
  • 网络Disneyland Paris;disneyland resort paris;Disneyland Park
  1. 法国和罗马尼亚警方近日开展了一项整治巴黎迪士尼乐园的扒手的专项运动。

    French and Romanian police launched a crackdown on pickpockets at Disneyland Paris .

  2. 当时,欧洲迪士尼乐园耗费了数十亿美元资金,年轻的纳努拉经过与沙特阿拉伯王子阿尔瓦利德•本•塔拉勒磋商,说服他帮助巴黎迪士尼乐园免于破产。

    When EuroDisney was sucking billions of capital , the young Nanula negotiated with Saudi Arabia 's Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Alsaud to help save Paris 's version of Disneyland from bankruptcy .