
  1. 庐隐小说的忧郁情愫

    True Feelings of Melancholy aud Sentimentality in Lu Yin 's Novels

  2. 冰心、庐隐的创作与基督教文化

    The Creating Novels of Bing Xin and Lu Yin and Christianity

  3. 现实生活与虚构叙事的错位和重叠&庐隐、丁玲、萧红的生活与写作兼评

    On the Dislocation and Repetition between Real Life and Fiction

  4. 本文试从创作主体意识、作品中人物的情绪体验及作者对文本形式的自觉驾驭等方面对庐隐的自我意识进行分析。

    The paper analyzes the above aspects from her experiences and consciousness .

  5. 论庐隐小说的精神特征

    On the Spiritual Characteristics of Lu Yin 's Novels

  6. 庐隐小说创作的悲剧意识及其超越

    Tragedy Consciousness and Surpassing of LU Yin 's Novels

  7. 庐隐是最早参加文学研究会的女作家。

    Lu Yin is the first female writer to join literary study seminar .

  8. 庐隐的悲哀既成就了庐隐,又制约了庐隐的艺术成就。

    The sorrow makes her accomplished but , meanwhile , limits her artistic achievements .

  9. 觉醒与困惑:试论庐隐的女性题材作品

    On the Feminine Works of Lu Yin

  10. 对女性意识的发掘和探寻&试论庐隐的女性小说

    The Exploration and Inquiry of Female Consciousness & The First Exploration into Ying 's Female Novels

  11. 庐隐的小说散发着“五四”时代的浓郁气息。

    Lu Yin 's novels give off a strong smell of the times of May4 Movement .

  12. 庐隐小说中最深刻的精神现象是一种复杂的生命焦虑:在追寻中焦虑、在焦虑中追寻。

    The deepest spiritual phenomenon in Lu Yin 's novels is a kind of complex life anxiety .

  13. 柔情万千的感伤歌吟&庐隐的创作及其作品中的女性人物形象

    The sentimental chant with multifarious tenderness ── Lu Yin 's creation and the female images in her works

  14. 悲哀的叹美者庐隐试析庐隐小说的悲剧意蕴

    A Grievous Beauty Chanter Lu Yin Trial analysis the tragic content in the stories written by Lu Yin

  15. 在这批女作家群中,庐隐的创作在整个五四女性文学中呈现出鲜明的女性写作立场和审美经验。

    Among these writers , Lu Yin presents a clear-cut feminist standpoint and aesthetic experience in her compositions .

  16. 五四女儿的病理报告&庐隐小说一解

    An Pathological Report from a Daughter of the May Fourth Period & To Mention from Lu Yin 's Novels

  17. 三是洋溢着哀伤凄苦的悲剧意味。这种现代意识是时代的产物,也是庐隐创作的审美选择。

    Such modern sense was the product of the times and the topic of Lu Yin 's aesthetic approach .

  18. 庐隐:中国现代女性写作的拓荒者&兼论中国现代女性写作的双声语境

    Lu Yin : The Pioneer of Chinese Contemporary Female Writing ── On the Dual Track Discourse of Chinese Contemporary Female Writing

  19. 女性感伤抒情的独语&简论庐隐五四退潮后的小说创作

    The sentimental and lyric solo speaking of women & a brief exposition of Lu yin 's novel creation after May Fourth Movement

  20. 女性悲剧命运的自我言说&庐隐、萧红、张爱玲小说创作的文本意义

    On the Self Description of the Tragic Destination of Women & The Textual Significance of the Novels of LU Yin , XIAO Hong and ZHANG Ai-ling

  21. 庐隐是中国现代文学史上较早对五四妇女解放运动进行深刻反思的作家之一。

    This paper considers Lu Yin as one of the early writers who , during the contemporary history of Chinese literature , profoundly rethought the May 4th Women 's Liberation .

  22. 同时,由于庐隐本我经验的原因,她的女性自觉意识盈溢着消极的、悲哀的色彩,影响了她无法对于自身的超越。

    But on account of her " egotist experience ", her feminine self-consciousness was filled with " pessimistic " and gloomy color , which greatly influenced the transcendence of herself .

  23. 本文通过对庐隐女性意识的剖析、庐隐与其他现代女作家女性意识的比较分析,旨在证明,中国女性写作在它诞生之日起就处在一种双声语境的尴尬之中,具有不可避免的内在冲突性。

    Through the analysis of Lu Yin 's female consciousness , the thesis has demonstrated that the writings of contemporary Chinese women were inevitably confined to dual track discourse since her birthday .

  24. 摘要:存在和逃亡这一对矛盾在庐隐人生哲学领域的相互纠结,必然引起她情感世界的冲突和分裂,从而导致忧伤与愤激之情的产生。

    The contradiction between " being " and " escape " in Lu Yin 's philosophy of life must cause conflicts and division in her world of feelings and generate distress and anger .

  25. 本文考察了庐隐的悲哀的具体内涵,认为庐隐的悲哀既是其个人的悲哀,又是时代的悲哀,更是其作为一名时代女性生存体验的悲哀。

    This paper studies the content of this sorrow , thinking that the sorrow is not only of her own and of her age , but also of her survival experience in her times .

  26. 庐隐所塑造的大都是“伤感”型的人物形象,对爱情的追求与失意,对婚姻的恐惧与逃离,构成了女性形象的共同特征。

    Lu Yin always shapes sensible-typed images of various characters , depicting their pursuit and disappointment of love affairs , their fear of and escape from marriages , which constitutes the common features of women .

  27. 闽籍作家庐隐是五四新文学拓荒时期的重要女作家,她擅长小说创作,也写诗歌、散文,而小说影响最大。

    Born in Fujian , Lu Yin was an important woman writer during May Fourth movement new literary pioneering . She was not only good at novel , but also achieved in poem and prose .

  28. 庐隐小说有着强烈的现代意识,具体从三个方面表现出来:一是表现了现代人性意识的觉醒;二是融入了作家极为强烈的自我主体意识;三是洋溢着哀伤凄苦的悲剧意味。

    Lu Yins novels reveal a strong modern sense in three aspects : the awakening of the modern human consciousness , an obvious egoism of the writer , and the overwhelming sentimental and tragic feelings .

  29. 作为“五四”后第一代知识女性,庐隐作品中的“现代娜拉”在觉醒后无路可走的郁闷彷徨中找不到精神家园。

    As the first generation of female intellectuals after " the May4 " movement ," morden Nala " of Luyin 's , who hadn 't have a right way to find their spiritual home after they awakened .

  30. 庐隐等四位女作家的创作具有文学的自觉、表现新女性的困境、再现女性空间、受到古典文学的影响等重要特点。

    This paper outlines four important features of female writers '' works : the consciousness of literature , showing the plight of the " New Woman ", reproduction of female space and the influence of classical literature .