
  • 网络Guangdong Museum of Art
  1. 这次回到母体广东美术馆的展览,范少华的“国画系列”是一次新尝试。

    This exhibition-Fan Shaohua 's Chinese Painting Series-is held by Guangdong Museum of Art , which should be a shot .

  2. 本次展览是由广东美术馆和德意志联邦共和国驻广州领事馆文化教育处,共同筹划并举办的。

    This is a cooperated program held by Guangdong Museum of Art and Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Guangzhou .

  3. 参加“追补的历史&馆藏中国当代作品展”,广东美术馆,中国;

    " Makeup Art History-Chinese Contemporary Works Exhibition of Museum 's Collection ", Guangdong Art Museum , China ;

  4. 参加“从西南出发&西南当代艺术展”,广东美术馆,广州,中国;

    " Starting from the Southwest : Exhibition of Contemporary Art in Southwest China ", GD Gallery , Guangzhou , China ;

  5. 《疾风》入选“纪念改革开放30周年&全国美术展览”广东美术馆;

    Gusty Wind was chosen for " Commemorate the30th anniversary of reform and opening up-the National Art Exhibition ", Art Museum of GuangDong ;

  6. “渗:移景和幻想”是广东美术馆关注当代水墨的又一次重大的展示。

    " Infiltration : Idylls and Visions ", is the second of a series of exhibitions in the Guangdong Museum of Art focusing on contemporary ink painting .

  7. 参加“新形象:中国当代绘画二十年”,中国美术馆、上海美术馆、广东美术馆、四川美术馆,中国;

    " Towards a New Image : Twenty Years of Contemporary Chinese Painting ", Touring Show in National Art Museum , Shanghai Art Museum , Guangdong Art Museum , Sichuan Art Museum , China ;

  8. 参加《亚洲艺术展》(广东顺德美术馆);

    Asian Art Exhibition , Shunde Art Gallery , Guangzhou , Guangdong Province , China ;

  9. 广东省美术馆与德岛县美术馆也建立了良好的交流关系;

    GD Museum of Art has built up good exchange relations with the Modern Art Museum of Tokushima Prefecture .

  10. 参加“向前向前&第二届广东青年艺术展”广东美术馆;

    Participated in " Forward , Forward & the Second Guangdong Youth Art Exhibition ", Guangdong Museum of Art .