
fú zhí
  • amplitude
幅值[fú zhí]
  1. 计算发现:随着Bond数的减小,耦合系统的响应频率先增大后减小,而响应幅值逐渐增大。

    The result indicates that with decreasing Bond number , the frequencies of the coupling system first increase and then decrease , while the amplitude increases gradually .

  2. 其NMDA受体通道电流最大幅值显著增加(P<0.05)。

    The amplitude of N-methyl-D-aspartate ( NMDA ) currents were significantly increased ( P < 0.05 ) .

  3. 文中分析了产生这一脉冲电压的原因,提出为了减少其幅值,冲击主电容C。

    Reasons for causing such an impulse voltage to occur have been investigated in this article .

  4. 提出了一种线性常系数Blind自适应均衡算法,它根据输入信号源自适应调整数字均衡器输出的估计幅值。

    The normalized constant modulus blind equalization algorithms with adaptive adjusting the dispersion constant is proposed in this contribution .

  5. 另外,还给出了一种可对IGBT的驱动电压进行幅值调整的电路。

    Furthermore , a circuit that can adjust drive voltage value for IGBT has been presented .

  6. 利用该模型,对相同条件下的CFRP拉索和钢拉索,采用数值方法分析了频率匹配比、拉索静拉力、激励幅值以及阻尼等因素对拉索参数振动特性的影响。

    By using this model , numerical results of CFRP cables and steel cables with the same condition were obtained .

  7. 复合多层膜的XRD分析表明,脉冲偏压幅值对薄膜的择优取向有重要影响。

    XRD spectrums of TiN / ( Ti , Al ) N composite multilayers show that , pulsed bias voltage stongly influences the preferred orientation .

  8. 双耳DPOAE各频率反应幅值正常。

    DPOAE amplitude showed normal at all test frequencies in bilateral ears .

  9. 睡眠状态下CM幅值略有增大,与此同时CM阈值减低。结论CM检测可为了解重振发生机理以及重振与CM和耳聋预后之间的关系提供可靠的客观信息。

    CONCLUSION CM offers the reliable information for the mechanism of loudness recruitment and is also useful for understanding the relationship among loudness recruitment , cochlear microphonics and prognosis .

  10. 因而可通过分离检测各模块输出的有功功率差和无功功率差,并利用DSP控制电路来控制每模块的基准相位和电压幅值,使各模块输出功率保持均衡。

    The control method of paralleled inverter is presented , that is , DSP controller controls the output power to balance through regulating the reference voltage phase and value of inverter .

  11. 在通过变压器对脉冲形成线充电的方案中,由于回路充电频率低,预脉冲电压幅值很小,只有kV量级。

    The frequency of the charging loop circuit is low enough that the peak pre-pulse voltage is only on kV level as PFL is charged through a transformer .

  12. 本文针对TCP网络系统的时滞特性,设计基于内模补偿控制器,提出了基于幅值与相位稳定裕度的控制参数整定方法。

    The internal mode compensation controller is designed for the delay performance of TCP network system . The controller tuning method is presented based on the gain and phase margin .

  13. 本文首先通过对数字通信电缆线芯直径的波动周期和幅值同电缆结构回波损耗间关系的分析,得出了通过对线芯直径数据进行在线FFT变换来预先评估结构回波损耗的方法及其步骤。

    The relationship between periodical fluctuation of the core diameter and SRL was analyzed . The method predicting SRL using core diameter data FFT transform was found .

  14. 在自由传感执行器,钢条,DSP等组成的试验系统中,可将钢条的振动幅值减小10分贝。

    In the steel beam system with self-sensing actuator and DSP , the amplitudes of vibration in beam can be faded by 10 dB , using the optimal parameter search or PD algorithm .

  15. 由于直流供电电源纹波的影响,电压控制SPWM逆变电路的输出谐波分量幅值较大。

    Because of the ripple of the DC power supply , the output harmonic amplitude of the voltage controlled SPWM inverter is higher .

  16. 其中临界比例度法通过获取系统临界稳定的振荡周期Tc和幅值Kc,以得控制器参数。

    Especially , in the use of the critical scaling limited method , vibrate period-Tc and amplitude-Kc can be gotten for controller parameters .

