
  • 网络lucky bamboo;Dracaena;dracaena sanderiana;d.sanderiana
  1. 适合在室内生长的不可食用的植物包括和平莲,石柑和富贵竹。

    Nonedible plants that thrive indoors include peace lilies , pothos , and lucky bamboo .

  2. 镧和2,4-D对富贵竹扦插生根的影响

    Effects of Lanthanum and 2,4-D on Rooting of Dracaena reflexa Cutting

  3. 湛江富贵竹产业可持续发展的问题与对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of the Sustainable Development of Lucky - Bamboo Industry in Zhanjiang

  4. 富贵竹提取液对几种植物插条生根的影响

    Effect of Dracaena reflexa Lam extract on formation of adventitious roots in cuttings of several plants

  5. 透过玻璃缸,我发现富贵竹的底部有许多细小的小须须,原来这是它的根。

    Through , I found the bottom of many of the small minke have to , it was the root of it .