
  • 网络Mountain cloud;potch
  1. 圆盘运动模拟产生分形山和云

    Fractal mountain and cloud generated from circular disk

  2. 祁连山夏季地形云结构和云微物理过程的模拟研究(II):云微物理过程和地形影响

    The Numerical Simulation of Orographic Cloud Structure and Cloud Microphysical Processes in Qilian Mountains in Summer . Part ( II ): Cloud Microphysical Processes and Orographic Influence

  3. 表独立兮山之上,云容容兮而在下。

    She stands out , all alone , on top of the mountain ; clouds billow beneath .

  4. 你可以看到一座山有没有被云覆盖。

    You can see whether a mountain is covered by clouds or not .

  5. 构图及画风与纯阳殿相近,由49幅连续性的画面组成,各部分之间以山、石、云、树相隔。

    The painting style is similar to that of the Chunyang Hall with 49 consecutive scenes separated by mountains , stones , clouds and trees .

  6. 山,水,云,烟雾等自然景物的模拟被广泛应用于游戏、电影、媒体广告等领域[1][2]。

    Mountains , water , clouds , smoke and other natural features of the simulation is widely used in games , movies , media advertising and other fields [ 1 ] [ 2 ] .