  17. 使用2个SHNN模型,一个用于判定电力系统是否处于动态稳定,另一个预测动态稳定系统的PQ节点的电压幅值。

    The second one is used for the dynamically stable system to predict the voltage magnitudes at all Po buses .

  18. 对响应主频率值、E值、第一响应幅值、第二响应幅值与贮藏时间、质地参数(硬度H1、回复性、胶性、咀嚼性)的相关性进行了分析。

    The correlation of the resonance frequency , E value , the first response amplitude , the second response amplitude with store days and texture parameters were analyzed .

  19. 参数激励的幅值不是很小时Mathieu方程的一种解法

    A Method for Solving Mathieu Equation when the Amplitude of the Parameter Excitation Is Not Small

  20. 利用本文研制的测量系统对Marx发生器开关分别在大气压下及充气状态下发生器装置输出的脉冲波形进行了测试,实现了其输出皮秒脉冲信号幅值可调、脉宽可变的功能。

    The output pulse waveform shapes were actually measured using the picosecond high-voltage pulse generator designed in this paper at atmospheric pressure and in the inflated state of Marx generator switches , respectively .

  21. 同时对安装回转轴系后AFM的测量噪声进行了测试,并通过结构改进使静态噪声幅值降为约10nm。

    The noise in AFM measurement process was tested after the shafting was assembled . The amplitude of static noise dropped to about 10 nm though structural modification .

  22. 方法在实验动物被处死前,检测其畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)幅值变化。

    Methods The amplitudes of distortion product otoacoustic emission ( DPOAE ) were measured before all the animals were killed .

  23. 听力损失越重,DPOAE检出率,幅值越低,检测阈越高;

    The incidence and amplitude of DPOAE decreased , and the detection threshold increased with the increase of hearing loss .

  24. 结果表明,Cd随着外加电压的幅值和介质的介电常数增加而增加,随着气隙距离和介质厚度的增加而减小。

    Results show that C d increases with the increasing of applied voltage and dielectric permittivity of the barrier , and decreases with the increasing of gas gap distance and the thick ˉ ness of barrier .

  25. 结果显示,不同幅值的电刺激对牛肉剪切力值的影响极显著(P0.001)。

    The results showed that electrical stimulation of different amplitude values of the shear force of beef was significantly ( P0.001 ) .

  26. 引入最大应变幅值衰减记忆函数L(q)和最大各向同性变形阻力衰减记忆系数w反映加载历史对循环棘轮行为的影响。

    The effect of load history on the ratcheting was also considered by introducing a fading memorization function for the maximum inelastic strain amplitude and isotropic deformation resistance of the loading history .

  27. 说明了PID控制器是过程工业控制中应用最广泛的控制策略,且幅值裕度和相位裕度作为频域分析时常用的性能指标,可用于衡量系统的稳定性及相对稳定性。

    PID control algorithm is widely used in industry process control . As the performance index of control system in frequency analysis , gain margins and phase margins can he used to represent the stability and relative stability of the control system .

  28. 本文对Gibbs现象的相关特性进行研究,并试图从数值实验中求得该Gibbs振荡的理论幅值与跳变值之间的关系。

    In this paper , one mainly focuses on the related characteristics of Gibbs phenomenon and attempts to obtain the relationship between the oscillation in theory and the jump value .

  29. 通过建立MATLAB仿真模型,研究了电网电压畸变、参考输入电压幅值和频率,以及积分增益变化对检测性能的影响,并得出有实用价值的结论。

    Though the MATLAB simulation , the influence of the power voltage aberration , the effect of reference input voltage amplitude and the frequency , especially the effect of the integral gain variation are discussed , and then a valuable conclusion is given .

  30. 以频谱特征峰的幅值作为特征值,以TE表示,通过分析特征值TE的变化,可以用于诊断气化炉内燃烧工况的变化情况。

    The characteristic peak amplitude was used as the eigenvalue of each spectrum which was called TE . The changes of combustion conditions in gasifier can be diagnosed by analyzing the changes in eigenvalue TE .