
  • 网络Pembrokeshire;Pembroke;Pembrokeshire Coast
  1. 毕竟,离英国彭布罗克郡海岸8英里远的这座岛屿是被英国皇家鸟类保护协会(RSPB)认定为天然的庇护所。

    After all , this bleak slab of rock eight miles off Pembrokeshire is run by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ( RSPB ) as a sanctuary .

  2. Bevins博士说:这就意味着考古学家能够在相对较小的范围内去挖掘相关的人类活动的证据,从而引出另一种猜想&人类是如何将巨石从彭布罗克郡运到现在的巨石阵地点。

    Dr Bevins said : ' What this means is that the area is now small enough for archaeologists to excavate to try and uncover evidence for associated human activity , so providing another strand of the story of how the stones from Pembrokeshire reached Stonehenge .

  3. 因此,他打电话向彭布罗克郡养蜂人协会的养蜂人们寻求救援。

    So , he called in reinforcements -- the intrepid folks at the Pembrokeshire Beekeepers Association .

  4. 圣彼得生态村是人们2009在威尔士的彭布罗克郡郊区建立的一个小群落。

    Lammas Eco Village is a small community of people operating on the Pembrokeshire countryside in Wales since 2009 .

  5. 摩西是彭布罗克郡海岸国家公园的一名护林员,事发时他正好开车经过。

    Moses , who works as a Pembrokeshire Coast National Park ranger , was driving by when he happened upon the raid .

  6. 彭布洛克威尔士科基犬,产自威尔士的彭布罗克郡。当地流传着这样一个传说,威尔士柯基犬是精灵的坐骑,因此在它们的皮毛上才会有马鞍状的图案。

    The Pembroke Welsh Corgi hails from Pembrokeshire , Wales , where , according to legend , it served as a steed for fairies ( hence the saddle-like pattern on its coat ) .