
  1. 这项技术可以帮助广告商更好的定位其广告对象。但是隐私保护者认为这项技术太可怕了。

    The technology is sure to help advertisers better target their ads. But privacy advocates argue that it 's , well , a little creepy .

  2. 这个广告的对象主要是十几岁的青少年观众。

    The target audience for this advertisement was mainly teenagers .

  3. 这种广告的对象是孩子们。

    The target of this type of advertising is children .

  4. 这个广告的对象是那些二十多岁且可支配收入高的人士。

    The advertisement is aimed at people in their 20s with high disposable incomes .

  5. 以现代电视广告为对象,我们可以了解到语境对电视广告语言的语义影响。

    We can find that the language meaning influence of the language environment in the TV ads.

  6. 接着我又想,这则广告的对象是什么人,买主是谁?

    So then I wondered , who is the ad targeting , who is the buyer ?

  7. 基本拓扑是通过向集群广告各个对象而构建的,例如队列和别名。

    The basic topology is built from advertising various objects , such as queues and aliases , to the cluster .

  8. 本文以博客广告为研究对象,从生态学的角度系统考察和研究博客广告的生态特征以及发展战略。

    This paper takes Blog Advertising as a research object .

  9. 本文以植入式网络视频广告作为研究对象,重点分析其互动性。

    This paper targets at the implantable Internet video ad and the interactivity .

  10. 分析发布者网站的内容和它的客户,为广告位置和对象提出建议。

    Analyze publisher website content and its audience to provide advertisers insights for ad placement and targeting .

  11. 区分互联网上合法和不合法广告形式?对象:地区总监、际网路联络职员。

    Distinguish between legal and illegal advertising methods on the Internet . Audience : District governors and Internet communications officers .

  12. 各行业中为企业经营活动购买或选定用品的人们构成了产业广告的目标对象。

    People in business who buy or specify products for use in business comprise the target audience for business advertising .

  13. 少女是广告的主要对象,她们特别容易受到广告的侵袭。

    Female adolescents are particularly vulnerable to , and have been the prime targets of , many advertisements and commercials .

  14. 因为大多数美国民众都是广告广而告之的对象,你何以能比较出来哪一群体耳濡目染的广告是其他人没有听闻的过呢?

    As most Americans are exposed to advertising , how can you compare one group that sees and hears ads to another that does not ?

  15. 在我这个年纪的孩子很多都生病了,真的不公平。她认为麦当劳利用广告向目标对象孩子们推销食品。

    It isn 't fair that so many kids my age are getting sick , ' she said , suggesting the company targets children with its advertising .

  16. 本文以平面公益广告为研究对象,对其互动意义进行了多模态话语分析。

    The present study takes public service advertisement ( PSA ) as the object and makes a multimodal study of print PSA with respect to the interactive meaning .

  17. 因此,本文以服饰奢侈品牌的期刊广告为研究对象,进一步研究服饰奢侈品牌期刊广告的视觉传达设计,以期找出有助于服饰奢侈品牌企业期刊广告策划的视觉传达设计优化方案。

    Therefore , the research selects clothing luxury brands ' periodical advertisement , further studies clothing luxury brands ' periodical advertisement visual communication design , aim to help clothing luxury brand enterprises find optimization scheme on periodical advertisement visual communication design .

  18. 之所以选用中文房地产广告作为研究对象,是因为前景化理论这样西方文体学理论较少用来分析中文广告这种实用文体。

    The reason why the author chooses Chinese real estate advertisements as the research object is that foregrounding theory is a classical Western stylistic theory , and it is less frequently used in the study of practical writings like Chinese adverting .

  19. 比尔,你最近就成为广告条的攻击对象了吧。比尔·汤普森:是啊,但是我很诚实。

    Bill , you become a banner in recent days .

  20. 用于虚拟广告系统的视频对象分割算法

    Video segmentation algorithm for virtual advertisement system

  21. 广告目的、广告对象、广告环境三方面分别对现代广告文案提出了特定的要求。

    The advertising subject , advertising objects and advertising surroundings make peculiar demands on modern advertising correspondence .

  22. 网友1:对于任何社会而言,广告招寻约会对象都是一件尴尬的事情。

    Netizen 1 : It 's really an embarrassment to any society who needs to advertise to get dates .

  23. 本文拟就日常生活中常见的广告语作为研究对象,并着重分析其中的幽默现象,从而探讨幽默广告语的翻译策略。

    Meanwhile , this paper tries to explore the translation strategies of the humorous advertisements with a view to retaining their humorous effects .

  24. 因此,本文以广告意象为研究对象,阐述其形、意构成及建构方法。

    Accordingly , the dissertation takes advertising image as its subject , expatiating the compound of vision and artistic concept and discussing the strategy of image composing .

  25. 论文以新时期的中国商业广告语为研究对象,从语言形态和表现内容两方面分析广告文本的辞彩美。

    The research object of the article is Chinese commercial advertisement of the new period . We analyzed rhetoric beauty of advertisement text achieved both through linguistic form and content .

  26. 依据文化人类学家霍尔对语境水平的高低界定,以中美广告实例为分析对象,探讨了广告在高语境文化传播与低语境文化传播中对文化同一性的差异性体现。

    In terms of the classification of context by Hall , the paper focuses on different requirements of cultural identity between high context advertising communication and low context advertising communication through analysis on Chinese and American advertising cases .

  27. 网络广告策划是网络广告活动的核心,本文详细探讨了网络广告目标策划、对象策划、主题策划、时间策划、文案制作以及网络广告发布方式和渠道。

    Cyber-advertising design is the core of cyber-advertising . This thesis discusses the aim design , object design , theme design , time design , text-making and the way of releasing the cyber-advertising .

  28. 本文主要以商业步行街户外广告特征为主要研究主题,以2007年北京王府井商业步行街户外广告为研究对象。

    This paper focuses on the researches in commercial walking street outdoor advertising , taking the outdoor advertising on 2007 Wangfujing commercial walk street as an example .

  29. 由于广告在日常生活中所扮演的重要角色,这篇论文选择英语汽车广告作为研究对象。

    Due to the significant role advertising played in everyday life , this thesis chooses English auto ads as its study object .