
  • 网络project delay;Delay
  1. 本文对工程工期延误分析的两种方法CPM,BUT-FOR进行对比,阐明两种工期分析方法的应用范围及存在的问题,以便在工程建设与管理中予以关注。

    The paper compares two methods CPM and BUT-FOR for analyse the project delay , explains the applying limits and the existing question of two method for pay close attention in construction and management of project .

  2. 阐述了工期延误的类型,工程延误的处理原则,工期索赔的分析方法,费用索赔处理的基本原则和计算方法。

    This paper also gives systematical analysis to the types of project delay and the handling principles of claims of delay and cost .

  3. 基于TIA的工期延误分析

    TIA for the Analysis Methods of the Claims for Extension of Time

  4. FIDIC合同条件下工期延误及相关费用分析

    Analysis on the construction period delay and its relative costs under the FIDIC contract conditions

  5. 目前,三维CAD技术已广泛应用于工程设计的各个领域,它的应用大大缩短了工程设计周期,降低了设计成本,避免了设计偏差导致的大量资源浪费和工期延误。

    Now , the Tri-Dimensional CAD is extensively applied in each filed of the engineering design . Its application shortens the design cycle , cuts the design cost , and avoids wasting and postponement caused by design error .

  6. SCLProtocol2002是英国建筑法协会2002年颁布的一份指导性文件,他针对工期延误和中断的一些问题给出了合理可行的解决方案。

    The SCL Protocol ( 2002 ) is a guidance document that proposes a " scheme for dealing with delay and disruption issues that is balanced and viable " .

  7. 多事件干扰下工期延误索赔原则研究

    Study on the principle of delay claims with multi - event interference

  8. 工程项目工期延误原因分析

    Reasons for the Delay of Construction Period in Engineering Projects

  9. 公共建设项目工期延误风险研究

    Study on risks of time delay in the execution of public sector projects

  10. 从工期延误损失谈工程索赔的方法与策略

    Discussion on engineering claims and strategy based on loss incurred by delay of construction time

  11. 在没有进一步调查的情况下是不能作为计算工期延误的静态的绝对模型的。

    It is not a static absolute model against which delays can be measured without further enquiry .

  12. 科学合理的项目进度计划能够降低工程工期延误、投资膨胀。

    Period delays and investment expansion will be reduced greatly if we have a more scientific project schedule .

  13. 但鉴于世界杯准备阶段出现了大规模的建设工期延误,这种讯息听起来似乎越来越空洞。

    But with massive construction delays in the run-up to the event , that message seems to sound increasingly hollow .

  14. 借助于这样的专业软件来识别关键路径是分析工期延误的关键。

    This facility to identify the critical path is really the essence of delay analysis through the use of such software .

  15. 目前,采用这种技术的第一座反应堆正在芬兰建造,但该项目一直受到成本大幅超支以及工期延误等问题的困扰。

    The first is currently under construction in Finland , although the project has been beset by significant cost over-runs and delays .

  16. 其中突涌水造成的人员伤亡、财产损失和工期延误均排在各种地质灾害的前列。

    Casualties , property lost and construction delay caused by water gushing are very severe comparing with that by other geological disasters .

  17. 工期延误在世界各地的工程项目中普遍存在,如何有效控制工期延误是提高工程项目绩效的关键问题之一。

    Project delay is prevalent and common all over the world . How to control project delay effectively is crucial for improving project performance .

  18. 一旦工程项目工期延误未能按时交付使用,将造成不可估量的损失和极其严重的后果。

    Once the project schedule delays caused by failure to deliver on time use , it would result in incalculable damage and very serious consequences .

  19. 加强材料、设备的接运、保管工作、确保安全、避免因材料、设备原因造成工期延误。

    Reinforce the transportation and storage of material and equipment , ensure their security and avoid delay of schedule resulted from the problems of material and equipment .

  20. 客观原因造成工期延误的费用赔偿问题,费用计算的方法,工期延误有效期的确定。

    The extra cost questions caused by the time delay arouse by the objective factor , the cost calculation methods and period of validity of delay time .

  21. 而且降低了因工期延误、质量因素造成的成本风险,并且为以后的基层财政管理提供了宝贵的借鉴思路。

    And reduce the cost of risk of schedule delays , quality factors , and provide a valuable reference for ideas and for the basic level public financial management .

  22. 本文将利用解释结构模型方法和结构方程模型方法,定性和定量分析工程总承包项目工期延误影响因素之间的关系。

    The thesis is to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the relationships among factors influencing general contraction project delay , using the method of interpretive structural modeling and structural equation model .

  23. 自项目管理被引入我国以来已经经历了很长时间的发展,但是目前工期延误依然是我国的施工项目中普遍存在的问题。

    Since the project management was introduced in China , it has experienced a long development , but currently schedule delays of construction in China are still a common problem .

  24. 工程建设中不断发生的边坡失稳事件,导致了人们生命和财产的严重损失,由此引起工期延误而带来的间接损失更是不可估量。

    In the engineering construction process , slope instability caused peoples ' life and property seriously lossed , which caused schedule delayed . And so the indirect loss is immeasurable .

  25. 在过去的二十年中,计算机软件飞速发展,现如今建设工程中利用软件建模和分析工期延误已经非常普遍。

    Computer software has developed considerably over the last twenty years , such that it is now relatively simple to use such software for modelling and analysing delays in construction projects .

  26. 其中,成本的支出包括多方面,如受伤工人的治疗费用、工期延误的成本以及一些相关的赔偿金。

    Among them , the cost of the spending include various , such as the cost of treatment for injured workers , the cost of time delay and some other damages .

  27. 对于工期延误分析最有力的反对是证明声称的事件和工期延误之间没有因果关系,而是其它活动影响了项目进度。

    One of the obvious defences to a delay analysis is that the events complained of were not causal of delay to progress , but it was other activities that drove the progress of the project .

  28. 在国际水利工程施工中,由于现场自然条件的改变(而非承包商的原因)引起工程量的增加,势必会导致工期延误和施工费用的增加,给承包商造成工期和经济损失。

    In construction of a international water conservancy project , amount of works increases with variation of natural in-situ conditions , which leads to construction delay and construction cost increase , then economic losses of the Contractor .

  29. 工程总承包项目是一个复杂的系统,造成工程总承包项目工期延误的因素很多,并且各因素之间并不孤立,这给控制工程总承包项目工期延误带来很大困难。

    General contraction project is a complicated system . There are plenty of factors , which are not isolated , causing general contraction project delay . This brings great trouble for the control of general contraction project delay .

  30. 论文首先对工期延误的国内外研究情况进行了综述,通过文献分析和专家访谈,并结合工程总承包模式的特点,构建了工程总承包项目工期延误影响因素体系。

    First of all , thorough literature review of project delay is conducted . Taking account of the characteristics of project general contracting , the factors influencing general contraction project delay are identified by literature analysis and expert interview .