
  • 网络Allegory;Allegorical Poem;Fables choisies mises en vers;Fables
  1. 寓言诗最明显的特征是具有简单的故事情节。

    The main character of allegory is that poems have simple stories .

  2. 盎格鲁·撒克逊寓言诗的传统与继承

    Allegory in Anglo Saxon period : tradition and inheritance

  3. 讽刺诗,抒情诗,寓言诗和散文诗;

    Satirical Poetry , Lyric Poetry , Verse Fable and Prose Poetry .

  4. 其艺术方式有三:一是典型的寓言诗,以动物故事寄托政治见解;

    The first one is that Wang expounds his political ideas by animal stories .

  5. 中唐寓言诗终于在中唐的时代绽放出了它最耀眼的光芒。

    The allegorical poems in Mid-Tang burst out its dazzling light in its own times .

  6. 此一时期的寓言诗作家群体形成规模,寓言诗的创作数量较之前后代最丰。

    The Writers Group became large scale . The amount of allegorical Poems was more than the previous and the later .

  7. 《天路历程》是英国基督教作家、布道家约翰·班扬的著作,于1678年2月出版,是一首基督教的寓言诗。

    The Pilgrim 's Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come is a Christian allegory written by John Bunyan and published in February , 1678 .

  8. 先秦两汉时期的寓言诗贯穿反伤害的生命意识,同时又渗透浓郁的家园情结和骨肉亲情,反映出中国古代农业文明和血缘纽带强有力的特征。

    The parable poem of this period not only run through the consciousness of resistance injury but also permeated strong home-emotion and the blood relationship , which reflected the powerful characteristic of the Chinese ancient agriculture civilization and blood relationship .

  9. 寓言诗的传统可以追溯到古希腊,但盎格鲁·撒克逊寓言诗的直接渊源在于《圣经》,与后来但丁、兰格兰德、班扬、奥威尔的寓言体作品一脉相承。

    The tradition of allegory can be traced back to ancient Greek , but in the case of Anglo Saxon period , the tradition can be found in the works of Dante , Langland , Bunyan , Swift and George Orwell .

  10. 在元历史的叙述中,作为政治寓言的朦胧诗仍有重要的意义。

    In narration of " metahistory ", " misty poetry " still have important meanings as the national fable .

  11. 所以他运用真假反语、烟云模糊、寓言谐音、诗语传情、人物表情、层次叙事等多种手法,来小心地隐寓他的内心真实。

    So he used the true and false irony , smoke cloud fuzzy , fables homophonic , poetry language expression , the character expression , hierarchical narrates and many kinds of techniques to carefully conceal his inner truth .

  12. 这种形式可以说是无限提高的伊索寓言,在这里诗对于辩证哲学的从属地位,正如后来数百年间哲学对于神学那样,

    a form in which poetry played the same subordinate role with regard to dialectic philosophy as that same philosophy was to play for many centuries with regard to theology .