and bewildered in you is the strongest and most determined .

  26. 波特兰的简布阑从梦中惊醒,内心惶惑。

    Jan Brehm of Portland woke up from a dream confused and shaken to her core .

  27. 我当然明白事实真相,但是公众会感到惶惑的。

    I know of course what the facts are , but the public may be upset .

  28. 她竟然渴望用双手去楼那胞成青铜色的脖子,这叫她惶惑。

    It bewildered her that she should desire to place her hands on that sunburned neck .

  29. 整天都惶惑不安、烦躁、疯狂;

    And frantic-mad with evermore unrest ;

  30. 斯基夫米勒显得惶惑不解。

    Skiff Miller looked puzzled .