
  1. 第四章对彝族文化资源管理专业的前景进行透视。

    The forth section estimates the foreground of Yi Culture management major .

  2. 主位研究视角下的彝族文化真实。

    Yi cultural reality from the viewpoint of emic research .

  3. 民族旅游地区保护与开发互动机制探索&云南省邱北县仙人洞彝族文化生态村个案研究

    A study on Interactive Mechanism of Protection and Development in Ethnical Tourist Areas

  4. 处于该背景下的彝族文化资源管理专业应在思想观念、培养方向、培养方式、师资结构等方面重新定位;

    Under this background , the Yi Culture Resources Management major should relocate itself .

  5. 彝族文化习俗与彝族民居

    Culture Yi Cultural Customs and the Residence

  6. 最后,对彝族文化资源管理专业提出了改进与发展对策,以及在其他民族地区普通高校或民族学院适当推广的设想。

    The author put forward how to improve and develop the Yi culture management major .

  7. 毕摩文化是彝族文化的重要组成部分,是极有开发价值的民族文化旅游资源。

    Bimo cultural tourism resource deserves exploitation .

  8. 彝族文化在黔西北旅游资源开发中的地位

    The Status of Yi people 's Culture in the Tourism Resources Development of the Northwest in Guizhou

  9. 凉山大学在开设彝族文化资源管理专业过程中所遇到的一系列问题与教训,其他院校要注意规避。

    Other educational institutions may learn lessons form Liangshang University and pay attention to evading the similar problems .

  10. 第一章介绍了教育与文化传承的关系和个案研究的彝族文化背景。

    The first section introduces the relationship between education and culture inheritance , as well as the study background of the Yi culture .

  11. 黔西北彝区当下人文考察研究&田野中的黔西北彝族文化

    Study of Investigation to Humanity at Present of Yi Region of North-west Guizhou Province & Yi Culture of North-west Guizhou Province in Field

  12. 西昌是航天城、月亮城、历史文化城、山地旅游休闲城、又是彝族文化的中心。

    Xichan is characterized by aerospace city , moon city , historic and cultural city , tourism city and the center of Yi culture .

  13. 最后,指出对凉山大学彝族文化资源管理专业的个案研究具有代表性与典型性。

    Finally the author pointed out that the case study of the major of Yi Culture Resources Management in Liangshan University is representative and typical .

  14. 其次,对比分析其他几所典型民族院校及民族地区普通高校的专业设置,从而证明彝族文化资源管理专业确实具有创新性、填补了一定的空白。

    Secondly the author analyzes several other typical national majors in some other universities in national area and compares them with Yi culture resources management major .

  15. 这样就能使这一宝贵的彝族文化走向世界和走向现代化,并将为彝族地区带来很好的民族文化旅游效益。

    Doing so we will be able to internationalize and modernize this Nosu traditional culture and it bring good ends to Nosu territory 's cultural tourism .

  16. 毕摩文化是彝族文化的核心,是各地彝族人民的精神依托,也是祖国文化遗产之一部分。

    Bimo Culture is the core of Yi Culture , the spirit support of the Yi people , and a part of cultural legacy of China as well .

  17. 与人合作抢救彝族文化遗产电视纪录片《一个彝族教授的自述》于2004年在中央电视台西部频道播放。

    Co-director of a documentary entitled Protection and Salvation of Yi Cultural Legacy : A Yi Professor 's Oral History , which has been shown on CCTV Western Channel in2004 .

  18. 而服饰传统传承因素除了生态环境的稳定性之外,重要的还有彝族文化价值观的相对稳定性,二者促成彝族服饰主要的文化要素传承了下来。

    The stability of ecologic environment and the stability of the Yu people 's cultural value are the main factors to make the Yu costumes pass down from generation to generation .

  19. 民族民间的丧葬仪式更是最具保守性的部分之一,而且也是最具有传承价值的彝族文化形式之一。

    As the one part of the most conservative content , funeral is the culture forms of Yi ethnic group which contains the biggest inheritance value , particularly different funeral of different ethnic .

  20. 在此基础上,对彝族文化保存与开发的现状及误区进行简述,从而指出当前彝族文化保存与开发的必要性及开发潜力。

    On this foundation , the author assessed the present situation and mistake area during the preservation and development of the Yi culture , and described the necessity and potential of such preservation and development .

  21. 指出应以彝族文化为龙头,发展黔西北的民族文化生态旅游业,并提出了四条开发原则和其他的相关措施。

    It also points out that we should regard Yi people 's culture as a faucet and develop the nationality cultural ecology tourism of the northwest in Guizhou , advancing four development principles and the related measure .

  22. 通过对文化的基本概念、少数民族传统文化的内涵与外延的阐释,确定了将彝族文化分为物质技术和社会精神两个层次进行分析阐述的思路。

    By means of expounding the basic concept and the connotation and denotation of the traditional culture of ethnic minority , the author decided to divide the analysis into two steps , culture substance technique and community essence .

  23. 本文通过对凉山彝族文化的起源、表现形式及其特点进行概述,总结出凉山彝族文化的民族地域性特色及图案在文化特色传承中所起的作用。

    This paper on the origins , manifestations and characteristics of Yi culture in Liangshan area overview , sum up the culture of the Yi nationality in Liangshan national geographic features and patterns in the role of cultural heritage .

  24. 凉山州乡土彝语文教材作为凉山地区地方课程的代表,以彝族文化知识为主要编译的内容,在学校教育活动里起着桥梁的作用。

    As a representative of the local curriculum , Local language materials in Liangshan Yi in Liangshan region , with the main content of education in the school of Yi and cultural knowledge , build a bridge in the school activity .

  25. 本论文以凉山大学彝族文化资源管理专业为个案,以人类学视角对少数民族高等教育在传统文化传承方面所具有的功能和作用开展调查研究。

    This dissertation is based on the case study of the major - Yi culture resources management Liangshan University , and studies the function of the higher education for national minorities to the traditional culture inheritance in the view of anthropology .

  26. 刺绣是哩颇人生活中的重要部分,迄今仍然保存了鲜活的生命力而呈现活态,在彝族文化相似性之中独显地域性特征。

    Embroidery plays an important role in the life of Lipo group , and it still keeps the fresh vitality and shows a live state up to now . This significantly contributes to its regional characteristics among the Yi Culture " similarity " .

  27. 作者通过对云南省邱北县仙人洞彝族文化生态村建设过程的回顾,指出在建设民族文化生态村过程中获得的经验和教训,并探讨了民族旅游地区文化开发和保护之间的互动机制。

    By reviewing the course of construction of cultural and ecological village of Yi People in Xianren Hole in Qiubei County , Yunnan , the author points out the experience and lessons gained in the course and discusses the interactive Mechanism of cultural protection and development in ethnical tourist areas .

  28. 早期道教教职的研究道教与彝族传统文化研究

    A Study on the Relationship between Daoism and Yi Traditional Culture

  29. 彝族服饰文化论略

    A brief discussion of the dress culture of the Yi people

  30. 彝族社会文化小辑

    A Small Collection of the Social Culture of Yi Nationality