
wēi diāo
  • miniature sculpture;micro-carving
微雕 [wēi diāo]
  • [miniature] 微型雕刻,在极小的物体上[多用象牙或金属]刻的字或图像等,一般须要借助放大镜才能看清楚

  1. 你或许可以用牙签制作微雕,以熬过这段时间。

    You might pass the time constructing miniatures from the toothpicks .

  2. 壁板中镶嵌的是260块稀有的古印度波斯特色的微雕。

    Inset in the paneling are 260 rare miniatures of Indo-Persian heritage .

  3. 在面部微雕,注射除皱方面有独到的见解和精湛的技巧;

    Miniature in the face , wrinkle injections have unique insight and consummate skill ;

  4. 微雕工艺其实是一种很繁重很耗费精气和体力的技艺。

    Tiny sculpture process is a very very heavy gas-consuming fine and physical skills .

  5. 他是在为女儿制作玩偶之家后开始微雕事业的。

    He began carving out his career in miniatures after making furniture for his daughters dolls house .

  6. 天才微雕艺术家威拉德·维冈在一个24克拉的金针针眼里雕出了奥巴马一家。生活英语知多少?

    Talented Willard Wigan has carved Mr Obama and his family into the eye of a24-carat gold needle .

  7. 它们在不断擦拭身体表面的过程中转化成微雕。

    They are miniature sculptures formed through the process of scrubbing away at the surface of the body .

  8. 这位微雕艺术家的作品非常小,只有用显微镜才能看得到,用肉眼看不到。

    The micro-sculptor 's work is so small , you need a microscope to see it-it is invisible to the naked eye .

  9. 由于微雕所用的材料和色料等原因,目前大部分微雕艺术作品容易褪色。

    Most of the miniature work of art can easily fade , because of the materials and the pigment of the miniature works of art .

  10. 微雕艺术是世界文明艺术史上的瑰宝,艺术内容丰富,具有极高的艺术价值。

    The miniature art is a treasure of world civilization in the history of art , the art have rich content and high artistic value .

  11. 2009年,微雕艺术家彼得·理查斯制作的拥有23个房间的微雕玩具屋卖得50000英镑,而那时英国房地产市场的有些房价都没有那么高。

    In 2009 miniaturist Peter Riches sold a 23-room dolls house for 50,000 , while some houses on the UK property market were for sale for less than that .

  12. 这位来自爱丁堡的微雕艺术家已经把这个爱好当成了自己的事业来经营,他制作了很多日用品微型作品,比如微型剃须刷、剃刀和厨房用具等。

    The miniaturist from Edinburgh has made his hobby a full-time career , creating hand-crafted pieces including mini everyday household items such as mini shaving brush and razor and kitchenware .

  13. 在他决定追求微雕事业前,他曾是考文特花园乐团、皇家爱乐乐团、爱丁堡四重奏乐团和苏格兰国家交响乐团的职业音乐家。

    He was a professional musician playing with the Covent Garden Orchestra , the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra , the Edinburgh Quartet and the Scottish National Orchestra before he decided to pursue his passion to become a miniaturist .

  14. 彩虹效果替代了颜料的作用,使微雕作品具有色彩效果;将图案进行一次性微缩,充分缩短了制作的时间周期并且解决了图像失真问题。

    The rainbow effect replaces the role of the pigment , making the miniature works have color effect . Minifying the graphic all at once , the production period of time have been shortened adequately and the problem of image distortion have been solved .

  15. 理查斯的微雕玩具屋包括仆人住所、一个带有三角钢琴的音乐室、一个台球室和带1000册不同封面书籍的图书室,整个微雕大厦制作耗时15年。

    The mini mansion had its own servants ' quarters , a music room with grand piano , a hand-crafted games room with snooker table and a library with over 1,000 separately bound books , and took Mr Riches a painstaking 15 years to complete .

  16. 又经过宋、元、明初的发展,微雕工艺在明末、清、民国时期达到全盛,微雕种类增多,技艺更加精微,名家不断涌现。

    After Song , Yuan , Ming and early development , Tiny sculpture technology in the late Ming and Qing , the heyday of the Republic of China reached maturity , Tiny sculpture types increased , more micro-techniques , the player will continue to emerge .

  17. 但这些微雕艺术作品绝大部分都是手工雕刻而成,容易失真,且精细微小的结构给微雕艺术工作者们带来极大的挑战,完成一件微雕艺术作品往往要花费很长的一段时间。

    But the vast majority of these miniature works of art are hand carved , the tiny structures of these miniature works of art bring a great challenge to artists , and complete a miniature works of art often takes a very long period of time .