
  1. 名人代言虚假食品广告法律责任初探

    On The Liability of Celebrities Who Endorsed False Food Advertisements

  2. 细化遗失物悬赏广告法律责任的规定。

    5th , the refinement loses the lost object advertisement offering a reward legal liability the stipulation .

  3. 并在最后提出了名人代言广告法律责任规制的完善方案。

    And put forward the celebrity endorsement ads at the end the improvement of the legal responsibility regulation scheme .

  4. 但是由于缺乏相关的法律依据,国内名人虚假广告法律责任承担仅局限于学术领域的讨论。

    However , due to lack of regulations , celebrity false advertising on the legal liability is limited to academic discussion .

  5. 违法网络广告的法律责任问题研究

    The Study on Legal Responsibility of Illegal Network Advertisement

  6. 这种现实状况使得广告代言人的法律责任规制问题迫在眉睫。

    This reality of the endorsers liability regulation problem is imminent .

  7. 虚假广告行为的法律责任存在多元化,本文只是探讨虚假广告民事责任中的侵权责任。

    The legal responsibility of false advertising tort is various , this paper only refers to the tort liability of false advertising .

  8. 只有在立法中确立广告代言人的法律责任,才能严厉打击虚假广告代言,更好的保护消费者权益。

    Only by establishing the legal liability of the spokesmen in the legislation , can we crack down the false advertisement and protect the interests of the consumers .

  9. 由于我国法律规定的不足和疏漏,学界对于名人代言虚假广告是否承担法律责任颇有争议,有肯定说和否定说的存在,且每个学说都有很多不同的观点。

    As the legal provisions in our country exists a lot of shortcomings and omissions , whether the celebrities engaging in false advertising should bear legal responsibility is quite controversial in academia .

  10. 目前,我国现行法律体制对虚假商业广告代言人承担法律责任的规定还很不完善,致使许多案件在司法实践中难以追究虚假商业广告代言人的法律责任。

    Now , since for the legal responsibility of celebrity advertising false ads in our country , the current law have no explicit provision still , causing the blind in judicial practice in many cases .

  11. 而我国现行相关法律、法规却未明确规定广告代言人的法律责任,在司法实践中,往往也是不利于消费者的合法权益的保护。

    In China , the existing relevant laws and regulations have not been clearly defined legal responsibility endorsers . In judicial practice , it is often not conducive to the protection of legitimate rights and interests of consumers .

  12. 第二部分主要是虚假广告代言人应当承担法律责任的理论基础,从理论依据和现实必要性两个方面进行了分析。

    The second part is mainly the theory foundation why false advertising spokesman shall bear legal responsibility , with analysis from the aspects of the theoretical basis and practical necessity .

  13. 关于广告表演者应否承担瑕疵广告法律责任的探讨

    Discussion on Whether Advertisement Performers Should Take legal Responsibility for Dishonest Advertisements

  14. 第三部分:介绍我国广告媒体在广告中的法律责任规定以及分析其不足之处。

    Part 3 : introduced the legal liability provisions in Chinese advertising media and analyzed their deficiencies .

  15. 本文就是在这一背景下,深入探讨虚假广告中名人代言人应承担的法律责任问题,以期许为中国走出名人承担代言虚假广告法律责任的困境提供解决思路。

    In this context , this article discusses that celebrity endorser of false advertising should bear what kind of the legal responsibility .

  16. 国家工商行政管理总局日前出台了《广告法》,对广告荐证人的法律责任问题做出了相对明确的规定。

    The Draft of Advertising Regulations issued currently by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce expressly provide the liabilities of the advertising attestor .

  17. 本文从国家行政权力机关、行业自律、消费者监督管理等方面论述了法律对广告活动的监督管理,并概述了广告活动中的法律责任。

    This paper demonstrated the supervision of law to advertising activities from several aspects , such as national authorities , self-discipline of industries and consumer supervision , and presented responsibilities of law in advertising activities .

  18. 作者还指出,预设在广告中的功能在于它能保证话语的连贯性,并且帮助广告制作者逃避法律责任。

    The functions of presupposition in advertising are claimed that it can guarantee the coherence in a discourse and help advertisers shirk legal responsibilities .

  19. 借鉴发达国家对广告代言行为的有效规制,对于我国建立与逐步完善广告代言行为的法律责任体系有着重要的作用。

    Learn from developed countries to conduct special endorsements regulation , for the establishment and gradual improvement of our endorsements Legal liability system plays an important role .

  20. 本部分具体的分析了商业广告代言人的认定及其在商业广告中的法律地位,虚假商业广告代言人的界定,以及虚假商业广告代言人承担法律责任的理论基础这三个方面的问题。

    In this part we have specifically analyzed the recognization of the commercial advertisements spokesman and his legal status ; clear definition of the false commercial advertisements spokesman , and at last , theoretical principle of the false commercial advertisements spokesman to undertake the legal liability .

  21. 文章从网络广告发布载体的规范、网络广告内容的审查以及如何界定网络广告中广告主、广告经营者、广告发布者的法律责任等三个方面探讨了网络广告的法律规制问题。

    The article discusses the problem of network advertisement ' law system from 3 aspects : the problem of network advertisements ' issuing carrier , the standard of network advertisement ' contents and how to define the law obligation of advertiser , advertisement businessmen and advertisement issuer .