
  • 网络Advertising Creation;Crevtive Advertisement Design
  1. 夸耀与节俭:广告创作中的一对悖论

    Flaunt and Frugality : a Pair of Paradox in Advertising Creation

  2. 广告创作必须更加注重强化其人性化。

    The humanity in advertisements creation must be strengthened .

  3. 试论语言对抗在广告创作中的运用

    On Application of Contrary Language in Advertising Creation

  4. 因此,各国对国际广告创作和广告翻译的需求也在不断的增加。

    Thus there is a growing need for international advertisement creation and advertisement translation .

  5. 浅析超现实主义对现代招贴广告创作的影响

    Surrealism and the upgrading of poster artistic creation

  6. 广告创作中的人文关怀与说服艺术

    Human solicitude and persuasive skills in advertising creation

  7. 关于强化广告创作人性化的思考

    On Strengthening Humanity in Advertisements Creation

  8. 论审美情感与广告创作

    Aesthetics in the Creation of Advertisements

  9. 广告创作中的思维艺术

    Thinking Arts for Advertisement Design

  10. 合理地运用修辞策略是广告创作成功的奥秘之一。

    To use rhetorical strategies in a right way is one of the critical factors for successful advertisements .

  11. 本文从语言运用的角度讨论一种广告创作的方式:语言对抗。

    This paper discusses contrary language , a way of advertising creation from the point of language application .

  12. 审美情感对于广告创作之作用体现在三个方面:一是满足受众的情感需求,激发消费动机;

    It functions in three following points : 1.It meets the emotional demands of customers and motivates them into consumption .

  13. 正是基于这一点,高度压缩的前置修饰语已越来越受到广告创作人员的青睐。

    Based on these remarkable characteristics , highly-concentrated premodifications are finding more and more favor in the eyes of the advertising designers .

  14. 审美情感对于广告创作具有特殊价值,它是沟通广告与消费者的一个重要桥梁和纽带。

    In the creation of advertisement aesthetics possesses a particular value , which is an important link between advertisement and the potential customers .

  15. 然后,研究了二维动画在公益广告创作中的作用,通过二维动画能够使公益广告有效地传达信息,引起人们的关注。

    The information of the publish interest advertisement could be expressed correctly through applying the two-dimensional animation , and raised concerns from people .

  16. 最后,笔者简要分析了导致这些异同的因素,并据此对公益广告创作提出了合理化建议。

    In the last place , the author briefly discusses possible factors resulting in these differences , and then provides reasonable suggestions for subsequent PSA creation .

  17. 本文分析了语义双关在广告创作中的作用与特点;对语音双关在广告语创作中的审美作了辩证。

    The writer of this paper makes an analysis of the functions and features of semantic puns and the aesthetic features of phonological puns in advertisements .

  18. 但与欧美发达国家相比,无论在广告创作本身,媒体利用的程度,还是在运行机制上都还存在很多问题。

    But we have so many problems compared with European countries and American , like advertising created , the degree of use mass media and operation mechanism .

  19. 现代传播学和市场营销理论的发展,为广告创作注入了科学的内涵和新的活力,从而丰富的发展了现代广告创意策略。

    The development of the modem theories of the science of communication and the marketing injects scientific meanings and the new vigor , enriches the strategy of the modem advertisement originality .

  20. 本文针对广告创作中单纯追求轰动效应的种种表现,分析了目前我国广告创作中存在的问题及其危害。

    This paper is directed against various manifestations in the mere pursuit of " stir effect " in advertising and analyzes the existing problems in this field in our country and their harms .

  21. 同时在言语行为理论的指导下,探析了幽默在广告创作中的应用研究,提出适当的策略达到广告中幽默的最佳效果。

    In addition , it makes a tentative exploration for the application of humor to advertising design directed by Speech Act Theory , and puts forward some possible strategies to achieve the humorous effect in advertisements .

  22. 广告创作中新的观念与思维方式的导入为我们重新审视传统文化观念提供了更多的思考维度,而新技术、新材料的出现也为我们传统文化符号的再设计提供了更多样的可能性。

    The conceptions and thinking modes during the advertisement invention introduce us to re-survey traditional cultural conceptions , and new technology and new material also offer the designers the multiple feasibility of redesigning traditional cultural Symbol .

  23. 尤其对中国精神文化缺乏足够的认识,并没有真正理解中国元素背后的文化及内涵,对广告创作停留在表现元素的简单应用,缺乏精神层面的高度。

    Especially for the spirit of Chinese culture lacks enough understanding , not truly understand the culture behind Chinese elements and connotation of creative advertising , stay in the performance of the simple application , lack of spiritual height .

  24. 广告文本创作与传播中的互文性分析

    Try to Discuss the Intertextuality in the Text of Advertising

  25. 同时,也为电视广告的创作实践带来一些有益的启示。

    The research also brings valuable enlightenment for TV-ad practice .

  26. 首部中国动画广告片创作时间考

    Investigating the Creation Time for the First Chinese Animated Advertisement

  27. 强调个性美,是本广告公司创作广告的宗旨。

    Placing emphasis on individual Beauty is our aim in designing advertisements .

  28. 影视广告动画创作中的节奏把握

    The Rhythm and Confirmation in the Film Advertisement Animation

  29. 平面广告作品创作程序探析

    Analysis on the creation procedure of the graphic advertising

  30. 广告语创作中的语言文化互动现象

    Advertisement Creation through the Interaction between Language and Culture