
  • 网络flexor reflex;flexion reflex;withdrawal reflexes;withdraw reflex
  1. 肌紧张和屈肌反射在1h后恢复。

    The skeletal muscle tone and the flexor reflex were recovered gradually after 1 hour .

  2. 屈肌反射在脑损伤偏瘫患者下肢康复中的应用

    Application of flexor reflex therapy in rehabilitation of lower extremity of hemiplegic patients after brain injury

  3. 测量两组大鼠左足皮下蜜蜂毒(Beevenom,BV)诱致的持续性自发缩足反射,该指标反映脊髓介导的伤害性屈肌反射特性的变化。

    Bee venom induced persistent spontaneous nociception was used to reflect spinal cord mediated nociceptive flexor reflect .

  4. A组右侧屈肌反射阈较左侧提高,B组刺激强度为(35±1)V时仍无屈肌反射。

    In group A , the threshold of right flexion reflex was higher than that of left . In group B , when electroacupuncture stimulation was ( 35 ± 1 ) V , no flexion reflex was observed .

  5. 6例实验中纳洛酮(0.3mg/kg)静注后15分钟,施用10mg/kg普鲁卡因仍对屈肌反射及屈肌反射易化产生明显的抑制。

    In six experiments , 10mg / kg procaine was given followed by systemic administration of 0.3mg/kg naloxone and the inhibitory effects of procaine on the flexion reflex and the facilitation of the flexion reflex were not significant .

  6. 远节段电针对屈肌反射电位及背根电位的影响

    The effect of remote segmental electro-acupuncture on the flexion reflex potential and the dorsal root potential

  7. 刺激大鼠皮神经引起的屈肌反射电位及背根电位

    The flexion reflex potential and dorsal root potential induced by stimulation of the cutaneous nerve in the rat

  8. 利用底层反射对屈肌反射进行建模,实现机器人越障;利用中层反射对前庭反射进行建模,实现机器人坡面运动;

    Modeling flexor reflex by lower reflex to realize stepping obstacles , modeling vestibular reflex by medium reflex to realize motion on-slope .

  9. 巴彬斯基征是神经病学中最为常见的体征之一,也是反映锥体束损伤最可靠的体征之一,是上运动神经元损伤后一种屈肌反射的释放。

    Babinski sign is not only one of the most common signs in neurology , but also one of the most reliable signs reflecting the damage of pyramidal tract .

  10. 目的:探讨屈肌反射作为一种神经肌肉的促进技术的强化手段运用于脑损伤后偏瘫患者下肢康复的可能性。

    AIM : To observe the possibility of flexor reflex as an enhancing method in neuromuscular stimulative technique in rehabilitation of lower extremity of hemiplegic patients after brain injury .

  11. 结论:屈肌反射能够诱发或促进偏瘫患者下肢的屈曲运动,明显改善偏瘫患者的下肢运动功能。

    CONCLUSION : Flexor reflex therapy can induce or accelerate the flexion movement of the lower extremity and improve the function of the lower extremity of hemiplegic patients after brain injure .

  12. 右足底为屈肌反射;左侧因先前截肢而无法检查。面部左侧、左前臂和左手的浅表感觉略减退。

    The right plantar response was flexor , But the left could not be elicited because of his previous amputation . Superficial sensation was slightly impaired over the left half of the face and in the left forearm and hand .

  13. 桡侧腕屈肌H反射对颈6或颈7神经根病相关性的研究

    The Study of the Dependablity of C6 Radiculopathy or C7 Radiculopathy by the Examination of the H-reflex of Flexor Cardi Radialis

  14. 简介:典型的H反射可以通过刺激外周混合神经进而从四肢的肌肉上记录到,例如:胫神经的H反射,桡侧腕屈肌的H反射。

    Introduction . H-reflex is typically recorded from limb muscles with stimulation to a mixed peripheral nerve , such as the tibial nerve and median nerve .