
  • 网络tension pneumothorax
  1. 该手术可以在床边进行。张力性气胸应立即在第二肋间隙、锁骨中线插管降压。

    Tension pneumothorax should be immediately decompressed with a catheter inserted into the second intercostal space , midclavicular line .

  2. 小导管协助减压治疗交通及张力性气胸

    Automatic decompression with micro - catheter for open and tension pneumothorax

  3. 除1例胸部穿刺发生张力性气胸外,余13例轻微并发症不需特殊处理。

    One patient developed tension pneumothorax , 13 cases had mild symptoms requiring no treatment .

  4. 肺挫伤及肺破裂引起张力性气胸1例法医学鉴定

    One Case Report of Tension Pneumothorax Caused by Contusion and Rupture of Lung by Forensic Expertise

  5. 细导管胸置管引流装置用于治疗张力性气胸100例的护理

    Nursing care of 100 cases with tension pneumothorax treated with fine catheter chest indwelling drainage device

  6. 张力性气胸6例。闭合性气胸经单纯胸穿抽气治愈58例,肺完全复张时间平均1.5±0.5天;

    The pneumothorax of closed treated only by needle and cure 58 cases , the average time of pneumothorax return are 1.5 ± 0.5 days .

  7. 结果本组25例治愈出院,因张力性气胸未能及时纠正术中死亡1例。

    Result 25 cases were cured and cure rate was 96.1 % in this group . One case died during operation because of tension pneumothorax was not be corrected .

  8. 结果102例患者均发生过多种并发症,发生率依次为心律失常、低血压、消化道出血、酸碱平衡失调和张力性气胸。

    Results All of the patients had various complications , the complications were cardiac arrhythmia , hypo tension , the unbalanced of acid-base , gastrointestinal hemorrhage , and pressure pneumothorax .

  9. 图为张力性气胸,因呼吸时活瓣样的结构使气体漏入到胸膜腔的越来越多,纵膈移位。

    The example seen here is a " tension " pneumothorax shifting the mediastinum , because a " ball-valve " air leak is increasing the air in the right chest cavity .

  10. 气胸临床症状不典型,95.8%经X线胸片确诊,45.8%为张力性气胸。

    In addition , the clinical feature was atypical in 95 8 % patients , who was diagnosed by chest xray examination , and 45 8 % patients were diagnosed as pressure pneumothorax .

  11. 结论电视胸腔镜下肺大泡手术的麻醉管理应着重强调麻醉平稳、防治张力性气胸、正确定位双腔气管导管、加强单肺通气的呼吸管理和防治低氧血症。

    Conclusion The key points of anesthetic management for lung bullae surgery with video-assisted thoracoscopy were stable anesthesia , correct position of DLT , ventilation management of OLV , prevention and treatment of tension pneumothorax and hypoxemia .

  12. 结果7例(0.69%)并发气胸,4例经胸腔穿刺抽气后治愈,3例为张力性气胸,行简易胸腔闭式引流2~3d后治愈。

    Results Pneumothorax occurred in 7 cases ( 0.69 % ); among them , 4 cases were cured by thoracic capacity puncture pumping air , and 3 cases with tension pneumothorax were cured by thoracic capacity close drainage for 2 ~ 3 days .

  13. 呼吸系统方面133例(其中大咯血34例,张力性气胸40例等);中枢神经系统疾病12例;

    Causes of disease for salvage were as follows : 50 cases of circulation system , 133 of respiration system ( including 34 heavy hemoptysis and 40 tension pneumothorax ), 12 of central nerve system disease , 5 intoxication and 31 other systemic diseases .