
xīn jìng mài
  • cardiac vein
心静脉[xīn jìng mài]
  1. 恬尔心静脉注射液治疗原发性高血压病临床观察

    Clinical observation of Diltiazen Hydrochloride injection in the treatment of primary hypertension

  2. 右心静脉导管检查的临床应用解剖

    Applied Anatomy of Right Heart Catheterization Via Veins

  3. 根据冠状窦的收受范围和心静脉的注入形式,将猪心静脉分为6种类型。

    According to the distribution patterns of the tributaries of coronary sinus and the forms of the venous opening , the cardiac veins might be divided into 6 types .

  4. 方法将造影导管放入103例拟进行对窄QRS心动过速射频消融患者的冠状静脉窦-心大静脉远端进行造影,观察心脏静脉的形态、位置、数目及内径。

    Methods Retrograde cardiac venography was used to examine the morphology , position , number and the diameter of cardic veins in 103 patients .

  5. 心大静脉的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of the great cardiac vein

  6. 心大静脉60%起始于前室间沟下1/2.心大静脉和心中静脉在前室间沟下1/3互相连接。

    60 % of the great cardiac veins originate from the lower 1 / 3 of the anterior interventricular sulcus .

  7. 其属支中有73.33%的心中静脉和10.00%的心小静脉开口于冠状窦口处。

    73.33 % of middle cardiac veins and 10.00 % of small cardiac veins open near the orifice of coronary sinus .

  8. 方法:结扎犬冠状动脉前降支第一分支,造成急性心肌缺血模型,分离心大静脉并插管,使其静脉血回流于右房,在导管的中部接一个三通取血。

    Methods : The first branch of anterior descending coronary artery was ligated to establish the model of canine with acute myocardial ischemia .

  9. 摘要目的:研究心前静脉系统属支的形态特征,为临床提供解剖学基础。

    Objective : to provide the anatomical basis for clinical application , the morphological characteristics of the branches of anterior cardiac veins were studied .

  10. 前室间静脉在前室间沟中1/3出现肌桥4.2%。对心大静脉的临床意义进行了讨论。

    Myocardial bridges of the anterior interventricular vein was observed in the middle 1 / 3 of the sulcus in 4 . 2 % of the cases .

  11. 方法:经10%福尔马林固定后的58例成人尸体心脏标本,在肉眼或低倍放大镜下直接解剖、观察心前静脉的各属支。

    Methods : The hearts of 58 formalin fixed adult cadavers were dissected under naked eye or low power megaloscope , the branches of anterior cardiac veins were observed .

  12. 结论:了解心前静脉系统是除了冠状窦以外心脏静脉血回流的一个正常的重要通道,对临床心血管疾病的诊治有一定帮助。

    Conclusion : It is helpful for the clinic diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases to understand that the anterior cardiac veins is a normal and important pathway for cardiac venous blood backflow besides coronary sinus .

  13. 心大静脉、心中静脉、左室后静脉直径均数分别为3.16±0.87、3.86±1.16和3.28±0.98mm。

    Their mean height is 3.98 ± 2.50 . The diameters of great cardiac vein , middle cardiac vein , left posterior vein are 3.16 ± 0.87 , 3.86 ± 1.16 and 3.28 ± 0.98 . respectively .

  14. 结果所有患者均可见冠状静脉窦和心大静脉,绝大多数患者可见心中静脉及1~3支左室后静脉。

    Results The CS and great cardiac vein ( GCV ) were visualized in all patients ; middle cardiac vein ( MCV ) and 1 ~ 3 left posterior vein ( LPV ) were visualized in almost all patients .

  15. 门脉高压心膈角静脉曲张MSCT研究

    The Evaluation of Cardiophrenic Angle Varices in Portal Hypertension with MSCT

  16. 正常及右位心胎儿的静脉导管超声多普勒血流波形变化

    Changes of ductus venosus Doppler ultrasound waveforms in normal and dextrocardia fetus

  17. 累及右侧心腔的静脉内平滑肌瘤病(附2例报告)

    Intravenous leiomyomatosis extending to right heart ( report of 2 cases )

  18. 心表浅静脉有广泛的吻合,特别位于心尖、左缘和膈面。

    The anastomoses of superficial cardiac veins , especially in the apex , left margin and diaphragmatic surface were abundant .

  19. 方法:本文应用脉冲多普勒超声心动图对冠心病心绞痛者静脉输入心血通前后的左室舒张功能进行了测定。

    Method Left ventricular diastolic function was studied with pulsed doppler echo cardiography before and after vein administration Xinxuetong in angina pectoris patients .

  20. 保留近心端动静脉的轴型岛状皮瓣。岛状静脉皮瓣移植后1&48小时,真皮浅层无血液循环。

    Axial flap remaining the cephalad artery and vein , 1 to 48 hours after venous flap transplant , there were not blood circulation in superfacial derma .

  21. 目的:对比研究心外科术后静脉芬太尼病人自控镇痛(PCA)与传统间断肌肉注射镇痛(CAT)的临床效果及安全性。

    Objective : To compare the clinical efficacy and safety of fentanyl per patient-controlled analgesia ( PCA ) intravenous-ly and intravenous morphine ( CAT ) after cardiac surgery .

  22. 结论:右心导管术对静脉内皮有机械损伤。

    Conclusion : Right heart catheterization may injure venous endothelium .

  23. 房颤或房扑患者行心内直视手术静脉注射胺碘酮及美托洛尔对心律的作用

    Intravenous amiodarone against atrial fibrillation or flutter after CPB in open heart surgery

  24. 心导管术后静脉血栓形成及栓塞分析

    Analysis of vein thrombosis and embolism after heart catheterization

  25. 急性右心衰竭兔中心静脉压及颈总动脉压与肠系膜微循环的关系

    Correlation of central venous pressure , common carotid artery pressure and microcirculation in rats with acute right heart failure

  26. 不同全腔静脉肺动脉连接术式对腔静脉回流、肺血分布以及能量消耗的影响术后心排量与腔静脉压及肺血管阻力关系密切,肺血分布与肺血管阻力显著相关。

    The experimental study of vena cava and pulmonary artery flow dynamics and energy dissipation in different total cavopulmonary connection The ECT results showed that right lung has the relative superior blood perfusion .

  27. 右心室壁未见到动静脉吻合,但观察到与心腔直接相通的心最小静脉和心肌窦状隙。

    No A-V anastomosis could be seen , yet thebesian vessels and myocardial sinusoids directly opened into ventrical chamber could be found .