
  1. 也许是对年轻时幸福时光的怀恋影响了他。

    He might be influenced by nostalgia for his happy youth

  2. 北京长江商学院的公关经理ChristinaLiu表示:一些人认为,花费一两年时间学MBA将会带来数十载的幸福时光&大把的闲暇时间和钞票。

    Christina Liu , PR manager of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Beijing , said : Some believe that spending one or two years of their life studying for an MBA will result in decades of happiness , more leisure time and money .

  3. 儿子的幸福时光则是第一次乘坐滑沙车的时候。

    With my son , it was a first dune-buggy ride .

  4. 他经常回忆年轻时候的幸福时光。

    He often retraces the happy time during his young age .

  5. 愤怒是悄悄盗走幸福时光的窃贼。

    Anger is a thief who steals away the nice moments .

  6. 这部电影描写了一位中国老人的幸福时光。

    The film depicts the happy hours of a Chinese old man .

  7. 我仍然记得我们大学时代的那些幸福时光。

    I still remember those happy days when we were at college .

  8. 对于幸福时光的回忆铭刻在老人的心中。

    Memories of happier days were enshrined in the old man 's heart .

  9. 他通过周游世界度过了晚年的幸福时光。

    He spent his golden years traveling to many parts of the world .

  10. 这是她繁重的生活中难得的一小段幸福时光。

    It was one of the few bright moments in her hardworking life .

  11. 那地方唤起幸福时光的回忆。

    The place evokes memories of happier years .

  12. 她在幸福时光中塑造的形象是完美的。

    Her portrayal in happy times is flawless .

  13. 这对所有人来说都是幸福时光。

    It is a happy time for everyone .

  14. 令人回想幸福时光的傍晚。

    An evening reminiscent of happier times .

  15. 他们收拾好了行李,就离开了农舍——他们原来希望在那儿度过一段幸福时光的。

    They finished packing and left the farmhouse , where they had hoped to be so happy .

  16. 遥远的山脉;遥远的未来;在遥远的海岸登陆的军队;遥远的幸福时光。

    Faraway mountains ; the faraway future ; troops landing on far-off shores ; far-off happier times .

  17. 在独立日,当我们和朋友们以及爱的人们享受幸福时光,

    So this Independence Day , while we 're enjoying treasured time with our friends and loved ones ,

  18. 那首轻音乐使我想起我们一起度过的幸福时光。

    The piece of light music __let_ me _bethink ( think ) _ the happy hours we spent together .

  19. 我们中的大多数人似乎一直都在等待一个更美好的未来去享受幸福时光。

    It seems like , that most of us has been waiting for a better time to be happy .

  20. 你最亲近的人正在享受新婚的幸福时光,而你却置身一桌怪人中间。

    Your nearest and dearest are enjoying newly-wedded bliss , and you 're suffering at a table of freaks .

  21. 我只知道我俩都很珍视这段与其他时间有别的幸福时光&看看报、放松一下自己,忘记那些本该记在心里的事情。

    I only knew we treasured this separate , blissful time read , relax , forget the things we should remember .

  22. 想起你,就想起我们共同度过的幸福时光,但愿能再与你多多相处。

    Missing you and remembering all those happy times we enjoyed together , and hoping we will share many many more .

  23. 我们谈到,日后想起这所房子见证、甚至是带来的所有幸福时光,我将多么伤感。

    We talk about the grieving I will do for all the happiness that this house has witnessed , possibly even shaped .

  24. 对幸福时光的想象;心算;精神状况糟糕;精神上的伤害;没有精神缺陷的。

    Mental images of happy times ; mental calculations ; in a terrible mental state ; mental suffering ; free from mental defects .

  25. 当你收到花时,请想想一起度过的所幸福时光,是怎样受到祝福的。

    When you get these roses , think of all the happiness that we had together , and how both of us were blessed .

  26. 亲爱的第一夫人,到今天为止,我们共同度过了31年的幸福时光,这是世上少数男人才享有的荣幸。

    Dear First Lady , this is the day , the day that marks 31 years of such happiness as comes to few men .

  27. 让我再想一想,我还能闻到那婚礼花束的甜香,你那么骄傲地捧着花,让每一个人分享你的幸福时光。

    If I concentrate hard enough , I can smell the sweetness of your wedding bouquet as you held it so proudly for everyone to see .

  28. 又一轮美丽月亮,又一个元宵佳节,又一段幸福时光,又一次真诚祝福,祝你:团团圆圆!

    And a beautiful moon , and a Chinese Lantern Festival , a period of happiness and time once again sincere congratulations , I wish you : Troupe round !

  29. 借口学习,我们度过了我们沉浸在爱情里的幸福时光,紧握住渴望已久的秘密激情。

    Under the pretext of study we spent our hours in the happiness of love , and learning held out to us the secret opportunities that our passion craved .

  30. 不管你如何看待这些研究的价值,抱歉,是科学,也可以花一些时间在网络上享受幸福时光,并想想到底得到多少幸福感。

    Whatever you think of the substantive value of this stuff-sorry , science-you can spend a happy hour surfing it on the web , and wondering how much of it has been invented .